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Good Bye Guys


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The game is fun but I had reached the point of not been fun anymore.


The excessive farming to get void keys

when you are lucky to get the keys excess farming trying to get the parts you need and that seem never drop.


I play the game for fun but for me, no speaking for no one else, for me it is now grind, grind and more grin and having void blocked by only key acces makes it more  grind.


So adios amigos and have fun

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But it doesn't matter how much they tweak the drop rates, how much stuff there is to farm. The fact remains that there's very little actual game here. Some randomly generated tilesets can only entertain for so long. DE needs to make content, actual, interesting, unique content. And so far, they've done very little to even hint at that.

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As Lotus would say "you can leave now or stay and fight, the choice is yours"

When the farming is scaled to come inline with clan sizes it will be much better, I'd personally wait for the next update. Game is still fun to play without having to farm.

Defense missions are my fave..... Vauban can solo just about any level. :D

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