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A Not-So-Little List Of A Bunch Of Little Suggestions


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There are a lot of threads around with a lot of good ideas how to fix the big issues with this game and many of those big issues are already on the dev's radar, if the livestreams are to be believed. I could write a long &#! post about any of these issues, I am sure, but I figured instead it would be better to compile a list of all the small little issues, those little annoyances or enhancements, and present those. I am sure some of these have been covered before but I have yet to see a list of all of these together in one place.


These are in no particular order of importance, they are just ordered as they came to me. Also, this is not just me bringing these up and they are infact a group-think of my entire clan. So shout-outs to FollyGuy, The_Sempai, Sidalol, and Metalbacon666 (and more) for being part of that process.


Issue 1: An Actual Decent Flashlight

The current flashlight is just horrible, we all know it. For those that don't know it, most flashlights have a part that you can turn to adjust the focus of the beam. Basically, the flashlight in-game is horribly out of focus hence the halo effect it causes. A decent flashlight would be appreciated, or even a secondary addon light for those whom are scared of the dark and things that go bump in the night.


Issue 2.a: User Configuration: Color Setups

The color customization ability in this game is impressive. What would be more impressive? Giving us the ability to SAVE those color setups we like to a preset. My ember uses Red/Black/White, while my Rhino uses Yellow/Purple/Blue. I re-color their weapons and sentinel depending on the frame. It would be great to enter the color customization screen for an item/warframe and be able to immediately click on a pre-saved user-defined color setup and apply it to the item. Would save a lot of time.


Issue 2.b: User Configuration: Mod Stripping

One simply button when under the configuration for an item/warframe that would automatically strip ALL mods (NOT including abilities) off of that item or warframe. I run four different melee weapons depending on the enemy faction and they each have basically similar setups, allowing a quick way to remove all the mods would be very handy and time saving.


Issue 2.c: User Configuration: Mod Setups

Allow us to save the mod setups for weapons/warframes. As I said above, as an example, I have four different melee weapons (Gram, Reaper Prime, Amphis, Orthos). They generally all have the same exact setups with a few tweaks here and there for their specific focuses. Have a place to save a mod setup in a way that is attached to the weapon, would be handy.


What I mean here is this. I equip Amphis. I would see 5 Mod Setup tabs on the screen (Above where it says Mods on the left side). Two of these are configured with a title I have chosen. The first one is for Amphis when I am using Rhino; it includes all damage mods except shocking touch (ew), fury, reflex coil and killing blow. But then there is also the one for when I am on my ember. This second setup is exactly the same as the first but instead of reflex coil and killing blow, it has Reach and Melee Channel. A simple click between two of these buttons (out of 5, as I have had no reason to set the other 3 up yet) will immediately change the mod setups. Of course, one must have the mods in their 'compatible mods' section that are being called on by the configured setup. So if I have accidentally left my Killing Blow on another weapon (Hence the above selection for a one button mod strip), when I hit the option that includes it..it gives me an error saying that it can't finish the setup as a mod “Killing Blow Rank 5” is missing.


Issue 2.d: Mod Lock

Please, allow us to LOCK mods in our library. This lock would prevent them from being sold and/or fused into something else (BUT NOT EQUIPPED). I like to keep an unranked version of every mod I have, just for ease of fitting if I play a new frame/polarize. Point is, a simple lock would be wonderful to prevent mistakes.


Issue 2.e: Fusing Percentage

When fusing mods, that little 'power' bar on the left hand side of the mod you are fusing others into. Yeh that one. Please for the love of Cthulu, let us see the percentage numbers. The numbers are there, they have to be for the system to work, just let us see them. We all know fusing an identical mod into itself is the best option but seeing that number would just be nice.


Issue 3.a: Extend/Remove the Despawn time for Resources

Why the hell do resources despawn? Thats not challenging, that is annoying. Preferably, remove the despawn time from resources but worst case, just extend it to something double what it currently is. Running from the other side of the map to a resource a teammate waypointed only to watch it despawn 2 feet infront of me is just frustrating.


Issue 3.b: Resource Respawning

When resources fall off into the void please just make them respawn somewhere like mods/blue/red orbs. I don't know why there is currently no respawn for resources but there needs to be.


Issue 3.c: Resource Container Colors

Oranges and Blues man! No seriously, right now we have oranges and blues, thats it. Can we potentially get a third color? Like red! Red is a good color. What would this red resource container be for? Rares. When they drop (and I am not saying change their drop chance), have them drop in a red container. While I like red, any 3rd color would work. If I see a red container I want to know its a rare and alert my TEAM that a rare resource has dropped.


Issue 4: Multi-Objective Missions (Spy, Mining Machines)

First off, not sure what type of mission it is when you have to destroy the 3-4 mining machines, but that is the one I am speaking of here along with the spy mission (pick up 4+ data things). Please, for the love of Cthulhu, have multiple markers. Currently if two of the objectives are in different directions it will show two markers but please add them for each thing. Reason for this is that its nice to know “Oh, theres 3 over here and only 1 that way”. Minor thing, thats all.


Issue 5: Jumping in an elevator

This is more of a bug than a small issue fix but still, can we get it so that jumping in an elevator doesn't send us to the void.


Issue 6: In-Mission Pickup Alerts Customization

Please allow us to configure what alerts we get for what pickups. I am referring here to the alerts in the bottom middle of the screen that pop up when we pickup ammo/health/energy/resources/etc. The fact is that very few of us care about being told about ammo pickups or even health and energy. Oh hey, I am short on shotgun ammo. Walking over this shotgun pack will give me 10 rounds, I already know this from experience.


For those just starting the game for the first few times, these are important. But as time goes on, they are less so. After a while, you know that health and energy pickups give you 25 and ammo gives you 10 to 20 depending on the type. We simply don't need to be told again. The only thing I personally care about being told I picked up is resources. Usually that gets lost in the spam of the other stuff. It makes it hard to tell your teammate “hey, resources here” when you crack open a container or locker because it just gets lost in the flood of pickup spam. And usually, most of that spam is saying “Sniper Rifle ammo is full”. Just a little customization that will go a long way.


Issue 7: In-Game Bug Reporting

Please give us a method for doing this ingame. Going to the forums is a really bad method for getting the info to the dev team. A simple /bug would go a long way as you could have it programmed to send certain other bits of information too, along with whatever we type in describing the issue. We want to help iron out the bugs, give us the tools to do so please.


Issue 8.a: Endless Defense: Movement after voting

Please allow us to move after we vote for “Battle” or “Claim and Exit”. The rest of that time that we sit there waiting would be highly valuable to pick up the last mods or resources that we didn't have time to get to.


Issue 8.b: Endless Defense: Allow joining after Wave 5

Im not sure why this is the way it is. Simply put, allow folks to join after Wave 5 has been completed. They don't get anything that already droped, same as if they joined in Wave 4. Ive had clan mates drop out of an Endless Defense due to a power flicker (Especially during these horrid storms we have been having in the South-East US lately) and because we were on Wave 7, they haven't been able to get back in.


Issue 9: Auto-Waypoints/Beacon for Mod Drops

I am refering to when a mob drops a mod specifically here. Please make it so there is a waypoint, generated by the game, that pops up on the minimap. Adding to this a nice bright glow or color would be very helpful in telling when/where a mod drops. Right now you either have to see a mod drop yourself or you hope that your teammates (if you are playing online with random strangers) are nice enough to mark the location of the mod for you. While I am all for teamwork, others are not, and many do not mark mod drops.


Issue 10.a: Leader mark for Online Groups

Simple thing, when we press Z to bring up the condition panel, could there be a small (L) or somesuch next to the party leader? Not knowing who the party leader is (mainly during an online matchmaking session) is just annoying, especially with the following suggestion.


Issue 10.b: Leader Kick from Online Groups

Allow the group leader to kick players from the group. Usually I go online with 1 or 2 others. My clan can normally field 2 full groups at most times, but occasionally others are busy and we only field groups of 2 or 3. We usually decide to go online at this point so others can join us as we like to socialize. However, having the ability to KICK someone from the group would be highly appreciated. I know there is a lot of talk right now about some explorer/rusher toggle, but giving the leader the ability to kick would be helpful. For safety, make it so they CANNOT kick AFTER the objective has been completed.



Please post feedback to these folks, but please also be specific in which of these things you are referring to though.

And if there are others, I will update the list as time goes on.


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I like all of this except the last two. Generally there are no group leaders, only hosts. The ability to kick is problematic; instead you should have the ability to flag someone as afk. If they don't move their cursor within 120 seconds, they should be disconnected.


I'd like to add to the (4) Multi-objective missions

-Larger and Longer missions with their own unique mission types

 -More elite mobs

 -Mobs in a defensive posture; fortified.

 -Multiple bosses (I.E. an entire pack of Hyena quad-robots)

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The kick thing is a big issue right now hence why I only barely covered it. There are entire threads dedicated to the issue and I don't want this thread to be only about that honestly. In the end, something needs to be done about problematic teammates whether they are AFK or simply a-holes that don't like to mark mods for their teammates.


As for Multi-Objective missions. My point was to increase the waypoints for those only. I hate running towards one waypoint to find its the only one that way, run back across the map to get the other 3 data terminals, then have to run back all the way again for extraction. Im not a rusher usually, I like exploring and getting materials but needless backtracking is annoying.


Other than that, having more complex missions would be nice. While i wouldn't want Multi-Hyena's (OH god the knockdowns), I would love to see a boss that is a group instead of an individual. I think this would work best on infested.


The defensive stuff is done a bit with Grineer but that's it really. It wouldnt fit for infested but it would be interesting to see Corpus do it. Well I guess they do with the shield ospreys but yeh, expanding on this would be nice to see.


More elite mobs..long as that doesn't mean more Scorpions, sure!

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I wouldn't mind seeing a survival mod, not defending anything just killing till you cant kill no more, each 5 waves lets you leave like defender missions but a lot more team work on keeping people alive.

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The problem with keeping all the resources is that in drop-rich maps it ends up being a LOT of drops and there's a very good chance you might actually hit the engine's upper limit, which spells bad juju for everyone involved.


That said it'd be cool if resources and mods never despawned, they're rare enough to not be a problem.

Edited by Kyte
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I wouldn't mind seeing a survival mod, not defending anything just killing till you cant kill no more, each 5 waves lets you leave like defender missions but a lot more team work on keeping people alive.

Eh yeh but that would result in people finding the most defensible position and just killing everything. Fun sure but meh. More excited for the Tiered Defense they mentioned in the last livestream. Basically 3 Tiers of defenses. You hold the first as long as possible, when that fails/dies you pull back to the 2nd tier and so forth till the last tier then the game is over if you havent left yet.


The problem with keeping all the resources is that in drop-rich maps it ends up being a LOT of drops and there's a very good chance you might actually hit the engine's upper limit, which spells bad juju for everyone involved.


That said it'd be cool if resources and mods never despawned, they're rare enough to not be a problem.

True but what is that upper limit?

Most of the time if there are resources, they are called out/marked and people get them. My suggestion was to aleviate the resources disappearing when you are two feet away from picking them up.

Also, to my knowledge, mods don't ever despawn until you pick them up.

Oh and i meant Resources Resources, not ammo, in case that wasn't clear.

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Yeah I somehow managed to use the same terminology as you while understanding something completely different.

No worries, happy to clear it up.

But yeh, keeping all that ammo around for ever would get crazy. On the plus side..disco ball floor of colors? Hrm, remind me to never drop acid when playing if they make that change.

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