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Mastery Rank for Sorties


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A relatively new player with Mag (starter frame) Rhino (available on venus, MR2, great noob frame) can hold their own for most sortie missions.  The hardest sortie missions are the Sortie3 super shields if you don't have a mag, they have a mag and can use shield polarize it doesn't matter how good or bad you are, you press the button, they die, you profit.  For most other modes having a durable Rhino which doesn't even need rare mods to do decently and you can do just fine.  Assuming an experienced trinity is with them both Mag or Rhino can be spamming their ults for decent CC on any mission type.  Spy sorties are solo affairs anyhow because spy is dumb.  

The real issue is simply their weapon damage, if they need to shoot and kill lv100+ enemies its just not going to happen at MR4 unless they have seriously boosted themselves with plat buying maxed serration, heavy caliber, and similar rank10 big power mods.  There are decent weapons to get by MR4 assuming they had the mods, but the mods would be the real issue and from a legit gameplay standpoint someone at MR4 just likely doesn't have the raw amount of cores and credits to have rank8+ serration and similar which is probably the minimum you are looking at for Sortie3.  

Personally I don't like MR locking stuff.  MR isn't about skill, ability, knowledge, or anything like that its a collection score it says "I've leveled up a lot of weapons and frames" which you can do in Draco without ever firing a single @(*()$ bullet or ever using Serration.  

I'm MR14, I was MR10 for @(*()$ ages until syndicate primaries made me grind stuff I DIDN'T WANT just so I could get weapons I DID WANT.  I had the weapons and frames I liked, yeah sure Mesa is cool but I like tank and support frames Mesa totally isn't my jam and I had no reason to want her.  The same holds true for loads of weapons, no... I am not going to build and level up that piece of trash known as the machete.  If I want to be a "hydroid main" or whatever the concept that I will have to get and level up every other warframe just so I can get high tier weapons, or go on high tier missions is stupid.  Some people want to specialize and focus on particular things, they shouldn't be restricted from the game for that.  One Trick Ponies/Specialists should be embrassed not shunned and the MR system actively shuns OTP's.  

The real deal is that their is no way to prevent getting bad players, outside of making your own teams.  No amount of MR requirements, skill based match making, etc is going to change that.  No matter how much we might fantasize about them being able to just edit and MR requirement and "fix" you getting bad teammates its not going to happen.  You are still going to get people who only play Limbo because they think hes awesome.  You are still going to get random groups with 4 frosts not being able to kill lv100+ enemies effectively.  You are going to get people who like playing Oberon and try to recruit you into there S&M fanclub.  S#&$s weird, you are going to run into good and bad players and there isn't much that can be done about it.  If you want to do random queue sorties, bring safe frames with a decent weapon. I usually bring Mirage + Synoid Simulor, cheesey and cheap?  Sure but its also a nearly free win.  

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Take a spy mission and MR!=success. Sorties should be redesigned to be generally challenging yet not limited to a specific class of weapons. Especially for newer players missions like snipers and bows only are a real pain in the *** due to the limited weapon slots.

DE should pay attention to slacking, way too often there are toxic MR20 and MR21 players idling at the start doing absolutely nothing. We need a properly functioning in game report system.

Edited by Siideriu
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On 3/12/2016 at 6:33 PM, Nelkeel said:

Proposing to raise MR cap for sorties to 12 or sth like that. Rly don't like MR4 with Volt and MK-1 kunai entering my party. Yes i know i can search for party members on my own, but i really think it is a stupid idea for the matchmaking system to allow players that are not yet used to the game to do end game content.

I actually have a hard time with this because I tend to agree with you but i also do not want to exclude people.  Idk.  

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I dunno if it anyone has said yet or not but maybe they could implement a system similar to WoW where you have to have a required ilvl (item level) to get into the high content such as heroics and raids.

What they could implement as a restriction is along with needing a rank 30 warframe, make it so it requires a rank 30 weapon and non-mk1 versions of weapons. Something like this is restricting to needing better weapons but at the same time doesnt punish the player too extremely.

e.g.: Oh hi, I'm a new player, I've finally achieved MR4 and get to do sorties. Yippie kai yay moth...crap, I can't get in cause I just got warned I'm using an MK-1 Paris and a rank 15 kunai and rank 12 Bo...hm, whatever shall I do.

Think Pooh..think, think, think...


I'm gonna go farm for better, non mk1 weapons and rank them up to 30 and then go pudding-pop the bad guy in their spitters. Off I go to the 100 acre farm woods into loot land. Tally-ho!

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On 3/15/2016 at 0:17 PM, Brosephelon said:

A relatively new player with Mag (starter frame) Rhino (available on venus, MR2, great noob frame) can hold their own for most sortie missions.  The hardest sortie missions are the Sortie3 super shields if you don't have a mag, they have a mag and can use shield polarize it doesn't matter how good or bad you are, you press the button, they die, you profit.  For most other modes having a durable Rhino which doesn't even need rare mods to do decently and you can do just fine.  Assuming an experienced trinity is with them both Mag or Rhino can be spamming their ults for decent CC on any mission type.  Spy sorties are solo affairs anyhow because spy is dumb.  

The real issue is simply their weapon damage, if they need to shoot and kill lv100+ enemies its just not going to happen at MR4 unless they have seriously boosted themselves with plat buying maxed serration, heavy caliber, and similar rank10 big power mods.  There are decent weapons to get by MR4 assuming they had the mods, but the mods would be the real issue and from a legit gameplay standpoint someone at MR4 just likely doesn't have the raw amount of cores and credits to have rank8+ serration and similar which is probably the minimum you are looking at for Sortie3.  

Personally I don't like MR locking stuff.  MR isn't about skill, ability, knowledge, or anything like that its a collection score it says "I've leveled up a lot of weapons and frames" which you can do in Draco without ever firing a single @(*()$ bullet or ever using Serration.  

I'm MR14, I was MR10 for @(*()$ ages until syndicate primaries made me grind stuff I DIDN'T WANT just so I could get weapons I DID WANT.  I had the weapons and frames I liked, yeah sure Mesa is cool but I like tank and support frames Mesa totally isn't my jam and I had no reason to want her.  The same holds true for loads of weapons, no... I am not going to build and level up that piece of trash known as the machete.  If I want to be a "hydroid main" or whatever the concept that I will have to get and level up every other warframe just so I can get high tier weapons, or go on high tier missions is stupid.  Some people want to specialize and focus on particular things, they shouldn't be restricted from the game for that.  One Trick Ponies/Specialists should be embrassed not shunned and the MR system actively shuns OTP's.  

The real deal is that their is no way to prevent getting bad players, outside of making your own teams.  No amount of MR requirements, skill based match making, etc is going to change that.  No matter how much we might fantasize about them being able to just edit and MR requirement and "fix" you getting bad teammates its not going to happen.  You are still going to get people who only play Limbo because they think hes awesome.  You are still going to get random groups with 4 frosts not being able to kill lv100+ enemies effectively.  You are going to get people who like playing Oberon and try to recruit you into there S&M fanclub.  S#&$s weird, you are going to run into good and bad players and there isn't much that can be done about it.  If you want to do random queue sorties, bring safe frames with a decent weapon. I usually bring Mirage + Synoid Simulor, cheesey and cheap?  Sure but its also a nearly free win.  

Well i have collected all the frames and have them rank 30 in my inventory just because i wanted to xD. Some of them are quite fun, yet some of them i haven't played since i got them to rank 30. Can't blame you or other players like you that just don't want to get a certain frame because it's not their play style. I've been playing this game for almost 3 years now and i have seen everything. From MR21 doing absolutely nothing to a mere MR6 beating the F*** out of 45 min survival. But the fact remains that something is needed that will test your skill for sorties. It is not a simple T4 where if you make a mistake, you can fix it within a certain range of time. Here you get oneshotted by those damn balistas or you get owned by corpus techs. I also don't wish for new players to go obsessively farming, i'm just using whatever system warframe has to at least flush out the new players that do not yet know the mechanics all that well or do not have certain mods for damage or survivability and increase chances of survival by a certain %.


On 3/13/2016 at 5:03 AM, felixsylvaris said:

This is very good idea to make quest for sorties, since quest are fun and give some MMO feeling into warframe.

Name: Trial by Fire


  • Second Dream done
  • Master Rank 4

General Rule: Enemies level 60+. Frame level 30 required. All condition of Sortie applies (hacking rules and stuff)


  1. Lone Tenno with essencial information was kidnapped by Grineer (as princes Peach) so we need Rescue him. Unfortunetly it took place in Eximus Stronghold.
  2. Lone Tenno is alive and safe, and now we go to abandoned Corpus lab to finish the job. Unfortunetly there is no Corpus there, but mutated Infested with elemental resistance. We need to cover Lone Tenno. Survival.
  3. We survived. Have data. Now we can take care of filthy Corpus. It would be mixed type sabotage mission with several reactor breaking in, and some finishing defense extraction point module. Corpus. Energy Reduction.

Resultion: Since we saved Lone Tenno (again) and prove our worth He (or She) will provide us with high priority targets now.


  • Orokin Reactor BP.
  • Sorties mode unlocked

Note: Any player can help us in quest. But will only progress his quest if he is on the same stage.


I think this is the way to go. Really nice idea.

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We need something. I just drop now if i have anyone under MR7. They are completely useless in sorties, i'm sorry. Your rhino and dread aren't doing anything for you in pub sortie 2 and 3 with no maxed mods. I watch in pain as they unload 15 arrows into an enemy then die and need to get a rez.

I'm done carrying them. I felt nice at first and helped a few but with some of these sorties (particuarlly sortie 3 on corpus missions now and bursas), i'm just not that happy to oblige anymore.

Edited by Coaa
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