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Tower Keys Drop Way Too Often Now.


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Given your postcount I'm going to guess you're a recent founder, flush with Plat from your purchase and smug about it. I was there too, months back. Eventually that platinum is going to run out, and if you get your way now half a year later you will be looking at this post, then at your whopping 8 Plat left, and desiring a time machine so you can go back and strangle yourself before you posted it.


Also, more importantly, the actual datamined drop chance by the guy whose numbers DE_Steve said were good is 33% on Xini. 3% for a T3 Exterminate, 15% for a T2 Raid, 15% for a T2 Exterminate. Not exactly 'all the time' as you exaggerate. So yes, the previous grind endgame unlocks the current most interesting levels about a third of the time. Not unreasonable or undesirable.
Yes, it means the Void is  'nothing special' and it should never have been unless it was some kind of super-secret bonus area. Given that there are going to be Void defense missions and other content additions to the Void, that the Orokin play a major role in the backstory, and if/when the whole Codex/backstory update hits I'm betting the Void will vomit out the most backstory (due to being, you know, the repository of Secret Orokin Knowledge And Bling), if you want to know everything happening ingame you will want to access the Void.
If the Void was some sort of endless challenge dungeon where you could only get cosmetic items or joke items (after beating a Lv200 Void mission you get an Excalibur skin that looks just like DarkSector's Hayden Tenno!) then you might have something resembling an argument (except in that case it should probably be difficulty-locked, not RNG-locked).
Actually, they post count doesnt say ANYTHING about IG stuff, just the activity in the forums.
Yup, i bought the founders, already spent all on slots, colours and other S#&$. 
And since the new hotfix, i got SO many void keys, its not funny anymore. 2 out of 3 defense missions, somewhen a void key pops up.
Before that hotfix, me and my clan went on defense after defense, trying to get keys. When ultimately one turned up, we were psyched , went to the clan chat, took everyone we could and ran instantly into the void.
Now its like this: Oh, 4th / 5th key today, what a surprise. Yeay.
The whole: YAH NICE I GOT A VOID KEY feeling is just gone, i even dare to say void keys are the new hellfire.
Sry, but thats just how i feel about it.



Keys are definitely way to easy to get now, and they are pushing out rare mods from the mission rewards of defense missions.  That is what bugs me the most honestly.
I definitely think that the previous rate was WAY to low, but now they are just stupidly high.  I got 5 T3 keys last night, that is just not right.  
Yes people should be able to get keys in a reasonable amount of time, but I can't believe they meant this drop rate to be that high.  I also can't believe that people really wanted to have the drop rate to be increased this much, basically just having them handed to you rather than working for them. 
There is also the issue that it makes it seem that having the drop rate so sickly low previously, was a blatant cash grab because people couldn't get keys in other ways.
your first point is what i meant with "are the new hellfire". its hard to farm rare mods with all those void keys spamming.
DONT GET ME WRONG: before it rly was too low, but now its just to high. this needs some more balancing IMO

+1 Sir. Indecisive Dimwits, wonderful choice of words. And no, not sarcasm at all. Gotta love them huh?
so i never complained about the pre-hotfix void key droprate, but now im a dimwit because i complain they drop too often?
People with other opinion than your own are automatically dimwits?

You, sir, seem to have one hell of a bad education or just the typical internet syndrom of randomly insulting strangers for NO real reason.

Edited by Teilzeitgott
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About T3 raids.


On one occasion, i used a T2 Exterminate, but it changed into a t2 raid somehow on startup(I'm quite sure it was an exterm, as it was my last key.)  I would assume that despite only t3 exterms dropping, occasioanlly they bug and the mission type becomes raid.  I've talked to a couple other people with similar experiences.

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so i never complained about the pre-hotfix void key droprate, but now im a dimwit because i complain they drop too often?
People with other opinion than your own are automatically dimwits?

You, sir, seem to have one hell of a bad education or just the typical internet syndrom of randomly insulting strangers for NO real reason.




I wasn't necessarily referring to you their chief. I was referring to the common syndrome of what this guy was talking about. Someone complaining about something be too low, then being too high. Those that can never be happy. If you aren't one of these then there was no insult directed towards you and the original guy, the one I was responding to there, was misinformed. I however was just backing up how annoying the behavior he was pointing out was.


As for my education, since you brought it up. A Bachelor's in Organizational Communication with a minor in Leadership and a Master's of Public Administration with a specialization in Emergency Management and Homeland Security. If at this point you realize I am not some grade school ninny, gratz, you win a prize. Also, just for fun, if you live in America; your safety from all sorts of disasters rests in some small part in my hands.


As for the typical internet syndrome, nope. Typical internet syndrome is insulting a person for no reason other than disagreeing with them. Old school syndrome, for those of us that remember BulletinBoards and the old ways, is to insult someone's inane argument and rip it apart like a child does to a woman's birthing canal during the birthing process. Also, if I disagree with you, I will explain why instead of insulting you. Its that simple. Moving on.



About T3 raids.


On one occasion, i used a T2 Exterminate, but it changed into a t2 raid somehow on startup(I'm quite sure it was an exterm, as it was my last key.)  I would assume that despite only t3 exterms dropping, occasioanlly they bug and the mission type becomes raid.  I've talked to a couple other people with similar experiences.

As has been said..its not a bug.

Lotus can change every mission. This is accepted and known fact in the non-Void and its truly surprising to see people shocked that Lotus, a character we have very little knowledge of, can change mission types in the Void.

Lotus can, in the void, change a mission from Exterminate to Raid or even from Raid to Exterminate.

Benefits of these differ.

A raid has a higher mod drop rate from containers and mobs, but if it was naturally an exterminate then there will be no big time trial.

If it switches from a raid to an exterminate, the time trial rooms have already been created and are there but now the mobs have lower drop rates.

Just remember, you can abort a void mission and not loose the key.

The few times my clan has had a Raid turn into an Exterminate, we abort immediately and restart that key.

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Exactly, have fun getting finishing any item from the void with all your t2 keys.


Well I most certainly did! :D


T1 extermination dropped the reaper blade for me, and T2 raid dropped Frost Prime Systems. I wouldn't completely dismiss those T1's and T2's guys, because those rare parts do drop from them. I have more fun doing T2 raids more than any other void mission anyway, because of the secret rooms.


I'm thankful for void keys, any tier. The fact that the rarest parts have dropped for me from T1 and T2 attests to that.

Edited by Tulzscha
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ill bet money it was a t2 raid...

never seen a t3 raid, not once.

It's a bug and it happens. I've had a T3 Exterminate start as a raid (My key, had 1 T3 Exterminate before, at the end of the raid I had 0 T3 Exterminates. Enemies were appropriately leveled for a T3), AND I've had a T3 Exterminate that just had the relic lying around, despite still being an exterminate.

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Out of 7 defense missions, 5 dropped a void key.

Void is nothing special anymore, which is kind of sad to see.

Perhaps balance it between the droprate before the hotfix and the one now?

imo there was never anything special about the void.

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