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Warframe Awakenings (Short Story)


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Warframe Awakens

This is a short story I wrote for my new warframe concept. (See below) I suggest you look at it first before reading this. I may or may not countinue this story.




"Who are you?" He asked.

"What difference does it make?" The voice answered

The Tenno looked around his prison. It was nothingness as far as the eye could see, not unlike the void. He sat suspended as this place had no gravity but it seemed different. The void always had an energy to it, a light that seemed to change people, for better and for worse, but this place has no light, no warmth, it was as if he was in between the void and his own world.

“Where are we?” He asked.

“A rift in space itself, it would seem. Do you not remember?” The voice asked.

“I…” The Tenno began. 

The memory's came back in waves. They were assigned to guard a Void Portal, but this one was different, an unstable, experimental one, meant to be disposed of long ago. The sentient’s had ambushed them, it was massacre. They fell left and right each time they struck there enemy's seemed to only grow stronger, more resilient. Then he had seen it a single instant of weakness. With one strike the sentient had fallen to his blade, but this time something happened. It had seen its own death and overloaded it components in a last ditch effort, the explosion was enough to take down the portal with it. That was the last thing he remembered, a blinding flash of light, followed by a burning in his head.

“You’re…” He began

“The sentient you struck down, yes.” The voice answered. 

“How are you…? In my mind?” The Tenno asked.

“I don't even know that, the collapsing Void Portal seemed to have… Fused us.” The sentient answered. "As well as rip a hole is space itself."

“You…” The Tenno looked at his warframe. It was unlike anything he remembered. It was dark, and full of anger and hatred. No longer a husk to be controlled it had a new darkness to it.

“What have you done to my frame?” He demanded.

“I have prepared it for the battle to come.” The sentient answered.

“What…” The Tenno began but was interrupted as a light appeared. It exploded into a rift that pulled him forward. As an unknown gravity kicked in. He was thrown forward and landed on a metal platform. He looked around as a blinding light filled his eyes. 

“Tenno…” A deep gravelly voice muttered.

The Tenno looked up to see a heavy armored brute standing in front of him it was unlike anything he seen before. The only words that came to mind to describe it were: ugly.

“Shields recalibration,  joints still locked, looks like it's been a while since your suits seen the light of day” The sentient reported.

“Stop it. Get out of my frame.” The Tenno shouted.

“I'm sorry, but it would seem my only hope is you, and you me, so I suggest you do as I say.” The sentient suggested. 

His HUD activated and his full vision was restored. He was in a military base that was over grown by foliage. Several more of the brutes where approaching him. A machine much like the ones they used themselves to open portal to the void stood in front of him, but it was much cruder, like a device of old Earth.

“Scan completed, these creatures appear to have lower brain functions and are identical to each other, no sentient thought detected, they are clones.” The sentient reported. 

The brute pushed him over to get a better look at him.

“Tenno… Scuum…” It muttered pulling a thick machete from it back.

He felt the buzz of his Orokin cells power on, and regained the ability to move. His HUD showed only fourty percent power, but just enough to recalibrate the suits joints and basic power functions.

“This is the part where I take over.” The sentient reported.

His warframe struck out and disappeared from view become a shadow itself. The brute confused and angry began to rashly swing its weapon through the air. The Tenno had no control of his suit, the sentient was moving it for him, ordering its joints, scanning the environment for more data, evening overclocking his shields to get the most power out of them. 

“Tenno!” The brute cried as its prey disappeared. The Tenno felt his own aura phase within the creature as the sentient took control of its basic motor systems and even begin to order it about.

“What are you doing?” The Tenno demanded. 

“Helping you.” The sentient answered marching the creature towards its companions. 

The leader of the squad of brutes started shouting orders in an unfamiliar dialect. They charged towards where the warframe had disappeared. The leader asked something to the possessed machete wielder. When he did not reseave a answer he pushed the machete wielder and began to speak louder.

The sentient turned him to face his commander and forced him to plunge the machete downwards into his face. The grunt cried in pain as a pool of crimson sprayed everywhere. The other soldiers turned to face the traitor and pointed there crude ballistic weapons towards him and opened fire.

The sentient had anticipated this and released himself from the creature’s body, just as it was riddled with bullets. 

“Your turn.” The sentient reported.
The Tenno now in control of his warframe grabbed the machete and threw it goring one of the brutes. He slide forward and punched one of the creatures where he could only guess it's stomach was. He disarmed him and caught his weapon, opening fire on the other troopers. They fell to the ground as several more soilders alerted by the gunfire filled in. 

“Time to disappear.” The sentient said taking control. His warframe again turned to shadows engulfing the room in darkness. He felt the heartbeat of the creatures increases, there sweat glads began to activate, adrenaline began to pump as the room was overcast in shadows.

The confused brutes flicked on their flashlights as he descended on them. Before any could react he  had snapped the neck of one the beasts and turned to side kick a second one.

The grunts fired into the darkness as there bullets only hit shadows. The sentient guided his shadow form under the catwalk as the remaining three spread out.

One turned to see a chain made of pure energy fly forward and wrap itself around his legs and pull him into the shadows. The cry of terror and then death where the last thing his companions heard before their fellow comrade meet his end. 

“I can't be expected to do everything.” The sentient said again giving control to the Tenno. 

“Stop doing that.” He demanded. 

“Or what? You'll force me out with pain? You tried that while we were in limbo. All it did was make me stronger, and warp your warframe into what it is now.” The sentient stated.

“I don't…” The Tenno began.

“And purge your memory as well it seems.” The sentient interrupted him.

The two remaining soldiers began to shout orders or threats. He couldn’t tell. He looked around the area for a weapon. 

“Your body is a weapon remember? That's what the Orokin taught is it not?” The sentient taunted.

“Shut it!” The Tenno cried. Clearly this AI could read his thoughts.

He punched a hole in a nearby metal wall and ripped a long strip of metal from it bending and molding it into a crude, but effective sword. 

The creatures jumped down and began to open fire on him. 
His ferromagnetic shields deflected most of the bullets, long enough for him to gore one of the creatures. He then half pivoted and slashed low pouring the second creatures guts onto the floor around him. It fell to the ground and began to grown in pain as it slowly bleed to death.

“Time to go, Tenno.” The sentient said. 

He crouched down and jumped high up onto the catwalk to the portal machine. 

He approached it and found a Void Key powering the machine. They had spent years trying to keep these things out of the hands of lower life forms, those who would use it for profit, or power and now it would seem they had failed.
He felt the barrel of a pistol pass through the surface of his shield and make contact with the back of his warframe’s head. He pondered if was high enough caliber to pierce his armor. He turned slightly to see the squad leader blood still running down its face from the machete wound pointing a crude blob like pistol at him. His eyes where mangeled, what teeth he had to begin with where missing, but one thing was obvious it would die happy knowing it took down a Tenno.

“It appears that even severe brain damage is not even enough to silence these brutes, then again brain power is most likely not needed for such clones.” The sentient said.

He heard the click of the pistol cocking. “Tenn… Tenno.” The commander muttered.

“Do I have to do everything?” The sentient asked. He took control and the Tenno felt his power radiate into the already brain weak creature. It slowly but hesitantly pulled the pistol away. It pulled it closer and closer to its own forehead. It seemed to know what was about to happen, as it tried and failed to pull it away.

A shot, a flash, and a dull thud was all that could be heard.

“You…” The Tenno began.

“I did what you were too weak to do.” The sentient said. 

The Tenno approached the machine and pulled the Void Key from its slot the machine stopped and the Void Portal disappeared. The Tenno looked down at the key and his crude sword.

“Allow me.” The sentient said.

“Do I have a choice?” He asked as his second mind took control and fused the sword and key together using it as a sort of battery and infusing its blade with a particle beam made of pure void energy.

“This blade will have to suffice for now, these creatures weapons are crude and will not work in the long run.” The sentient said.

“The long run?” The Tenno asked.

“We've work to do you and me. I need you and you need me, or else will both perish.” The sentient said.

“And what exactly will we be doing?” The Tenno asked. 

“One step at a time, Tenno.” The sentient began.

“I don't need you.” The Tenno said. 

“Really? Do you even remember your name Tenno? Do you even know what day it is? Where we are? More importantly how long we've been gone?” The sentient asked. 

The Tenno looked down at his corrupted frame. It had claw marks, as well as cuts and scratches all over it. He looked down at his left arm. Crudely cut into it was the word: Acer.


Let me know what you think or if you want to see more of this corrupted frame.

Edit: I'm sorry if you don't like the way it's formatted but TAB's don't appear to like this font, browser, device I'm using, etc. 

Edited by Pie4man
Lots of Grammar Edits
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10 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

Wrong forum, bucko.

Fan Concepts

A place for fan-created concepts. Warframes, weapons, and everything else!


Yep I think your right I don't see any thing that's fits my post at all.

While where on the the subject anything constructive to say?

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1 minute ago, Pie4man said:


Fan Concepts

A place for fan-created concepts. Warframes, weapons, and everythinh else!


Yep I think your right I don't see any thing that's fits my post at all.

While where on the the subject anything constructive to say?

Yes, your fan frame concept belongs here. You know, the actual concept with its own thread. Fan fiction goes in the fan zone. I say this for your own benefit, not mine. You may be able to redirect some of the fan zone goers to your fan concept thread.

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9 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

Then why make a separate thread? If you want this to be paired with the concept, put it IN the concept.

It would be to long on top of that have you ever been to the Fan Zone 95% of the posts there are not lore. There just people doing and saying random things. One of the top streaming threads it called WarMemes. Ya that definitely seems like a better place for my story. Not here with all the serious poster who put time and dare I say even thought into there posts.

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2 hours ago, Pie4man said:

It would be to long on top of that have you ever been to the Fan Zone 95% of the posts there are not lore. There just people doing and saying random things. One of the top streaming threads it called WarMemes. Ya that definitely seems like a better place for my story. Not here with all the serious poster who put time and dare I say even thought into there posts.

Yeah, that's right, insult me for putting in time and thought into doing YOU a favor. For giving you an option to increase the viewership of your fan concept. Yes, it IS a better place than here because @(*()$ no one comes here to read fanfics. That's not the purpose of the forum.

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Yes, you where really doing me a favor by writing three words, in a snarky cynical tone. I can tell by its well thought out and punctual response and commentary that you did indeed put a lot of thought into it. Did you even read this post fully? Or do you just go around being critical about pointless aspects of a forum post. As far as I'm concerned this forum is for fan concepts and this is a fan concept not a place for you to rant because someone doesn't like your suggestion. To quote one of my new favorite Warframe Forum community members.

13 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

Wrong forum, bucko.


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1 hour ago, Pie4man said:

Yes, you where really doing me a favor by writing three words, in a snarky cynical tone. I can tell by its well thought out and punctual response and commentary that you did indeed put a lot of thought into it. Did you even read this post fully? Or do you just go around being critical about pointless aspects of a forum post. As far as I'm concerned this forum is for fan concepts and this is a fan concept not a place for you to rant because someone doesn't like your suggestion. To quote one of my new favorite Warframe Forum community members.


Why does everyone interpret everything as snarky or cynical? Is it just my Washingtonian dialect? If someone said this to me I would say "Oh, sorry, which forum should it go in" then that reasonable person would reply. "Fan zone" and I'd say "Okay, can a mod move this thread, please?" and that would be the end of it.

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10 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Why does everyone interpret everything as snarky or cynical? Is it just my Washingtonian dialect? If someone said this to me I would say "Oh, sorry, which forum should it go in" then that reasonable person would reply. "Fan zone" and I'd say "Okay, can a mod move this thread, please?" and that would be the end of it.

Because you phrased it like snarky cynic, next time try phrasing it as a suggestion not a statement. 

It would also help your cause to add some thing constructive to the post as opposed to three words.

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