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Kick From Group Option


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I trust DE won't ever make the mistake of adding a kick function to the game.  The moment it is added it will be abused.


I think a kick function isn't a bad idea, but I have played enough videogames to know the abuse that could be made.

I don't support this time.

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Uh, no I shouldnt be forced to not play with new people. How will I ever meet people if I never play online? Id have a very small contacts list wouldnt I?


Your terrible excuse of "a risk of online life" makes me think you like joining random games and trolling them.


Regardless you failed to comment on the ability of a host to back out, which automatically boots everyone anyway, and reinvite who they want. The ability to kick is already there, Im saying they need to implement it better for hosts.

1) Ok then, you can play with new people whenever you want. Make appropriate modifications to your contacts list when you do so.


2) Trying to squeeze implied meaning from my stance in the discussion is weak, presumptive and in this case wrong. As I have said before many times do to the power of the contacts list and (only) playing with like minded people I have not played with random players in any way shape or form for months. I have better things to do with my time (like farm neuroids and neural sensors) then join random games and troll. I am arguing this case simply on principle, I have not personally had a problem with rushers, turtles, or trolls since I got past my first few weeks of play. (because I used the contacts list!)


3) Comment on poor hosting: If you are a host and back out just to "kick" people you are in my opinion a poor host and a bad sport. And if i was in the middle of building my contacts list you would not go on if for such behavior. And when / if I see such behavior from anyone on my contacts list I will delete them from my list. Bottom line, there is a more mature way to deal with play styles you don't like than shutting down the game and starting over, yes it meas that you will have to put out a little bit of effort and compose a list of like minded players. But after you have done that, every game is trolless. That is the power of the list, use it wisely!

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3) Comment on poor hosting: If you are a host and back out just to "kick" people you are in my opinion a poor host and a bad sport. And if i was in the middle of building my contacts list you would not go on if for such behavior. And when / if I see such behavior from anyone on my contacts list I will delete them from my list. Bottom line, there is a more mature way to deal with play styles you don't like than shutting down the game and starting over, yes it meas that you will have to put out a little bit of effort and compose a list of like minded players. But after you have done that, every game is trolless. That is the power of the list, use it wisely!

I'm sorry but I disagree. Hosts should have the ability to play with who they want, but shouldn't be limited to private play just to avoid people. You mention different playstyles, then crap all over mine? Not everyone will play like you do, I think you're a bad sport to try saying "Unless people play like you do they're wrong".


Regardless, I think hosts need more ability to control their gaming session. If you dont like someone you join you have to ability to leave after all don't you? I reserve the same right. If someone joins me I have the right to use whatever tools I have available to stop playing with them. So far the only tool I have to boot anyone is to back out and reinvite people I do want to play with, so thats the tool I'll use if I want to boot someone.


I disagree with your entire standing on "Hosts and players should have no options whatsoever and just deal with it." since Im a proponent of giving players more options in general whereas you would seemingly have us take them all away just so we play like you do.

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If you're joining public games with other players to rush leaving them behind you deserve to be kicked.


I can't believe you actually are trying to defend that type of jackass behavior. When anyone joins a public cooperative game they expect cooperative play not some jerkbag to run off doing God knows what ruining it for the rest of the people. That is why there is a solo option specifically for that.


I'd love a vote kick option. I'd be booting rushes all the damn time. I'm sure there will be the eventual 3 person pre-made that simply plays to vote kick the public player to greif them, but I think the trade off would be well worth it.

If you read what I'm saying you might notice that I'm trying to add some perspective from another angle. There are numerous games with kick options and the amount of abuse/grieving/trolling through it is through the roof. That's why I'd be against kick for any reason and I'd defend exploring if this thread was posted from a rushing point-of-view and now will defend rushing during this discussion. ;-)


But it seems that the mindset of "I need to play the game my way, the other way is bad and this people playing the other way should be removed from my games" apparently is worth the grief for others in people their mind.

Not only as stated by you, but by a lot of people in the 100's of threads on this subject already posted in this forum.

All I can say: inb4 forum posts with titles like "I got grieved by xyz for kicking me right before picking up the boss loot" or "I'm getting kicked from every party for just playing the game (perceived as turtling)" or "I'm getting kicked from every party for just playing the game (perceived as rushing)".


You can't expect  people to play your style without any consideration for them; there are a few terms that would cover that: "narcissism", "self entitlement" and "egocentric behavior". Not saying you are, but forcing your play-style on others does fall under that.

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They need a kick. Its simple..group leader, the one everyone is on, the one with the big..fat..ABORT button that doesn't just end the mission for themselves but for everyone (Host migration aside).


I usually run with clanmates, but i met my share of them in the council.


When I do run Online, which is not rare at all, I am party lead. We get a troll rusher in the group when we are mat farming...its simple. Abort mission. We will go do it in private if we must, we were simple trying to be generous. So we do have a kick button as is, but we need a better one. So yeh, PARTY LEADER should have a nice "Kick this person" option.


So yeh, Kick option please. (Especially for ED where you get the wonderful folks that dont mark mods or come into Xini/Palus/Outer Terminus in a 120/120 virgin warframe with a Mk-1 Braton/Skana/Lato: No..i have no idea HOW they got there with that gear).




This keeps coming up, answer is always the same. You have the ability to play with only like minded players. It's called the contacts list, use it. Kicking will be a troll tool. It has been in every other game that has had it.



..How does one...meet people to get onto the contacts list?

Hmm good question huh! OH WAIT!

Thats right, by playing online. Oh my its genius huh?

Yeh you totally missed that huh?


Your argument is about as effective as saying "If you drop a baby and it lands on its head, it is the baby's fault for not landing on its feet", makes all the sense in the world.

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Yes, we need a vote kick.


I have no idea what everyone has with rushers. If they run on ahead, just let them, mop up after them and collect mats. What makes me rage is when I join an endless def and two out of four people are standing on the start, motionless. That is the time i'd kill for a votekick.

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I'm sorry but I disagree. Hosts should have the ability to play with who they want, but shouldn't be limited to private play just to avoid people. You mention different playstyles, then crap all over mine? Not everyone will play like you do, I think you're a bad sport to try saying "Unless people play like you do they're wrong".


I disagree with your entire standing on "Hosts and players should have no options whatsoever and just deal with it." since Im a proponent of giving players more options in general whereas you would seemingly have us take them all away just so we play like you do.

Again you are putting words in my mouth. I have been careful not to "crap" on either play style (go back and double check my posts, there is no crapping) as I see the advantages in both. All I am attempting to point out is there is already a completely viable tool in the game to help you to play with people you like. I suppose at this point well just have to agree to disagree. Which is fine, it happens all the time in the real world, But it leaves me wondering why more people don't use the tool right in front of them to protect themselves from rushers and turtles.



..How does one...meet people to get onto the contacts list?

Hmm good question huh! OH WAIT!

Thats right, by playing online. Oh my its genius huh?

Yeh you totally missed that huh?



And you totally missed my fabulous four step program. Here it is again.  :D


Step1) Play with random people.


Step2) Add like minded players to your list.


Step3) Do not add players who's style you don't appreciate to your list.


Step4) Use the contacts list to play the game.


Hooked on phonics worked for me !

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Pls... Plss.. PLssssssssssssssssssssss


I create game.. 2 players run with me and explore map for loot and mats when suddenly someone join and start rushing.. ok.. he cant end mission solo but - killing mobs - no exp for others, destroying boxes, open chest - mats will gone before we go to them.. killing boss - no exp for others and prob no mats in loot.


In situation like that i would like to kick players what dont want to play with others.

If u want to RUSH.. PLAY SOLO !!!!

If you want to explore play SOLO.

You have the same rights to kick a guy for rushing as him kicking you for being slow as f*ck.

-1 grow up.

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Another situation:


3 players play normal... def crypod and stay close to get max bonus for exp... one of player go far away and killing whole group of mobs when they just just run.. ppl write to them and nothing... we lost exp and sometimes mats drop, because they gon before we go there.. etc.


Still im pissed when i can't choose between join to group or start my own session...

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Kicking will be pretty worthless and most likely will be used to troll. For example, you are in a 2 man random team, you manage to kill the boss and snag yourself a bleuprint, but out of spite you decide to kick/votekick the other guy and he immediately is kicked without being able to collect the loot.

If you disable two man kicks to prevent this, what stops a rusher from ruining the experience of the one guy by himself? This makes kick rather redundant.


Plus, what's to stop a rusher from initiating a votekick on the person lagging behind for being "bad"? I've played a game where a player was rather underlevelled and wasn't playing too well for his zone (he died a few times) and the other two guys on my team were moaning about how bad he was and just rushed ahead while I stayed back to revive him, won't that be even more rage inducing? To be kicked by the guy who joins your game, and "ruins" your experience?


So no, kick will just be a bad bad idea.

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Kicking will be pretty worthless and most likely will be used to troll. For example, you are in a 2 man random team, you manage to kill the boss and snag yourself a bleuprint, but out of spite you decide to kick/votekick the other guy and he immediately is kicked without being able to collect the loot.

If you disable two man kicks to prevent this, what stops a rusher from ruining the experience of the one guy by himself? This makes kick rather redundant.


Plus, what's to stop a rusher from initiating a votekick on the person lagging behind for being "bad"? I've played a game where a player was rather underlevelled and wasn't playing too well for his zone (he died a few times) and the other two guys on my team were moaning about how bad he was and just rushed ahead while I stayed back to revive him, won't that be even more rage inducing? To be kicked by the guy who joins your game, and "ruins" your experience?


So no, kick will just be a bad bad idea.

Even in your worst case scenerio, it'd just migrate the host and the guy would be playing on his own hosted mission and literally lose no progress, assuming he can make it back to extraction by himself which isnt that hard even for those of us who dont rush.


Theres no real reason why the party leader/host shouldnt have a kick option.

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The kick option is the ultimate troll tool, even if it can only be initiated by the host. Don't like someone for whatever reason or just feeling like a #$&(%? Wait till you see the extraction room, then kick someone/everyone. TROLOLOL~

First off, you ARE getting exp for the rusher's kills. Same goes for credits, though not for mats. Mods don't even disappear. And if this "rusher" managed to break every container, kill every mob and even the BOSS before you even caught up, then quite frankly it is YOU that needs to up your game and hurry up. A real "rusher" would be one who rushes past every single enemy, does the objective and make a direct beeline for extraction. By your example in your OP post, that wasn't even a rusher, it's just you and your two other teammates who were way too slow.

And as a lot of other people have said in the thread already, if you're so offended by rushers in PUBLIC games, then go build up your contacts list and play private mode. It's REALLY easy to do, here's a few steps to help you out:

Step 1: Play the game in public mode.

Step 2: Ask like-minded players in your games to add you to contacts.

Step 3: Repeat step 1 and step 2 for as long as you like to build up your contacts.

Step 4: Play Private mode with a list of like-minded players.

Step 5: ???

Step 6: Profit.

See? Easy right? Your playstyle is not the only playstyle, stop trying to enforce it on everyone, especially in completely random public games.

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The problem really comes down to resources disappearing on a timer, credits at end of the mission not counting for everyone [only those at the extraction, and theres no reason why everyone shouldn't get the credits anyway] and I don't believe you get experience for kills unless your nearby. [could be wrong on that though] As far as mods, if they kill something and a mod drops and no one else sees it, it could get missed by everyone else [face it, most rushers Ive seen dont use waypoints]


If DE addressed these problems, aka credits being awarded regardless if in extraction or not, mods showing up through walls like players do or on the mini map, getting rid of resource timers and experience being shared equally... well I dont think anyone would have a problem really. Instead of fixing the symptoms [aka, nerf rushers] and started treating the problems [listed above] then it wouldnt matter if you rushed off or not. Well, unless its a hostage mission and the rusher has the hostage following him and gets him killed and fails the mission like a tard... just happened to me actually.


It wouldnt hurt to have more options available to people though as far as matchmaking is concerned though regardless. :)




Edit: The host still should have a kick option though for other reasons however, rushers or not. Mostly Id like one for idlers and just people who might join you and start problems/troll, which hasn't happened but once to me really. Still it should be there, cuz it will still happen cuz people can be tards sometimes. Theres just no good excuse why hosts have no options to control their online game right now.

Edited by unmog
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I know what they should do...

Nerf wall running and Parkour and make everyone run as slow as Rhino.

D: please no the acrobatics is my favorite part - style kills ftw.

We just need a way to kick people who idle at defense missions on the rare occasions I'm pubbing.

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This is very much needed. I played a game where a player had a data case that he did not take to the finish line. he just stood there and watched the other players that was waiting. Would not have cared but it was a alert mission so if I aborted it, I would not have received the reward

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