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Lantano (Mineral Frame) + other stuff.


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Hi Tenno. I have been working on a Mineral Warframe for the last 3 weeks, and I wanted to share my ideas with you, so hopefuly his abilities, mechanics or even better the character itself gets to the game. The main idea was to make him a tank with many powers based around different types of minerals, but at the moment we have too much tanks in the game, so I decided to turn it into a DPS frame with just a bit of CC (enough to open the enemy to his attacks) and a bit tanky. the last month I had a concept, but it was too much like Atlas and Frost in terms of appareance of the abilities, so I tried to come up with new mechanics and an aggressive playstyle.

*Warframe name: Lantano.

Lantano is a DPS focused frame, he has high defense, mobility and attack to compensate his lack of CC, so he can kill enemies really fast to help his team-mates. As we don't have abilities that scale with enemies HP. I tried to balance them the best I could to make him an endgame viable DPS frame, because at the moment most of people only uses CC frames in endgame content.

*)Warframe Stats:



400 at max rank.


200 at max rank.


275 at max range.


130 at max rank.

*Passive ability: upon killing enemies with his damage abilities, enemies will drop 5 minerals which can be
absorbed by Lantano to increase the amount of damage Lantano can do with his abilities.To benefit from this effect, Lantano must fill a bar that requires (400 minerals)
Once the bar has reached the 100% completion the next Lantano Damaging ability will receive a movement speed buff of 40% and an armor increase of 30%  (these two increase along the mineral bar)
And his ultimate ability will receive a 10X multiplier. Lantano will lose all his minerals after he uses his ultimate ability.


1.-Axinite fragments: 



*) Description: 


Lantano summons 3 different types of crystals that will orbitate arround him at high speeds. 
Lantano can cast one type of crystal each time he uses the ability. This will let Lantano summon the type of crystals he needs for
each situation.
These minerals will absorb a percentage of the total incoming damage and each mineral will absorb 1/3 of the total 
incoming damage and will store it.

-Ability key press (once): rotate between crystal types.
-Ability key press (twice): summons the selected crystal.<--- press twice fast before it changes the crystal or it will just change the selected crystal.
-Ability key press (hold): release the charge of the selected crystal.

Each Mineral has it's own effect after releasing the charge, and will scale depending on the amount of damage stored.
Each mineral has a cap on the damage it can store... that cap is 1000pts of damage (base) . After each mineral is reaches it's
damage cap, you will lose it's portection (for example: if with 3 minreales you had a 48% of damage reduction. 
After reaching the damage cap on one of them, your damage reduction will drop to 32%. And if you lose another 
mineral it will drop to 16%.) 

*The 3 type of minerals are the next ones:

 1)Axinite Crystal - debuff capabilities.
 2)Tanzanite Crystal - Damage capabilities.
 3)Amethyst Crystal. - Buff capabilites.

*) Damage reduction and charge capabilities: 



-Each crystal will mitigate and store up 10% (base) of the all incoming damage. If you have all 3 crystals 
"working" they will mitigate a total of 30% of the incoming damage. 
-% of damage mitigation scales with power strenght mods.
-Each crystal has a damage cap of 1000 points.
-Damage cap and armor scale with HP and Armor mods. (Example, with Max Vitality the max damage cap of each crystal
is 4.400pts without any armor mod)
-Each crystal has 3 levels that make their effects scale based on the amount of damage taken. 
 -1st level is reached when a crystal has taken between 0 to 49% of it's total cap on damage.
 -2nd level is reached when a crystal has taken between 50 to 99% of it's total cap on damage.
 -3rd level is reached when a crystal has taken 100% of it's total cap on damage.
 -Each crystal lasts 40 seconds (base)

*) Crystal effects, description and stats:

1)Axinite Crystal: 



Lantano will pulverize the Axinite Crystal and will make a cloud with that crystal. The 
cloud will move slowly in a rect line until it dissapears. This cloud will have different effects depending
on the main enemy protection. 

 -Level 1:
  -Armor: it will reduce 9% (base) of the total enemy armor.
  -shield: it will link all shielded enemies inside the cloud and will make their shields unleash a 
 electric shock between linked units, that will drain 20% (base) of their shields + the amount of shield lost for each enemy hit. If one unit 
is missing all of his shields already, he will be knocked out.

 -Level 2:
  -Armor: it will reduce 15% (base) of the total enemy armor.
  -Shield:it will link all shielded enemies inside the cloud and will make their shields unleash a 
 electric shock between linked units, that will drain 40% of their shields (base) + the amount of shield lost for each enemy hit.If one unit 
is missing all of his shields already, he will be knocked out.

 -Level 3:
 -Armor: it will reduce 28% (base) of the total enemy armor.
 -Shield: it will link all shielded enemies inside the cloud and will make their shields unleash a 
 electric shock between linked units, that will drain 60% of their shields + the amount of shield lost for each enemy hit.If one unit 
is missing all of his shields already, he will be knocked out.

2) Tanzanite Crystal: 


Lantano will shatter the Tanzanite Crystal and will shot it fragments as if it were
shotgun pellets. The damage, range and spread will scale depending on the damage level of the crystal.

 -level 1: 6000pts of damage (base) / 45º cone spread / 9mts of reach.
 -level 2: 12000pts of damage (base) / 30º cone spread / 13mts of reach.
 -level 3: 18000pts of damage (base) / 20º cone spread / 20mts of reach. / 1.0 punch through.    

**if Lantano kills an enemy with this ability, the dead enemy will have 25% of chances of dropping minerals**

3) Amethyst Crystal:


Lantano Will break the crystal and make little fragments that will orbitate him and every warframe/companion close to him
 This mini crystal will add a % of armor for an X amount of time. After the time runs armor buff runs out, the fragments will pulverize and will splash arround
all the affected units knocking down enemies that are close enough to the splash. 

-Level 1: Armor will be increased by 15% (base) of the total armor the affected unit has / knock down radius is 5mts (base) / Buff duration is 7 seconds.(base)
-Level 2: Armor will be increased by 30% (base) of the total armor the affected unit has / knock down radius is 10mts (base) / Buff duration is 14 seconds.(base)
-Level 3: Armor will be increased by 50% (base) of the total armor the affected unit has / knock down radius is 15mts (base) / Buff duration is 21 seconds.(base)

*) Little explanation of the ability...


Lantano will be able to cast 3 crystals that can orbit him at the same time. You will be able to cast the type of crystal you want,
It means that you can cast 2 axinite crystals and 1 amethyst crystal, then release the charge of one axinite crystal and cast a Tanzanite crystal to replace
your used Axinite crystal, of course each crystal will store damage from 0 to 100%. This could mean that after a time using the ability, you could have a 
50% charged Axinite crystal. A 23% charged Tanzanite Crystal and a 100% charged Axinite Crystal.


2.-Amazonite Splash:



Lantano is able to cast this ability from the ground or from the air. Depending from where this ability is casted the outcome will be different. 

-Casted from the ground: Lantano will jump where the crosshair is aiming, the impact will create an explosion of radiactive shards that will deal 15.000pts of damage in a small AoE of (6mts). The enemies affected by the ability will receive 1.5X more damage from next Lantano abilities for (5) seconds and there is a (50%) chance that these affected 
enemies get a radiactive proc.

-Casted from the air: Lantano will cast a Magnetized giant metal shard where he is aiming with the crosshair that will attract nearby enemies for 11 seconds and has a
radius of 12mts. 
 -Only two magnetic metal shards can be used at the same time.

*)General Stats (both abilities share this): 

-Ability range (jump / cast max range): 18mts (base)

3.- Metallic dust (toggle):


Lantano will apply particles of super conductive metals and crystals to his ammo or melee weapons. Each time a bullet hits an enemy or
it's hit by a melee attack, this enemy will start becoming solidified. 
when an enemy is loses 1/3 of it's total HP, he will become totally solidified, and during the next 4 seconds he will receive 2X damage from weapons affected by
the ability or another Lantano damaging abilities and will store the damage.

-If the enemy loses 1/2 of his total life while solidified all the damage stored will be released in an explosion of 20mts.
-If the enemy dies while solidified, it will explode releasing the stored damage with a 2.5X damage multiplier in an explosion of 20mts.
-If the solidified enemy is killed with headshots the damage multiplier will be 4.0X 
-The damage cap is 40.000pts of damage.
-An enemy getting killed or damaged by an explosion caused by this ability won't get solidified. The only way to solidify an enemy os by shooting him or
attacking him with a gun or melee weapon under the effects of this ability or another Lantano damaging abilities.
-Crytallized enemies can take and store the damage of explosions of other solidified enemies. 


-Solidified status duration: 6 seconds (base)
-This ability drains 8 energy per second.

4.- Volcanic Core: 


Lantano transform the floor arround him into molten rocks that will will last (3) seconds and will deal 9,000 (base) pts of damage per second.
This ability works with his passive. So each time his mineral bar is full Lantano will deal the base damage + power strenght multiplied by 10. 

(Example: lantano with 150% power strenght will deal 135.000pts of damage per tic and 405.000pts after the 3 ticks.)

This is a method I made to create a great nuke ability without taking the risk of it being spammed lol. 

*) Stats: 
-Duration: 3 seconds.
-Range: 25mts.
-Damage:9.000 per second. (90.000 with maxed mineral bar)

I don't have a concept art because I'm bad at drawing :c
I Hope you like my concept for this mineral frame. If you have any ideas to improve the character let me know.

*If you are interested on a time based frame, I have some ideas for abilities you can use to make your own concept or share it with someone that want to make one*
(I'm not really interested on making a time based frame, but I had some ideas that may fit in a kit for a character like that)



1.- This is an ability that may work for a 3rd ability.  
The character will cast an area with X duration around him and will work with ticks. Each tick will slow down and will increase the damage enemies take on headshots to each affected enemies. (each tick will stack with the previous tick to increase the slow and the headshot multiplier) 
The ability has 5 ticks, and the 4th first ticks will last 20% of the total ability duration. 
An example on how it could work would be:
1st Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 2x and reduces his movement speed by 40%
2nd Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 2.5x and reduces his movement speed by 50%
3rd Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 3x and reduces his movement speed by 60%
4th Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 3.5x and reduces his movement speed by 70%
5thTick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 4x and reduces his movement speed by 100%

2.- This ability could work as an ultimate ability maybe:

The character would cast a massive area around him that would totally stop enemies the first half of the ability. The ability itself lasts 12 seconds, the last 6 seconds of the ability will reduce enemies movement speed by 80%. Enemies that were outside the radius when the ability was casted can still get in range and get affected by the total freeze or the 80% movement reduction depending on what half of the ability was working when they got in range. 
Now, that's is not the most important part of the ability... The most important one is that the ability was based on the butterfly effect. And if you know that, the most minimal of the actions could have big consequences... based on this, the affected enemies could get highlighted on different colors, and each color has short term or long term consequences...

-red color highlight (long term consequences) : enemies highlighted by this abilities receive damage multiplied by 1.5 and these enemies will link 3 more units. When the red highlighted enemy gets killed, the 3 linked enemies will die as soon as the 12 seconds end.

-yellow color highlight (long term consequences) : enemies highlighted enemies will store the damage and release it in an AoE of 15mts as soon as the 12 seconds end.

-Green color highlight (short term): enemies highlighted in this color will work as a "damage beacon" and will splash your damage in an AoE of 9mt.

-white color highlight (short term): enemies highlighted in this color will work like "Trinity well of life".

As I'm not interested on working on a Time warframe, you can use these ideas as you want (if you liked them)


Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
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15 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

Hi Tenno. I have been working on a Mineral Warframe for the last 3 weeks, and I wanted to share my ideas with you, so hopefuly his abilities, mechanics or even better the character itself gets to the game. The main idea was to make him a tank with many powers based around different types of minerals, but at the moment we have too much tanks in the game, so I decided to turn it into a DPS frame with just a bit of CC (enough to open the enemy to his attacks) and a bit tanky. the last month I had a concept, but it was too much like Atlas and Frost in terms of appareance of the abilities, so I tried to come up with new mechanics and an aggressive playstyle.

*Warframe name: Lantano.

Lantano is a DPS focused frame, he has high defense, mobility and attack to compensate his lack of CC, so he can kill enemies really fast to help his team-mates. As we don't have abilities that scale with enemies HP. I tried to balance them the best I could to make him an endgame viable DPS frame, because at the moment most of people only uses CC frames in endgame content.

*)Warframe Stats:



900 at max rank.


200 at max rank.


275 at max range.


130 at max rank.

*Passive ability: upon killing enemies with his damage abilities, enemies will drop 5 minerals which can be
absorbed by Lantano to increase the amount of damage Lantano can do with his abilities.To benefit from this effect, Lantano must fill a bar that requires (400 minerals)
Once the bar has reached the 100% completion the next Lantano Damaging ability will receive a movement speed buff of 40% and an armor increase of 30%  (these two increase along the mineral bar)
And his ultimate ability will receive a 10X multiplier. Lantano will lose all his minerals after he uses his ultimate ability.


1.-Axinite fragments: 


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*) Description: 

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Lantano summons 3 different types of crystals that will orbitate arround him at high speeds. 
Lantano can cast one type of crystal each time he uses the ability. This will let Lantano summon the type of crystals he needs for
each situation.
These minerals will absorb a percentage of the total incoming damage and each mineral will absorb 1/3 of the total 
incoming damage and will store it.

-Ability key press (once): rotate between crystal types.
-Ability key press (twice): summons the selected crystal.<--- press twice fast before it changes the crystal or it will just change the selected crystal.
-Ability key press (hold): release the charge of the selected crystal.

Each Mineral has it's own effect after releasing the charge, and will scale depending on the amount of damage stored.
Each mineral has a cap on the damage it can store... that cap is 1000pts of damage (base) . After each mineral is reaches it's
damage cap, you will lose it's portection (for example: if with 3 minreales you had a 48% of damage reduction. 
After reaching the damage cap on one of them, your damage reduction will drop to 32%. And if you lose another 
mineral it will drop to 16%.) 

*The 3 type of minerals are the next ones:

 1)Axinite Crystal - debuff capabilities.
 2)Tanzanite Crystal - Damage capabilities.
 3)Amethyst Crystal. - Buff capabilites.

*) Damage reduction and charge capabilities: 


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-Each crystal will mitigate and store up 10% (base) of the all incoming damage. If you have all 3 crystals 
"working" they will mitigate a total of 30% of the incoming damage. 
-% of damage mitigation scales with power strenght mods.
-Each crystal has a damage cap of 1000 points.
-Damage cap and armor scale with HP and Armor mods. (Example, with Max Vitality the max damage cap of each crystal
is 4.400pts without any armor mod)
-Each crystal has 3 levels that make their effects scale based on the amount of damage taken. 
 -1st level is reached when a crystal has taken between 0 to 49% of it's total cap on damage.
 -2nd level is reached when a crystal has taken between 50 to 99% of it's total cap on damage.
 -3rd level is reached when a crystal has taken 100% of it's total cap on damage.
 -Each crystal lasts 40 seconds (base)

*) Crystal effects, description and stats:

1)Axinite Crystal: 


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Lantano will pulverize the Axinite Crystal and will make a cloud with that crystal. The 
cloud will move slowly in a rect line until it dissapears. This cloud will have different effects depending
on the main enemy protection. 

 -Level 1:
  -Armor: it will reduce 9% (base) of the total enemy armor.
  -shield: it will link all shielded enemies inside the cloud and will make their shields unleash a 
 electric shock between linked units, that will drain 20% (base) of their shields + the amount of shield lost for each enemy hit. If one unit 
is missing all of his shields already, he will be knocked out.

 -Level 2:
  -Armor: it will reduce 15% (base) of the total enemy armor.
  -Shield:it will link all shielded enemies inside the cloud and will make their shields unleash a 
 electric shock between linked units, that will drain 40% of their shields (base) + the amount of shield lost for each enemy hit.If one unit 
is missing all of his shields already, he will be knocked out.

 -Level 3:
 -Armor: it will reduce 28% (base) of the total enemy armor.
 -Shield: it will link all shielded enemies inside the cloud and will make their shields unleash a 
 electric shock between linked units, that will drain 60% of their shields + the amount of shield lost for each enemy hit.If one unit 
is missing all of his shields already, he will be knocked out.

2) Tanzanite Crystal: 

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Lantano will shatter the Tanzanite Crystal and will shot it fragments as if it were
shotgun pellets. The damage, range and spread will scale depending on the damage level of the crystal.

 -level 1: 6000pts of damage (base) / 45º cone spread / 9mts of reach.
 -level 2: 12000pts of damage (base) / 30º cone spread / 13mts of reach.
 -level 3: 18000pts of damage (base) / 20º cone spread / 20mts of reach. / 1.0 punch through.    

**if Lantano kills an enemy with this ability, the dead enemy will have 25% of chances of dropping minerals**

3) Amethyst Crystal:

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Lantano Will break the crystal and make little fragments that will orbitate him and every warframe/companion close to him
 This mini crystal will add a % of armor for an X amount of time. After the time runs armor buff runs out, the fragments will pulverize and will splash arround
all the affected units knocking down enemies that are close enough to the splash. 

-Level 1: Armor will be increased by 15% (base) of the total armor the affected unit has / knock down radius is 5mts (base) / Buff duration is 7 seconds.(base)
-Level 2: Armor will be increased by 30% (base) of the total armor the affected unit has / knock down radius is 10mts (base) / Buff duration is 14 seconds.(base)
-Level 3: Armor will be increased by 50% (base) of the total armor the affected unit has / knock down radius is 15mts (base) / Buff duration is 21 seconds.(base)

*) Little explanation of the ability...

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Lantano will be able to cast 3 crystals that can orbit him at the same time. You will be able to cast the type of crystal you want,
It means that you can cast 2 axinite crystals and 1 amethyst crystal, then release the charge of one axinite crystal and cast a Tanzanite crystal to replace
your used Axinite crystal, of course each crystal will store damage from 0 to 100%. This could mean that after a time using the ability, you could have a 
50% charged Axinite crystal. A 23% charged Tanzanite Crystal and a 100% charged Axinite Crystal.


2.-Amazonite Splash:


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Lantano is able to cast this ability from the ground or from the air. Depending from where this ability is casted the outcome will be different. 

-Casted from the ground: Lantano will jump where the crosshair is aiming, the impact will create an explosion of radiactive shards that will deal 15.000pts of damage in a small AoE of (6mts). The enemies affected by the ability will receive 1.5X more damage from next Lantano abilities for (5) seconds and there is a (50%) chance that these affected 
enemies get a radiactive proc.

-Casted from the air: Lantano will cast a Magnetized giant metal shard where he is aiming with the crosshair that will attract nearby enemies for 11 seconds and has a
radius of 12mts. 
 -Only two magnetic metal shards can be used at the same time.

*)General Stats (both abilities share this): 

-Ability range (jump / cast max range): 18mts (base)

3.- Metallic dust (toggle):

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Lantano will apply particles of super conductive metals and crystals to his ammo or melee weapons. Each time a bullet hits an enemy or
it's hit by a melee attack, this enemy will start becoming solidified. 
when an enemy is loses 1/3 of it's total HP, he will become totally solidified, and during the next 4 seconds he will receive 2X damage from weapons affected by
the ability or another Lantano damaging abilities and will store the damage.

-If the enemy loses 1/2 of his total life while solidified all the damage stored will be released in an explosion of 20mts.
-If the enemy dies while solidified, it will explode releasing the stored damage with a 2.5X damage multiplier in an explosion of 20mts.
-If the solidified enemy is killed with headshots the damage multiplier will be 4.0X 
-The damage cap is 40.000pts of damage.
-An enemy getting killed or damaged by an explosion caused by this ability won't get solidified. The only way to solidify an enemy os by shooting him or
attacking him with a gun or melee weapon under the effects of this ability or another Lantano damaging abilities.
-Crytallized enemies can take and store the damage of explosions of other solidified enemies. 


-Solidified status duration: 6 seconds (base)
-This ability drains 8 energy per second.

4.- Volcanic Core: 

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Lantano transform the floor arround him into molten rocks that will will last (3) seconds and will deal 9,000 (base) pts of damage per second.
This ability works with his passive. So each time his mineral bar is full Lantano will deal the base damage + power strenght multiplied by 10. 

(Example: lantano with 150% power strenght will deal 135.000pts of damage per tic and 405.000pts after the 3 ticks.)

This is a method I made to create a great nuke ability without taking the risk of it being spammed lol. 

*) Stats: 
-Duration: 3 seconds.
-Range: 25mts.
-Damage:9.000 per second. (90.000 with maxed mineral bar)

I don't have a concept art because I'm bad at drawing :c
I Hope you like my concept for this mineral frame. If you have any ideas to improve the character let me know.

*If you are interested on a time based frame, I have some ideas for abilities you can use to make your own concept or share it with someone that want to make one*
(I'm not really interested on making a time based frame, but I had some ideas that may fit in a kit for a character like that)


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1.- This is an ability that may work for a 3rd ability.  
The character will cast an area with X duration around him and will work with ticks. Each tick will slow down and will increase the damage enemies take on headshots to each affected enemies. (each tick will stack with the previous tick to increase the slow and the headshot multiplier) 
The ability has 5 ticks, and the 4th first ticks will last 20% of the total ability duration. 
An example on how it could work would be:
1st Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 2x and reduces his movement speed by 40%
2nd Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 2.5x and reduces his movement speed by 50%
3rd Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 3x and reduces his movement speed by 60%
4th Tick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 3.5x and reduces his movement speed by 70%
5thTick increases headshot damage on affected enemies by 4x and reduces his movement speed by 100%

2.- This ability could work as an ultimate ability maybe:

The character would cast a massive area around him that would totally stop enemies the first half of the ability. The ability itself lasts 12 seconds, the last 6 seconds of the ability will reduce enemies movement speed by 80%. Enemies that were outside the radius when the ability was casted can still get in range and get affected by the total freeze or the 80% movement reduction depending on what half of the ability was working when they got in range. 
Now, that's is not the most important part of the ability... The most important one is that the ability was based on the butterfly effect. And if you know that, the most minimal of the actions could have big consequences... based on this, the affected enemies could get highlighted on different colors, and each color has short term or long term consequences...

-red color highlight (long term consequences) : enemies highlighted by this abilities receive damage multiplied by 1.5 and these enemies will link 3 more units. When the red highlighted enemy gets killed, the 3 linked enemies will die as soon as the 12 seconds end.

-yellow color highlight (long term consequences) : enemies highlighted enemies will store the damage and release it in an AoE of 15mts as soon as the 12 seconds end.

-Green color highlight (short term): enemies highlighted in this color will work as a "damage beacon" and will splash your damage in an AoE of 9mt.

-white color highlight (short term): enemies highlighted in this color will work like "Trinity well of life".

As I'm not interested on working on a Time warframe, you can use these ideas as you want (if you liked them)


Love the idea at first I thought the hp was a little high  but with the low shield & high armor balance it's  out 

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Just now, tennorod said:

Love the idea at first I thought the hp was a little high  but with the low shield & high armor balance it's  out 

yeah, he also has damage reduction from his passive and his first ability (which you can use in an offensive or defensive way). but I made him a little bit tanky because he lacks of CC, total defenses like (defy, iron skin, hysteria) and some of his abilities requires him to get close to his enemies. And I wanted him to be able to deal damage in end game content, because at the moment most of damage frames fall off too fast when enemies start to get stronger. 
I'm happy you liked the character. Thanks for reading :D

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

yeah, he also has damage reduction from his passive and his first ability (which you can use in an offensive or defensive way). but I made him a little bit tanky because he lacks of CC, total defenses like (defy, iron skin, hysteria) and some of his abilities requires him to get close to his enemies. And I wanted him to be able to deal damage in end game content, because at the moment most of damage frames fall off too fast when enemies start to get stronger. 
I'm happy you liked the character. Thanks for reading :D

Np and your right some frames are under utilized because they don't scale In endgame 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

I'm glad you liked this character. If this goes well, I will start creating a melee frame based on the states of the water with a mechanic based on temperature and water.

Sounds like a interesting idea

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)glider700 said:

We're are the regular stats. The warframe is really op right now for max rank.

I don't know how this does actually scale from level 0 to 30 in terms of warframe stats.
but the stats I put there are the final ones, and the ones that start scalling with HP, Shields, Armor, Energy and Movement speed mods. 
And that's is actually the point. The character lacks of CC, and total defensive abilities, which mean that level 100 enemies won't stop attacking you because you can't CC, so he needs the damage he deals and the stats he has to survive and be useful in endgame. 

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2 minutes ago, tennorod said:

Sounds like a interesting idea

Yeah, previously I was kind of thinking about a kit for a time frame, but it seems that there is a lot of people creating time frame concepts, so I gave up lol (some of his abilities are there if someone wants to use them anyway)
And about the state of the water frame I'm starting to create... it's kind of hard to create a good kit that's fun to use and scales well to high level missions. Also, I want his kit to bring new mechanics to the game and to be really original. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

Yeah, previously I was kind of thinking about a kit for a time frame, but it seems that there is a lot of people creating time frame concepts, so I gave up lol (some of his abilities are there if someone wants to use them anyway)
And about the state of the water frame I'm starting to create... it's kind of hard to create a good kit that's fun to use and scales well to high level missions. Also, I want his kit to bring new mechanics to the game and to be really original. 

Yea with the new fairy frame coming I think the game mechanics are going to change a little

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Just now, tennorod said:

Yea with the new fairy frame coming I think the game mechanics are going to change a little

yup, some of the latest frames have been adding a lot of fun mechanics to the game (toggle abilities, quiver, synergy, combo, etc...) so I'm really excited for every new warframe that's being developed. And I would like to help adding even more mechanics to the game if possible.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

yup, some of the latest frames have been adding a lot of fun mechanics to the game (toggle abilities, quiver, synergy, combo, etc...) so I'm really excited for every new warframe that's being developed. And I would like to help adding even more mechanics to the game if possible.

Totally It would make playing frame more fun

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Just now, tennorod said:

Totally It would make playing frame more fun

agreed :)
The mechanic I was trying to create here is a bar that must be filled by taking down enemies with his damaging abilities, while the bar is getting filled it will improve Lantano survivability and when the bar is full it would work to increase the damage of your most damaging ability (so it scales better) .Also I was trying to add more synergy between his kit, as you saw, some abilities have minor CC capabilities, self-buffs and debuffs for enemies that for themselves may not be really useful, but when combined they can become really powerful damage abilities for endgame content.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

agreed :)
The mechanic I was trying to create here is a bar that must be filled by taking down enemies with his damaging abilities, while the bar is getting filled it will improve Lantano survivability and when the bar is full it would work to increase the damage of your most damaging ability (so it scales better) .Also I was trying to add more synergy between his kit, as you saw, some abilities have minor CC capabilities, self-buffs and debuffs for enemies that for themselves may not be really useful, but when combined they can become really powerful damage abilities for endgame content.

That's sounds nice 

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Just now, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

I don't know how this does actually scale from level 0 to 30 in terms of warframe stats.
but the stats I put there are the final ones, and the ones that start scalling with HP, Shields, Armor, Energy and Movement speed mods. 
And that's is actually the point. The character lacks of CC, and total defensive abilities, which mean that level 100 enemies won't stop attacking you because you can't CC, so he needs the damage he deals and the stats he has to survive and be useful in endgame. 

Max health can only go up to +300 but below -400 for max. Starter stats are 100.

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