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Easy Way To Get Rid Of Explorers


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I'd explore more if exploring meant discovering cool things.


Don't tell me spending 10 minutes running to each locker room for a concluding total of a few more credits, ammo and rubedo is worth it.

Exactly. The problem is that finding secret stuff doesn't mean you necessarily get something more worthwhile, it just means you get another chance at the slot machine that is the RNG, the same chance you get from things directly in your path, and you tend to get more chances within a given period of time by just sticking with the loot that's directly in the path to the exit. Once you start to become familiar with "The Grind", you don't really want to explore, you want to get it over with. One does not savor grind, one endures it, and that's why it's called grind.


Exploring isn't cost effective for time, and at some point players learn that there are no real secrets when the world is randomly generated. In some ways I envy the players who like to explore, they still have hope that there are interesting secrets somewhere in the levels if they look hard enough. But we're asked to play the levels so much that even the most fantastic areas become mundane, so there's no reason to stick around.

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I'm neutral on this issue, and maybe I'm a bit out of the loop, but is it at all possible that infinite slide was removed NOT to slight rushers, but because it looked just plain silly? Just a thought >_>

Cutting gameplay for looks. Yeah, gaming in its last stages right there.

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Thank you sir. i would not call myself an explorer, or a rusher. I kill my way to the objective, i kill my way out. I like the killing part more then i like the objective, or the loot. This sliding debuff certainly slows down the slaughter. Slowing the pace of the game makes it less exciting.. for me anyway.

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-Add a mission timer in every mission. Those assassination targets aren't going to stay put waiting for you all day.


Umm, yes they are....unless you think the infested are capable of driving heavy machinery?




Joking aside, the more playstyles that are possible and supported, the more people who will actually play the game. Nerfing a playstyle is a poor way of dealing with emergent gameplay....rather see tools put in place to allow for voluntary "segregation", namely some form of tag selection when queuing.


I'm not really one for rushing, and I don't like being in a game with rushers, but I don't expect or demand other people to play like me if they choose otherwise. I try to go with the flow of the team if possible, even if for me that particular mission is what I'd consider a write-off due to rushing through it.

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