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Easy Way To Slow Down Rushers.


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How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them. 

How bout you go slowly in solo mode or get some friends.

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How about instead of trying to stop people from rushing, why not allow players to exit the mission individually when they reach the end?  That way those that run on ahead can leave without waiting for the rest of the group to catch up, and those that are exploring don't need to feel like they're holding up the party.

One problem the server gathers the data for the whole squad and then sends the data to the memory storage of the game servers at the extraction point when you leave.

That's why if you don't save progress if your game crashes or bugs.

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How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them. 

I hate to be negative but...what Vabla said, -1, sorry, just, not a good solution. 

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How about instead of trying to stop people from rushing, why not allow players to exit the mission individually when they reach the end?  That way those that run on ahead can leave without waiting for the rest of the group to catch up, and those that are exploring don't need to feel like they're holding up the party.

This would be great. I could just leave and other people can keep picking their nose in the back.

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I had other ideas like a kick button in mission, so The host give the timing in any stage.

Or something like a blacklist you put persons who don't do your game style, and when you play online that person cant enter in your game, only if he is invited.

It's a coop game after all, and we need to play toguether, but we dont need to play always in the same group.

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Honestly, I think having a toggle option for intended game speed would be the best way to go instead of halfassed attempts to force rushers to slow down.


People who want to rush can toggle the option and be grouped with other rushers, and people who don't want to rush don't toggle the option and get grouped with other non-rushers. Makes more sense to me than adding in stuns, cooldowns, etc.

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I like the idea that different factions have different abilities to stop or catch us.


I mean they must desperate want our technology,Corpus digging cryopods everywhere,Grinneer modify themselves by using Orokin technology,

and Infested always want to convert us.


It wouldn't surprise if they came up with multiple ways to immobilize us .(sleeping darts,maybe ?)


But ,basically these ideas won't stop rushers,it kind of encourage people to rush.

Because that means you have to go fast or they catch you,you need to change position before they smoke you out,

and probably need to separated a little bit from each other to avoid being captured in a same net or cage. 

 (nobody wants to stand next to their teammates when enemies are firing toxic grenade at them ,right  ? )


I personally believe if we want to encourage people not to rush ,just increase difficulty and better prizes

I remember back in Diablo 2 (I didn't buy 3,sorry ),the enemy grows larger,stronger and with better loots ,if you play with other players.

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One problem the server gathers the data for the whole squad and then sends the data to the memory storage of the game servers at the extraction point when you leave.

That's why if you don't save progress if your game crashes or bugs.

The data the server gathers can always be sent to it individually per player. They just have to change that bit because in the end the server still splits that data and updates stats to each player in the group.

The real problem is, because the game is being hosted client side, there'll be a problem with session ID when the host exits.


It's a rather big rework of the server code, but it can be done.

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It did...but was removed so we could post why we dislike an idea aside from mindlessly downvote it...


It was removed with good reason...


Yeah but now all we get are dumb or non-argumentive responses.


Like we literally just have people respond "ur dumb" to ideas they don't like.

Edited by Tetsmeha
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How about let say all facations have special abilitys like lets say


Corpus shoots electrical net that stuns u and slows u down while takes big portion of your shield, like ancient  your shield  (Trying to rush fast will get u killed.


Infestors spitts out something grosse on the floor that makes u get stuck or even fall down on ground.or slip, whatever is more cool.


Grineer  teleports you back or blocking the exits or scropion should drag u back if they see u trying to run away. so u cant simply pass by them.

i have an idea! Why won't we make it so there would be tons of spawns behind and everyone that isn't moving for more then two seconds will die? So everyone will play in my play style? How about NO
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Thanks to threads like these we no longer have our fun space ninja parkour but we instead have a "toggle sprint" button that promotes more rushing good job.

Shame they took away the down vote button it would of been useful for $&*&*#(%& threads like these.

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