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Clan Of Chroma Is Recruiting More Fun & Silly Tenno! (All Wf's Are Welcome!)


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Greetings Tenno! I am Razgriz (aka Raz), Chief of the Clan of Chroma.


UPDATE: Clan name has been changed. Please visit our new thread for Twin Renegade Dragons. Thanks for all the support!






As of the time of this writing, we are a new Ghost clan (created 24 hours ago) with 5 members (We are now a Shadow Clan with 10 18 members and more on the way), and looking to grow!


We are a relaxed clan. No insane rules and micro-management, no "Must attend" meet ups or wild events. We mostly hang out at our (already big) Dojo, maybe do some PvP in the Dueling Room, maybe do some farming, maybe do some story missions...or maybe just run around the Relay playing "tag" or whatever.


We are here to have FUN. We are gamers, young and old, and we understand that real life comes first. I myself am currently working as a night shift security guard and my co-founder works during the day in a medical supply warehouse. We are real people with bills to pay and stuff to do. We don't judge anyone just because they have to leave to go to work or do family stuff or run to class.


At the end of the day, we are just looking for fellow Tenno with the same mindset. We are a few crazy, silly Tenno who just want to have fun with others. All that we ask is that members be somewhat respectful of one another. Oh, and if you are wondering from our name...NO, you do NOT HAVE TO OWN a Chroma warframe to join up. Me and my Co-founder just thought it was really sad how under-rated and under-appreciated the Chroma warframe is, so through our name we can praise Chroma for being awesome.


Also, no one in the clan will become a high rank until I have had at least a few conversations with you. I have never liked clans/guild/FC's in which the leaders didn't even know the gamertags or names of higher ups. Just seems to be so impersonal, like work or something. (High ranks are now pretty much in order. Of course over time, changes will occur) I want to get to know you guys and gals!


Also, we might be small...but we pack a punch! So much of a punch that I have already been offered to join some pretty big alliances (sorry, not going to be throwing names out there...no kissing and telling here! lol). So if you are concerned about our "silly little clan" not being able to actually be of some help...fear not ;)


Sorry for the long post, hopefully you made it this far and are considering joining. Feel free to send me a PSN message or join our PS4 community "Clan of Chroma" if I am offline to seek recruitment. If I am online, send me a PM and I will get the ball rolling! (I am in the Eastern USA server). Even if you choose not to join our clan please remember: Game on, Party up, and have FUN!


Thank you, and PRAISE CHROMA! rawr

Edited by (PS4) BeholdTheRazgriz
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Figure I could also post some additional info up here to help...


-No "inactivity" bans. AKA, just because its been a week since you last played Warframe, we wont just kick you out for that. Seems silly. (Although it would be nice if you gave us a heads up that you might be gone awhile, just to be courteous.)


-As of now, ranks in our clan don't really mean all that much. Once we grow to a decent size, that may change...but for now, don't feel down and depressed if you join and don't become an "Officer" really fast. It is almost literally just a name at this point. (This has now been taken care of. Disregard this)


-We do NOT have an "age requirement". If you are a mature 13 year old, then you are just as welcome as a goofy 40 year old. Age is a number, its the person that counts.


-We do NOT have a "Mastery Rank" requirement. All are welcome, n00b or vet. If you just finished downloading the game 10 minutes ago, you are just as welcome here as the Tenno who has been fighting the Grineer Empire since 2013.


-We DO use "foul" language. I myself can't go 20 minutes without saying a curse word, so please be aware of that. I am not going to go out of my way (and out of my mind) to try and make sure your feelings are not hurt when I want to drop an F bomb. If I want to drop the F bomb, then the bomb is getting dropped. Sorry.


-We DO trade. We do have a trade station constructing in our Dojo, and we do plan to use it. We also Do buy, sell, and trade at the Bazaar, so feel free to contact members to see if they may have the pretty, shiney prime you want.


-We DO have fun. As mentioned in the OP, we are a silly bunch. If you are looking for "hardcore" people who do nothing but t4 runs all day or whatever...then maybe this is not the best place for that. We spend HOURS of literally just hanging out and talking about random crap. Yes, we do missions and stuff...but not all the time. As a matter of fact, this clan was born partially because of the kid in our squad who was annoying us by repeatedly asking "come ON are you guys ready?! hurry up and lets GO!!!" and we left the squad to just hang out and relax in the Relay lol


- We do NOT care about race. It might seem silly to say, but I myself have had issues with this in the past. Both me and my co-founder are of various mixed races. We do not care if you are white, black, hispanic, asian, pacific islander, etc. If you are cool people, then thats all we care about.


-We DO speak English. Yes, I can communicate in other languages...but I am a native English speaker, as are our current members. If you can speak English well, then feel free to join up...if you can't speak English....then I suggest finding the clans that are dedicated to your respective language. Sorry!


-Last but not least, we DO play other games. As I said in the OP, we are GAMERS! WF is a GREAT game, but that does not mean it is the ONLY game we play. I love playing other games like Bloodborne, The Crew, NFS, etc. Feel free to ask for help or anything with other games as I am more than happy to help out there as well, if I can. (Shameless shout out, if you do play Bloodborne, join the 3rd largest community IN THE WORLD: "The Hunters League". 24 hour parties and fellow Hunters willing and able to help and be helped.)


Well, hopefully this gives better insight into our "silly little clan". Thanks for reading, and PRAISE CHROMAAAAA! rawr

Edited by (PS4)BeholdTheRazgriz
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UPDATE: Already got some new recruits to help us grow! Along with new members, I have been hard at work to help make our clan one of the best places for both n00bs and Vets.

Some of the greatest news so far is:


-Our Trade Station in our dojo finally finished building earlier today, so now members can trade!


-Our Dojo is now 2 stories, and construction of our labs will begin in the next few days!


-We now officially have established close ties to the "Legendary Syndicates"  Alliance (we are NOT IN the alliance, but the alliance leader has pledged support for our clan)


-Our PS4 community page is now open to the public! It was accidentally set to "invite only", but that has now been changed. Anyone who is interested in joining our clan can now join our community page to seek more information and recruitment!


-Recruit promotions will be starting SOON! Get in while the gettin is good.


-New Ranking System: Chief, Co-Founders, President, General, Officer, Sergeant, Recruit, Utility. All new recruits are automatically given the 'Recruit' rank.


-We have formed 'un-official' alliances with other clans for the purpose of trade. Items such as Prime Warframe parts/blueprints, Prime weapon parts/blueprints, Mods, resources, and more are now available on discount from these clans if you are a member of the Clan of Chroma!


We are working everyday to get some other stuff done, so make sure to follow this thread to stay up to date with our clan as we grow and develop! As always: Game On, Party Up, Have FUN, and PRAISE CHROMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by (PS4)BeholdTheRazgriz
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I wish you well on the future of your Clan I was going to offer you a place with us in The United Friendship Alliance made up of 11 Clans,my Clan The Stalker Hunters having 65 members.But I see you have the backing of Josh so there's not much point is there lol.

I have no idea why people don't like Chroma but he's my Solo Ice Tank :)

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I recommend this clan, It is a great community for both new players and veterans. I believe this clan has potential to be a leaderboards clan with teamwork. Join today and be a member of Clan of Chroma! - Josh (Founder of Legendary Syndicates Alliance)


Thanks again for the support Josh! Hopefully this leads into a prosperous future for both sides :)


As of now, our main interest as a clan is Trade. I aim to be able to directly provide the blueprints, parts, or materials my members need and if we don't have them, then we find a way to get them. I have made a few trading contacts in the past few days that will be crucial in this goal.


I wish you well on the future of your Clan I was going to offer you a place with us in The United Friendship Alliance made up of 11 Clans,my Clan The Stalker Hunters having 65 members.But I see you have the backing of Josh so there's not much point is there lol.

I have no idea why people don't like Chroma but he's my Solo Ice Tank :)


Do not be discouraged friend! The Clan of Chroma is friend to all Tenno! If you wish to stand side by side as friends, then we are more than happy to welcome you! The Clan of Chroma is an independant clan, free to ally with whomever we wish. Think of us as one might think of the Old Earth nation of Switzerland...neutral in drama, friend of all, enemy of none (so far)!


That being said, although we may not be in your alliance, we are more than happy to help out and seek goals of mutual benefit.

Edited by (PS4)BeholdTheRazgriz
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As long as you are not into dark sector and rails then you will be fine and can carry on being a friend to everyone just as Josh is,the drama starts when they start fighting on rails again.Something I have very little interest in but it will not stop me jumping in the odd rail fight for a little fun.Again I wish you well with your Clan I hope it turns out to be everything you want it to be.Regards SW

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UPDATE! I will be making some minor tweaks in the OP to reflect these changes, but just for the record I have more amazing news!


-Clan of Chroma has officially outgrown the Ghost Clan size due to membership influx. The Clan of Chroma is officially a Shadow Clan! In addition to this, we are also officially a worldwide clan, with members in both North America and Europe/UK!


-Tenno lab is now complete, and research on the Wukong Warframe and the Akstiletto Side Arm has begun.


-Energy lab is currently under construction as this update is being typed. Will be finished soon!


-Dojo has grown MUCH larger now. The Clan Great Hall has finally finished construction next to our Temple of Honor and will have an Obstacle course and Elevator (downstairs) attached once the T connector is finished building. Also, we have relocated our Dueling Room (Not easy to do) to be attached to our large Mosaic Garden, along with our Observatory. Construction has begun upstairs above our Temple of Honor. We have a dedicated "Reactor Hall" with 6 active Reactors, as well as a dedicated "Research Hall" where our Tenno, Energy, and all future labs will be. And of course our original Clan Hall is now our "Trade Hall" and home to our Trade Post and Treasury.


-Speaking about our dojo, if you are interested in joining the Clan of Chroma, and want to check out our dojo...feel free to ask! We have put a lot of time, effort, and money (credits and USD) to make our dojo and we love to show it off! Send a PSN message or in-game PM to myself or my Co-Founder, BeserkoRenie, if you wish to get an invite.


-More Alliance leaders have gone out of their way to show support for our clan. Let me once more remind anyone reading this update that we are still INDEPENDENT, and not officially a member of any alliance.


-I and my Co-Founder, BeserkoRenie, are actively talking to a few smaller clans who are leaning towards dissolving and joining our clan. We hope and expect to see results in the next coming weeks.


This is all the news I have for now, but stay tuned for more to come!


P.S. - If any of you smaller clan leaders are reading this and are also debating whether or not to disband your clan...please, contact me through PSN or in-game to see if it might be a better idea to join the Clan of Chroma! Although we do have no "inactivity ban", I have found that our members are very active and online everyday. Also, even though we heavily encourage seeking help, our members are NOT looking for a carry. Many of them do take pride in themselves when they can pass through the story missions themselves, so don't worry about being bombarded with messages and PMs asking for help throughout the entire game.


Thank all of you for your continued support and generosity. The Clan of Chroma, and myself, thank all of you personally for your aid in growing our little silly dream into a reality. PRAISE CHROMAAAAA!!!!!! rawr

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UPDATE: We have as of now officially absorbed 2 smaller clans into the Clan of Chroma! We are already expecting to become a Storm Clan by the end of this month, probably sooner!


...and yes, we are still independent of any official alliance!


Also, we have officially built every research lab except the Orokin lab (but all that is good for is building solar rails, which we don't care for).

We are currently waiting for a variety of Research to be competed, including Akstiletto, Incubator Upgrade Segment, Velocitus, and Silva & Aegis. We are still gathering materials for Wukong warframe BP, but are so close to competing it. We are also waiting on research to finish on Fieldron Research so that we may begin research on other Energy components.


Also, we now have 3 floors in our Dojo, and teleporters in every major area are currently counting down to completion for ease of travel. A few major areas are the Trade Hall (Original Clan Hall), the Great Clan Hall, Junno Water Garden, Mosaic Garden, Reactor Hall, Research Hall, and more!

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All aboard!


Anyone who is interested in joining, please do the following:


1) Make sure you are not in a clan already. DE does not allow clan invites to be sent to members of other clans, in order to reduce spam and unwanted/unneeded inbox messages. If you want to leave your clan, go to the clan menu (inside the "communication" menu) and highlight your name, then press 'X' and select 'Leave Clan'.


2) Send me, BeserkoRenie, or cuteygirl890 a PSN message asking to join the Clan of Chroma.


3) Invite will be sent soon! Welcome to the clan!

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UPDATE: Me and my high ranks have been discussing alot of stuff over the past few days with the future of this clan...some BIG changes are in our future.


As a result, we will no longer be recruiting once we reach 30 total members.


We have 12 spots open as of right now. Once those spots are taken, we will temporarily stop recruitment until further notice for re-structuring.

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