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[Recruiting] Disturbance Of Gaia


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( '_')
.(> )> I was going to accept you into my clan.
.U U
......('_' )
.    <( <) But then I was like...
.(>   <) IT'S MY CLAN
...U U
( '_')
.(> )>Then i said 'sharing is caring'....
.U U
......('_' )
..    <(<)
.......U U But then I was like... 'Sharing is caring'....
...... But...
.(>    <) I LIKE MY Greek Mythology CLAN!
...U U
(> <) So then I kept it.
.U U
( ._.)
(> <) But then I remembered.....
.U U How much I love you all
(>    <) So I saved you a piece of my clan!
..U U
............(\/)............    (\/)
.............( >)>        <(<  )
(me)➡ ..U U..........U U ⬅(you)
Here ya go! *Accepts him/her into clan*!
 Hi everyone! I hope you like the little intro! This is my first clan, so hopefully, this clan can start up really quickly!
Only one member (me), but not for long! ^-^ Slowly but surely going to gain members!!
This a Greek Mythology based clan!!
The clan is kind of ah... Lets Fight style, something like the Percy Jackson series. They fight a lot.

                                                                           Rules & Regulations

                                                              4 Warnings from an Elder (high ranked)                                                                                                                               will result in a Kick from the Clan!!!

                                                              •Chat must be sustained at PG-13!

                                                                        Violation Punishment: Kick from Clan Chat

                                                              •Don’t scam your own clan members! Be their Buddy!!!

                                                                        Violation Punishment:  1 Warning

                                                              •Do not ask for a rank-up!! You get your rank-ups from being                                                                                    active, from doing honorable things, or that it seems you’ve                                                                                    become trustworthy!!

                                                              •People that have the permission to rank-up someone, kick                                                                                       someone from the clan, or the clan chat, DO NOT BE                                                                                                 IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!

                                                                        Violation Punishment: Demotion(s)



                                                                         IGN: SunnyShade


P.S: This is not suppose to contridict with people's religon In Real Life. Do not take the clan's Greek Mythology based style personally. Keep this In-Game.
                                                                   All Tenno Are Welcome!
Edited by SunnyShade
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