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Wallrunning/climbing Animations

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I'm not 100% sure when they were implemented, but I feel like it was in the new 8.1 update and they make me so happy. As you might be able to tell from my name, I like running around a lot, and these new animations help so much.

For people that don't know what I'm talking about, try running up one of those giant shipping crates. When you reach the top, instead of just running up all wonky and ending on top by rotating forward magically, your frame should approach the top and grab onto the ledge, flipping up like a ninja. This allows us to climb surfaces we couldn't previously as we only need to get to the edge, instead of running all the way up to flat ground.

All in all, I'm insanely happy and may or may not post videos of reaching new heights with these animations.

EDIT: Looked back at patch notes, it was in 8.1.

Edited by AluvianSprinter
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you could already do that, you just needed to crouch. They just changed the animation,


Also I kinda dislike the new animations, they're too busy.

You don't have to crouch anymore, it's automatic now.


I agree, it's way too busy.

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