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General Thoughts And Improvements.


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So I had several thoughts on my way to work today. We always talk about how Warframe is growing and getting better, and it is and has. I remember when I started playing, and you had to have a redirection and vit mod or you were worthless, and credits, don’t even get me started on how hard it was to get credits and use those awesome rare fusion cores that I had a thousand of. Welp the crappy days are long since gone and we’ve been given better mod drops, maybe not of the rare ones but still way more consistent and better drops. I think all in all the mod system is a raging success, tweak have been often and useful rather than few and worthless. Devs have taken feedback, both negative and positive and improved in a lot of facets. Yes we still have our glitches, yes stuff still breaks, yes some of the new tile sets seem a little off, all in all the game is significantly better than when I started playing a couple of months ago, and subsequently stopped playing due to monotony and other pursuits.


With that being said over the last few days I haven’t been able to stop playing the damn game, I need keys, I need frost prime, I need mats to make more stuff because now I have credits to buy whatever blueprint I want, it’s been a vastly better gaming experience than it was even 3 weeks ago. But I still have some issues. I still want more, and with the way things have gone I’m sure that the more I want is coming, but I don’t know if it’s really what I want. 
Before Warframe, and even still now I pursue other games looking for that experience, that desire to keep loading the game, to keep hacking and slashing my way through wave after wave of whatever the hell is thrown at me, to stop and Teabag enemies that were difficult and deserve my digital ridicule. So finally I had some ideas of things that I want, but probably won’t get, or may not even fit in with the vision that other people have of this game. In the end it’s still a shooter, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. People shouldn’t get butt hurt that the game, at its core, is about running through a level killing everything in the most efficient way possible. I love the fact that there are MMO/RPG elements in this game. I think it’s a great idea, and ideas are what ultimately fuel this industry. But as I stated, I want more, more RPG elements, more MMO elements, more stuff to kick the S#&$ out of. I want to crush bosses with my clanmates. I want to conquer planets and give a big middle finger to the Grineer establishment. I want to call the Corpus nerds as I give them weggies and stuff them in those stupid lockers that Moas come out of. I want to purge infested from planets, and protect cryopods from endless waves of *@##$es who think they can take me and my fellow space ninjas on. 


But the question always remains, how do we do these things in such a format? How do you take a fundamentally simple type of game (the shooter) and make it more complex, deeper, and more intricate? Other franchises have tried this and not necessarily failed, but haven’t gotten to where they could have, at least in my humble opinion. One thing I will say before I suggest anything, is that I don’t know what all it takes to make a game. I’m not a developer, not a programmer, just a guy who has a lot of free time and a mediocre imagination Here are my thoughts of some stuff that I think would be really amazing in this game. People can take them or leave them, it’s not going to hurt my feelings if people think that some of these are crazy, or just don’t work.

The Mod System: Honestly I think it’s great. I wish some stuff wasn’t so expensive to level to max, and I don’t mean make it so it cost’s nothing you should be proud that you have a max hornet strike or serration mod. Side note on that, F*** you for having a maxed one of those mods, and I say that will all due respect. I just want more and more mods, and as it has proven in the past there seems to be a concerted effort to make more and so on and so forth. 
Mods: More, more, more. Just need more mods is all. I don’t think that I can think of any specific mods that would be good to have, at least not at the moment, maybe a poison damage mod. I’m not a huge fan of the resistance mods, unless we get some Bosses or mobs that do some specific damages. I know the laser resist is good against corpus, but they throw marshmallows anyway and I aint scared of no redshirts anyway. I think that for the resistance mods to be really useful we would need a way to switch mods mid mission. Perhaps we could carry a set of alternate mods that we can switch out, or be given a certain number of times you can switch mods during a mission. For the people who wanted these resist mods to help with RNG of missions with fire on the ground, and the reduction of shields due to ice. Since you don’t know that’s going to happen until the mission starts, the mods are essentially useless. The best one of these I think, is the poison resist mod since toxic ancients are the spawn of Satan, and you know on any infested/infested defense you are going to be fighting those bastards. 

Lore: I know it’s coming, stop making me wait. It’s not fair. 

Stealth: Devs have talked about it multiple times, there are a bunch of posts on it, I’m not going to beat a dead horse. 

Bosses: I understand from watching the live streams, reading posts, and feedback that Bosses are being reworked in a lot of areas. Mechanics are being added, models are being redone, it’s great stuff. I think I would dig it if there were more bosses, but I guess that will just come with time and Lore will really help with making bosses more of an experience rather than a “give me my damn warframe piece” mobs. 

Raids: It just came out so maybe I’m jumping the gun by offering my 2 cents on it. But here’s my idea. Add bosses to the raids. Put like 4-5 bosses in each type of raid, make specific bosses for each level tower 1-2-3 and so on, give them loot tables for stuff such as rare mods, better versions of the mods (IE a level 2 hornet strike instead of level 0) Orokin catalyst blueprint, Orokin Reactor blueprint, maybe a small chance to get a key for another tier, and then something else I will get to further in the post. You can set those tables up to be less favorable in low level towers and better in high level towers. Like I said it’s still early and this may be in the works but I think it would be awesome. 

Warframe Weapons: Assault rifles seem to be really weak. I mean sure, if you mod the S#&$ out of them they are good, but shouldn’t they have a little more oomph. I mean the boltor is pretty awful without certain mods at high levels. I feel that saying X is good with Y mod at max is a terrible argument. I shouldn’t have to spend hours leveling a weapon and then days maxing a mod or farming for said mod just make the weapon that cost me 50k credits, and 12 hours to make worth my time. That doesn’t mean that every weapon should just crush everything right out of the gates, but I’m not trying to tickle these A******s to death. 

Warframe Passives: Passives would be awesome, and just further the uniqueness of each frame. You can always go a couple of ways with the idea of passive abilities. You can do aura like effects that hit the whole team, or things that only affect your frame. I like the idea of adding team synergy, but I also like the idea of making each frame stronger by their lonesome. A couple of ideas are Frost giving a buff to ally armor, Rhino having a reduced stagger chance or stagger time when he is attacked, Ashe increasing his or ally melee damage. You could start them at a small bonus for lower level frames but as your frame levels it would be another way to increase the effectiveness of frames within a team, or solo setting. I think something like this would encourage people to play certain frames to help with high level defense missions and to increase their willingness to play what are considered weaker frames. 

Warframe abilities: Most, if not all of the warframe abilities are sweet. Some of them don’t quite work right, but for god’s sake it’s a beta, I expect S#&$ to be broken, and to break. There are a lot of specific examples that can be used to say “this ability needs a buff” or “this ability is stupid and shouldn’t exist” but I thought I would hit up just the broad spectrum on the abilities. I really wish I didn’t have to use a Mod slot on these. I understand, the idea behind it but I don’t like it. I wish at least, your number 1 ability, like Shuriken for Ash, or Freeze for Frost, just came with the Warframe. I understand the Ubers having to take up a slot but we only have 10 mod slots in the first place, taking up a slot for an ability that generally doesn’t scale well, except for a couple of the lower abilities that are amazing, well that’s just silly. If we take into account that we won’t use a certain ability it kinda limits the individuality of the warframe. I mean if you don’t use any of the abilities, except for maybe the uber and then you only use it X or Y situation, there really isn’t much of a difference between all of them. Also before people begrudge me for this, I am well aware that all of the frames have stats that that info can be found in multiple places. I understand that some of the frames have better health, shields, etc, but if your aren’t using any abilities you might as well play Rhino or Frost and just never die and walk slowly shooting everything with a shotgun as they get close to you. Grats you’re playing as the terminator, instead of a ninja. (If that’s how you play don’t get butt hurt, that’s fine. I do it too.)

Credit Dumps: Well I have a million of them and the Dojo hasn’t quite taken off yet, so I don’t really know what to do with them as of right now. I’ve pretty much just been using them to build frames and weapons, which is great since it keeps me playing. But I have an idea for credit dump. Why not sell blueprints for the helms, orokin reactor, Keys, orokin catalyst, and the vanity items for the sentinels. Now I am aware that the devs need to eat and all that jazz, but make these particular items ridiculously expensive via credits, like 150k for a pattern or something. You can also put a cap on how many you can have. Like one per day or one per every two days or something like that, so if people are really in a hurry they would still use platinum to purchase items they want right away. Another idea would be resource packs. For all of us who play what is more annoying than farming for Rubedo, alloy plates, morphics. You could sell a good quantity of these materials for 100k credits, and again put a cap on the number you can purchase per day, so the upper one percent, (which I’m sure I’m not part of even with my boatload of credits) can’t just corner the market on these items. I’m sure the fear with something like this is that people will just log in everyday and purchase the mats rather than farm them for the dojo. If you have 100 people in your clan and they all purchase the mats instead of farming them, that’s a problem. Perhaps create an exchange rate. Like 50 credits for one rubedo, or 50k for a morphics or something. Sadly I don’t have enough data to offer what reasonable numbers would be when it comes to things like this, just trying to give a starting point. Another Idea would be an auction house of some kind, but that is way more complicated and makes my head hurt when I think about it. 

Warframe Equipment: I had this thought today. What if we could mix and match the Chassis, Systems, and Helmets for our frames. You could assign stats to each of the individual pieces and have them affect the frame differently. For example the systems could affect what polarity slots your frame has innately available and when you forma the frame it goes into the systems and can carry over into a different version of the frame. The contention with this is that you would simply forma one system and then use it across all of that particular frame. Like you would forma an Excalibur systems and then use it on your Excalibur prime and whatever other versions of Excalibur may come out. But what if the systems also had some stats, like plus damage, or plus health, or plus armor. It would make it to where if you forma one and want to drag it across all of the different versions of the frame you have, then you may not be getting the most out of the different systems you have. This also helps solve one of the problems with having multiple versions of the same frame. I very much dislike the idea of having Frost, getting Frost prime, and then having the same damn Warframe taking up two of my warframe slots. What bonus do I get for having both of them, should I sell one and keep the other. If you make it were each frame has interchangeable parts you can just buy however many slots there are warframes, get all the frames and then get the equipment as they come out. This allows us to have a goal to farm and work towards, and allows us to mix and match pieces to try and make our frames better than previous versions. You could also do bonuses for having a whole set. Like if you are using all of the Prime of a Warframe you get some kind of bonus. It doesn’t have to break the game, but it would make the idea of using all of the same pieces viable. The idea opens a lot of doors to making a Warframe our own rather than one we just bought for platinum or farmed for over the course of several days. It also allows you, the Devs, to drop individual pieces of a Warframe at times and then we can actually use them while you are working on the rest of the set. It also allows older frames to be improved without having to rework entire models. Hell you could even make random stats on some of the pieces, or random polarity slots for systems, or give them some other random properties. I think the frame would still have to level the same way, like Frost is just Frost he goes from unranked to 30, but the pieces don’t improve or change as he levels. You could even make pieces only available to certain mastery levels, or levels of the individual frame. The overall idea opens up so many possibilities. 
Well those are my thoughts on ways to improve the game as a whole.

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So I had several thoughts on my way to work today. We always talk about how Warframe is growing and getting better, and it is and has. I remember when I started playing, and you had to have a redirection and vit mod or you were worthless, and credits, don’t even get me started on how hard it was to get credits and use those awesome rare fusion cores that I had a thousand of. Welp the crappy days are long since gone and we’ve been given better mod drops, maybe not of the rare ones but still way more consistent and better drops. I think all in all the mod system is a raging success, tweak have been often and useful rather than few and worthless. Devs have taken feedback, both negative and positive and improved in a lot of facets. Yes we still have our glitches, yes stuff still breaks, yes some of the new tile sets seem a little off, all in all the game is significantly better than when I started playing a couple of months ago, and subsequently stopped playing due to monotony and other pursuits.

With that being said over the last few days I haven’t been able to stop playing the damn game, I need keys, I need frost prime, I need mats to make more stuff because now I have credits to buy whatever blueprint I want, it’s been a vastly better gaming experience than it was even 3 weeks ago. But I still have some issues. I still want more, and with the way things have gone I’m sure that the more I want is coming, but I don’t know if it’s really what I want.
Before Warframe, and even still now I pursue other games looking for that experience, that desire to keep loading the game, to keep hacking and slashing my way through wave after wave of whatever the hell is thrown at me, to stop and Teabag enemies that were difficult and deserve my digital ridicule. So finally I had some ideas of things that I want, but probably won’t get, or may not even fit in with the vision that other people have of this game. In the end it’s still a shooter, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. People shouldn’t get butt hurt that the game, at its core, is about running through a level killing everything in the most efficient way possible. I love the fact that there are MMO/RPG elements in this game. I think it’s a great idea, and ideas are what ultimately fuel this industry. But as I stated, I want more, more RPG elements, more MMO elements, more stuff to kick the S#&$ out of. I want to crush bosses with my clanmates. I want to conquer planets and give a big middle finger to the Grineer establishment. I want to call the Corpus nerds as I give them weggies and stuff them in those stupid lockers that Moas come out of. I want to purge infested from planets, and protect cryopods from endless waves of *@##$es who think they can take me and my fellow space ninjas on.

But the question always remains, how do we do these things in such a format? How do you take a fundamentally simple type of game (the shooter) and make it more complex, deeper, and more intricate? Other franchises have tried this and not necessarily failed, but haven’t gotten to where they could have, at least in my humble opinion. One thing I will say before I suggest anything, is that I don’t know what all it takes to make a game. I’m not a developer, not a programmer, just a guy who has a lot of free time and a mediocre imagination Here are my thoughts of some stuff that I think would be really amazing in this game. People can take them or leave them, it’s not going to hurt my feelings if people think that some of these are crazy, or just don’t work.

The Mod System: Honestly I think it’s great. I wish some stuff wasn’t so expensive to level to max, and I don’t mean make it so it cost’s nothing you should be proud that you have a max hornet strike or serration mod. Side note on that, F*** you for having a maxed one of those mods, and I say that will all due respect. I just want more and more mods, and as it has proven in the past there seems to be a concerted effort to make more and so on and so forth.
Mods: More, more, more. Just need more mods is all. I don’t think that I can think of any specific mods that would be good to have, at least not at the moment, maybe a poison damage mod. I’m not a huge fan of the resistance mods, unless we get some Bosses or mobs that do some specific damages. I know the laser resist is good against corpus, but they throw marshmallows anyway and I aint scared of no redshirts anyway. I think that for the resistance mods to be really useful we would need a way to switch mods mid mission. Perhaps we could carry a set of alternate mods that we can switch out, or be given a certain number of times you can switch mods during a mission. For the people who wanted these resist mods to help with RNG of missions with fire on the ground, and the reduction of shields due to ice. Since you don’t know that’s going to happen until the mission starts, the mods are essentially useless. The best one of these I think, is the poison resist mod since toxic ancients are the spawn of Satan, and you know on any infested/infested defense you are going to be fighting those bastards.

Lore: I know it’s coming, stop making me wait. It’s not fair.

Stealth: Devs have talked about it multiple times, there are a bunch of posts on it, I’m not going to beat a dead horse.

Bosses: I understand from watching the live streams, reading posts, and feedback that Bosses are being reworked in a lot of areas. Mechanics are being added, models are being redone, it’s great stuff. I think I would dig it if there were more bosses, but I guess that will just come with time and Lore will really help with making bosses more of an experience rather than a “give me my damn warframe piece” mobs.

Raids: It just came out so maybe I’m jumping the gun by offering my 2 cents on it. But here’s my idea. Add bosses to the raids. Put like 4-5 bosses in each type of raid, make specific bosses for each level tower 1-2-3 and so on, give them loot tables for stuff such as rare mods, better versions of the mods (IE a level 2 hornet strike instead of level 0) Orokin catalyst blueprint, Orokin Reactor blueprint, maybe a small chance to get a key for another tier, and then something else I will get to further in the post. You can set those tables up to be less favorable in low level towers and better in high level towers. Like I said it’s still early and this may be in the works but I think it would be awesome.

Warframe Weapons: Assault rifles seem to be really weak. I mean sure, if you mod the S#&$ out of them they are good, but shouldn’t they have a little more oomph. I mean the boltor is pretty awful without certain mods at high levels. I feel that saying X is good with Y mod at max is a terrible argument. I shouldn’t have to spend hours leveling a weapon and then days maxing a mod or farming for said mod just make the weapon that cost me 50k credits, and 12 hours to make worth my time. That doesn’t mean that every weapon should just crush everything right out of the gates, but I’m not trying to tickle these A******s to death.

Warframe Passives: Passives would be awesome, and just further the uniqueness of each frame. You can always go a couple of ways with the idea of passive abilities. You can do aura like effects that hit the whole team, or things that only affect your frame. I like the idea of adding team synergy, but I also like the idea of making each frame stronger by their lonesome. A couple of ideas are Frost giving a buff to ally armor, Rhino having a reduced stagger chance or stagger time when he is attacked, Ashe increasing his or ally melee damage. You could start them at a small bonus for lower level frames but as your frame levels it would be another way to increase the effectiveness of frames within a team, or solo setting. I think something like this would encourage people to play certain frames to help with high level defense missions and to increase their willingness to play what are considered weaker frames.

Warframe abilities: Most, if not all of the warframe abilities are sweet. Some of them don’t quite work right, but for god’s sake it’s a beta, I expect S#&$ to be broken, and to break. There are a lot of specific examples that can be used to say “this ability needs a buff” or “this ability is stupid and shouldn’t exist” but I thought I would hit up just the broad spectrum on the abilities. I really wish I didn’t have to use a Mod slot on these. I understand, the idea behind it but I don’t like it. I wish at least, your number 1 ability, like Shuriken for Ash, or Freeze for Frost, just came with the Warframe. I understand the Ubers having to take up a slot but we only have 10 mod slots in the first place, taking up a slot for an ability that generally doesn’t scale well, except for a couple of the lower abilities that are amazing, well that’s just silly. If we take into account that we won’t use a certain ability it kinda limits the individuality of the warframe. I mean if you don’t use any of the abilities, except for maybe the uber and then you only use it X or Y situation, there really isn’t much of a difference between all of them. Also before people begrudge me for this, I am well aware that all of the frames have stats that that info can be found in multiple places. I understand that some of the frames have better health, shields, etc, but if your aren’t using any abilities you might as well play Rhino or Frost and just never die and walk slowly shooting everything with a shotgun as they get close to you. Grats you’re playing as the terminator, instead of a ninja. (If that’s how you play don’t get butt hurt, that’s fine. I do it too.)

Credit Dumps: Well I have a million of them and the Dojo hasn’t quite taken off yet, so I don’t really know what to do with them as of right now. I’ve pretty much just been using them to build frames and weapons, which is great since it keeps me playing. But I have an idea for credit dump. Why not sell blueprints for the helms, orokin reactor, Keys, orokin catalyst, and the vanity items for the sentinels. Now I am aware that the devs need to eat and all that jazz, but make these particular items ridiculously expensive via credits, like 150k for a pattern or something. You can also put a cap on how many you can have. Like one per day or one per every two days or something like that, so if people are really in a hurry they would still use platinum to purchase items they want right away. Another idea would be resource packs. For all of us who play what is more annoying than farming for Rubedo, alloy plates, morphics. You could sell a good quantity of these materials for 100k credits, and again put a cap on the number you can purchase per day, so the upper one percent, (which I’m sure I’m not part of even with my boatload of credits) can’t just corner the market on these items. I’m sure the fear with something like this is that people will just log in everyday and purchase the mats rather than farm them for the dojo. If you have 100 people in your clan and they all purchase the mats instead of farming them, that’s a problem. Perhaps create an exchange rate. Like 50 credits for one rubedo, or 50k for a morphics or something. Sadly I don’t have enough data to offer what reasonable numbers would be when it comes to things like this, just trying to give a starting point. Another Idea would be an auction house of some kind, but that is way more complicated and makes my head hurt when I think about it.

Warframe Equipment: I had this thought today. What if we could mix and match the Chassis, Systems, and Helmets for our frames. You could assign stats to each of the individual pieces and have them affect the frame differently. For example the systems could affect what polarity slots your frame has innately available and when you forma the frame it goes into the systems and can carry over into a different version of the frame. The contention with this is that you would simply forma one system and then use it across all of that particular frame. Like you would forma an Excalibur systems and then use it on your Excalibur prime and whatever other versions of Excalibur may come out. But what if the systems also had some stats, like plus damage, or plus health, or plus armor. It would make it to where if you forma one and want to drag it across all of the different versions of the frame you have, then you may not be getting the most out of the different systems you have. This also helps solve one of the problems with having multiple versions of the same frame. I very much dislike the idea of having Frost, getting Frost prime, and then having the same damn Warframe taking up two of my warframe slots. What bonus do I get for having both of them, should I sell one and keep the other. If you make it were each frame has interchangeable parts you can just buy however many slots there are warframes, get all the frames and then get the equipment as they come out. This allows us to have a goal to farm and work towards, and allows us to mix and match pieces to try and make our frames better than previous versions. You could also do bonuses for having a whole set. Like if you are using all of the Prime of a Warframe you get some kind of bonus. It doesn’t have to break the game, but it would make the idea of using all of the same pieces viable. The idea opens a lot of doors to making a Warframe our own rather than one we just bought for platinum or farmed for over the course of several days. It also allows you, the Devs, to drop individual pieces of a Warframe at times and then we can actually use them while you are working on the rest of the set. It also allows older frames to be improved without having to rework entire models. Hell you could even make random stats on some of the pieces, or random polarity slots for systems, or give them some other random properties. I think the frame would still have to level the same way, like Frost is just Frost he goes from unranked to 30, but the pieces don’t improve or change as he levels. You could even make pieces only available to certain mastery levels, or levels of the individual frame. The overall idea opens up so many possibilities.
Well those are my thoughts on ways to improve the game as a whole.



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I like the ideas of credit dumps, but I think the costs would have to be way higher to take into account for those players who have stockpiled millions of credits. It's not that hard to obtain a decent amount so having high cost wouldn't hinder a new player either.

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