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Twin Renegade Dragons (Shadow Clan) Recruiting More Tenno


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Greetings Tenno, I am Razgriz, Warlord of the Twin Renegade Dragons clan (previously known as the Clan of Chroma).




As the Clan of Chroma, we were advertised as a silly and fun clan...as the Twin Renegade Dragons, we are rebranding ourselves as a more serious clan dedicated to Research, Training, Gathering, Trading, and Combat. We have restructured our organization to better allow us to grow in these areas. As a result, each and every Tenno in our clan has the potential to grow from a recruit into a highly respected member of our High Council. Through the efforts of our members, we have laid the foundations of a highly respected and evolutionary clan with hopes to grow even further.


Through the combined efforts of our members, we have advanced in many areas of crucial research. Everything from clan exclusive Warframe's to weapons have been researched and completed for our members to purchase...but there is more work yet to do in our Bio, Chem, and Energy labs to keep you hunting for resources. In addition to our Research Hall, we also have an entire 3rd floor of our dojo dedicated to training and meditation. Test your Warframe's agility in our Obstacle course, or challenge your fellow Tenno to a fight in our many Dueling Arena's, or hide away in our many varied Gardens to focus your mind and meditate in peace.


Here, you decide your own path to greatness. Are you a veteran player who knows the in's and out's of the storyline like the back of your hand? Help your fellow Tenno and be rewarded. Are you a master trader and have a stock of prime blueprints to your name? Use these to help out your fellow members and be recognized. Are you one among the few who can call yourself a true Master with your rank? Help train your brothers and sisters here and be given a position fit for your skill. Here in the Twin Renegade Dragons, you earn what you have earned through helping the clan. When you help the clan, you can be rewarded for your efforts. However, those who seek membership with the expectation of being hand fed for every small task may not have the correct mindset for this clan. We do reward effort, but it is those who seek nothing for themselves in the effort to help their fellow Tenno in arms who receive the greatest honors here.


If you are a true Tenno who seeks to further yourself through hard work with like minded brothers and sisters, then there is no finer place to hone your skills than in the Twin Renegade Dragons. New players and Vets alike will find themselves welcomed here to learn and to teach.


A few key points to address:

1) Ranks Are Earned: Every rank in our clan holds a level of respect, because each rank from Sergeant to High Council is earned through dedication, work, and loyalty. Those who can prove they deserve a promotion are given one. Those who are positioned above your are there for good reason. Listen and learn from them everything you can, so that you may one day grow into a more skilled Tenno warrior and clan member.

2) Helping Members Is Key: Everyone needs help from time to time. Regardless of skill or progression, admitting that one needs help is both mature and reasonable...stepping up and helping a member in need is the most effective way for anyone and everyone to contribute to the growth of themselves and the clan. Remember this well.

3) Fun Is Just As Important As Work: This is a lesson all among us must understand, and understand well. Although training and advancing one's own power and skill is a great and glorious task, we must not forget that enjoying each other and relaxing is just as important. I myself grew distant from this game for a long time because I spent to much time training, and not enough time enjoying it. This is the final, and possibly the most important, of our 3 key points. 


Welcome to the Twin Renegade Dragons Tenno. We hope to see you grow, and as we grow with you.

Edited by (PS4) BeholdTheRazgriz
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If anyone is having trouble making contact in-game with me, my President, or my High Councilors seeking an invite into our clan, please feel free to reply to this thread to seek recruitment. Simply state that you wish to join us and I will contact my high ranks to have them send you an in-game clan invitation. Please make sure you are not currently in a clan, as DE does not allow clans to invite members of other clans.


Also, in case anyone is curious as to the origin of our name, the 'Twin Dragons' are both an ode to our previous clan name (Clan of Chroma, Chroma being the 'Dragon' Frame) as well as our symbolism and affection for the Yin-Yang, both of which can be clearly displayed by our clan emblem of 2 twin dragons forming the Yin and Yang. What is NOT shown in our emblem is the 'Renegade' ... which is in reference to Vegeta from the Dragon Ball Z anime, specifically the 'Team Four Star' version of Vegeta, where they have an entire channel dedicated to Vegeta playing video games. The channel is called 'Renegade for Life'. Now you know that we are secret Super Saiyans, better known on Earth as "Otaku" or "Anime Nerds" ... and that we like Dragons. Pretty sweet stuff going on over here if you ask me ... or the other almost 30 people here. Join the cool kids club today!


Thank you, and welcome to the Renegade Twin Dragons!

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