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Am I Only One Here?


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I used to hate them as much as you (and also preferred Corpus to them) until I finally ranked my Banshee up to 30. Now that I'm trying to break in Ember it's a little more than annoying again. Also hate having my energy stripped by the Ancient Disruptors.

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imo infested is really boring to fight, few enemy variations and the ancients is simply bullet sponges, even at the weakest spot

and disruptors is the most annoying enemy i ever fight, ever. take out your energy AND shield while denying shield recharge for 5 seconds? bullS#&$

dont mention toxic

i prefer fighting 200 rollers at the same time rather than fighting 50 disruptors, because they can stunlock you while keep your energy at 0 and your shield wont regenerate

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Infested is not the hardest. It's the most annoying faction in the game. Every mob is there to annoy the hell out of you with energy drains, infinite staggers and bulletsponge bodies, if the bulletsponging wasn't bad enough, most of the time dead bodies are blocking all the bullets from killing the ones that are "alive" especially those freaking poodles that are hard to kill by bullets because other dead poodles are absorbing all the firepower. 


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If we are talking about the design. Then Corpus MOA are for the win with good design and really nice color balance of warm and cold. Grineer looks like dirty miners with rocks as their armor, Infested are just horrible looking and their "infestation" makes the maps look bad. 

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Everyone has his own preference, but imo as far as difficulty goes, id say Infested is the hardest (chargers dying but you can still hit the body and waste bullets).


Sure a personal preference... more than 52% percent prefer one specific faction out of 3 available. Personal preferences would mean +- equal vote results of ~30%. And the best faction in design and joy of fighting versus is at last place Q_Q... i don't even... 

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