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Branches Of Yggdrasil ~ Shadow Clan 21\30


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Branches of Yggdrasil is a newly promoted Shadow Clan. Since we just reached 100% research done (excluding the colors) I decided to expand our ranks. We currently have 7 members, and we're part of the Shadow Legion Alliance so there will always be players online if you're looking for a squad.

Clan Ranks/Promotion(Listed from lowest to highest):

- Away ~ A member who is on a break from the game.

- Soil ~ The rank you start at when you join the clan.

- Roots ~ You reach this rank when you've reached MR 6 and have been a member for two weeks.

- Heart Wood ~ You reach this rank when you've reached MR 11 and have been a member for a month since your last promotion.

- Leaves ~ You reach this rank when you've reached MR 16 and have been a member for two months since your last promotion or you have proved that you're a helpful member of the clan.

- Bark ~ You reach this rank when you've reached MR 21 and have been a member for three months since your last promotion or you've started to take up some sort of leadership role in the clan.

- Yggdrasil's Sapling ~ You reach this tank when you've reached MR 26 and have been a member for four months since you last promotion or you have become a well known leader in the clan.

- Yggdrasil - This is the warlord's rank.

Membership Requirements:

- Mastery Rank ~ I decided that since we're no longer a baby ghost clan I think we might need a MR requirement. It's just a small requirement of MR 3 just so I know you have a little bit of experience in the game.

- Mature, respectful, friendly players ~ You don't have to be a certain age or anything like that, just don't be loud or crude on purpose, and don't try to insult other clan members.

- Active ~ I know everyone has their own life, but I'm just looking for people who active at least once or twice a week.

- Microphone ~ A mic isn't required, but it would be nice to have one.

- Must be willing to contribute ~ Since there are still rooms that I want to add to the dojo you must be willing to help with their construction.

- Be helpful ~ I want this Clan to be as close to a family as you can get in a video game, so please be willing to help anyone in the Clan if you can.

If this sounds like a clan you want to be a part of just leave a reply or PM me on PSN @ Zeciolen. Thank you for considering Branches of Yggdrasil!

Edited by (PS4)Zeciolen
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Hello, I'm Josh (Founder of Wandering Ghosts Moon Clan). We're interested in recruiting your clan into our active helpful community consisting of 31 clans called "Legendary Syndicates". We have a cool emblem and we would be delighted to have your clan as a part of our community.

Sorry, we're already a part of an alliance that we're quite happy with. Thanks for the offer though.

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I am an active player. Mastery rank 3. Looking to join a smaller clan and you guys seem great. Cool clan name and ranks too so that's a bonus.

Thanks, just send me an invite on PSN @ Zeciolen and I'll send you an invite when I can.

I meant friend request not invite. Lol

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Hello, I'm Josh (Founder of Wandering Ghosts Moon Clan). We're interested in recruiting your clan into our active helpful community consisting of 31 clans called "Legendary Syndicates". We have a cool emblem and we would be delighted to have your clan as a part of our community.


Well you can F*** yourself Josh, the fact that you feel you have the need to bring every clan in under your rule, makes you come off as Hitler. Warframe does not EXIST so that you may take over you worthless piece of crusted feces. Every time a clan is made they do not NEED to be under your cancerous will. And besides, why not give other small clans a try? Where as yours was simply pay to win. So in all honesty, please bugger off.

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Well you can F*** yourself Josh, the fact that you feel you have the need to bring every clan in under your rule, makes you come off as Hitler. Warframe does not EXIST so that you may take over you worthless piece of crusted feces. Every time a clan is made they do not NEED to be under your cancerous will. And besides, why not give other small clans a try? Where as yours was simply pay to win. So in all honesty, please bugger off.

Well thanks I guess for trying to stick up for small clans, but this was kind of unnecessary I already told him we weren't interested.

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Well you can F*** yourself Josh, the fact that you feel you have the need to bring every clan in under your rule, makes you come off as Hitler. Warframe does not EXIST so that you may take over you worthless piece of crusted feces. Every time a clan is made they do not NEED to be under your cancerous will. And besides, why not give other small clans a try? Where as yours was simply pay to win. So in all honesty, please bugger off.

This post was quite entertaining...Lol. Who are you again?
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I'm MR4 and I'm interested in joining your clan & I'm active on the weekends


Hi - I'm interested in joining.  MR3 (and climbing).  Happy to contribute. 


It would be awesome to have both of you, just send me a friend request on PSN @ Zeciolen and  I'll send you a clan invite when I can.

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