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List Reasons Why You Support/disapprove Of The Cooldown


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I'll list the reason why they add the CD, although I personally disapprove.


Without the CD I can keep up with stamina always full, aka making the marathon and quick rest mod useless.


With the CD, I have to wait for it to recharge.

Edited by Hueminator
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I'll list the reason why they add the CD, although I personally disapprove.

Without the CD I can keep up with stamina always full, aka making the marathon and quick recharge mod useless.

With the CD, I have to wait for it to recharge.

I would argue that is a bad thing. As that we are supposed to be super advanced space ninjas, having to stop and recharge our stamina every 20 seconds does not fit the concept IMO.

So, in keeping with the idea,a negative

-You have to stop and recharge stamina more often, breaking the flow of play.

Edited by liavalenth
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Honestly, I feel that in a game that tries to emphasize parkour and movement, sprinting should never be the fastest way to get around (because it's the most bland). Sprint and stamina mods are for people who can't be bothered to pull off parkour moves getting from one place to another; if you can pull off your parkour skillfully enough, then yes - it should be a viable alternative to sprint mods.

I don't want sprinting to be the most efficient way to get from one place to another. Parkour should be that. Sprinting should just be a fast way to get around - no less, but no more than that either. If you don't like parkour, use a sprint mod.

That said, I prefer wall-launching to helicoptering, for instance. One requires observation and timing and the other requires repeated pressing of keystrokes that can be macro'd. I don't really mind it at all, though. Why not reward players for creatively using what's available?

Just my opinion, of course.

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Reasons why the cooldown is bad:


No cooldown allowed people to go ridiculously fast, and all that entails.


Made individual Warframe innate speed a nonissue.




Reasons why the cooldown is good:


It looked absolutely ridiculous and made no sense whatsoever. Being a space ninja in Warframe means wall running, flips, kicks and sliding, not spinning around on your knees endlessly like a dizzy drunk on a waterslide. Perhaps now that this exploit has been fixed, DE can look into adding other means of increasing mobility that are actually intentional and balanced for their purpose.



Mods that previously affected run speed, stamina, stamina regen, etc., were without purpose, as slideattack abuse nullified the role they normally would have played.


It allowed people to move faster than DE intended, breaking the intended balance between slow and fast frames. Perhaps now that it's not as easy to circumvent character speeds, DE can focus on ways of improving the slow Frame's roles and abilities to better mirror their lowered mobility.


It was not difficult enough to warrant any sort of false skill ceiling required to perform it, the requirements merely being equipping weapons that allowed for maximum abuse of the slide/slide attack system and learning a simple few keystrokes, repeated endlessly.


It did not fix rushing, but made rushing in this manner more difficult and less desirable. The change was not meant to fix rushing anyway, and I'm not sure why so many people think that it was. 



The exploit being taken away was fine.  What we want back is the slide > jump > slide.  They shouldn't have nerfed our mobility just to fix an exploit.

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I would argue that is a bad thing. As that we are supposed to be super advanced space ninjas, having to stop and recharge our stamina every 20 seconds does not fit the concept IMO.

So, in keeping with the idea,a negative

-You have to stop and recharge stamina more often, breaking the flow of play.

+1 all the way. What's the point of being a super space ninja if you can't run a long time without stopping for noodle time?

I saw a change in one of the newer mods that was originally marketed as "-x% stamina cost", but was later changed to -x% stamina cost from wallrunning". Wall running isn't even an effective means of getting around. It's slower than sprinting is, impossible to move in any direction than a straight line, and the animation frames for a jumping dismount make it wonky and unwieldy. This mod would have been so much better as it originally was.

That being said, I'm still of the mindset that the entire stamina system is poorly implemented and needs heavy rework done to it. The game is just far too slow even for those folks that don't rush...

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My thoughts is that it was an uneeded change, it didn't hurt nor really help in my eyes. I can still move just as fast as before and I still explore as much as before. I keep up with Rushers and I enjoy Exploring for mats for my Dojo.


The Skill-Ceiling comment is true, it really did remove some of that skill. I would have rather seen a "perfered playstyle" option for Online play. I have seen Rhino's outpace Loki's simply because the Rhino knew how to move... or glitch... I don't care what you call it, the change was not necessary but I do not see it as an evil thing that will kill the game as some players seem to think.


So I oppose the change because it was not necessary nor did it solve any issue.

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