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Combining Popular Ideas


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So I was thinking about how DE could make this game even better (although its really good as is), and I remember seeing a large number of posts about having missions with squads of more than 4, and having "raid bosses" and stuff. So here is what I came up with:


There are a few missions that are assassination missions (maybe one for each faction), and they are run on official warframe servers, that are up whenever the game is. You can bring up to 25 people (random number) in, and you clear to boss blah blah blah, then you get to the boss. The boss is Krill's bulletsponginess times the max number of people there are allowed in times 2 (So say 25 is the cap, and Krill had 100 hp. New boss would have ((25*2)*100) hp) . This encourages people to use abilities. When the boss dies, he doesn't drop any mods, but he has a chance to drop a bp for a really rare, powerful weapon. Now in order for this to not be abused, the boss would be only able to be killed once a week (again, this can be tweaked). So once you fight him, you cant enter another match for a full week. Another thing that could be added that would bring the chance for the weapon bp down would be bps for other cool stuff. a new set of alt helms, and a new color pack available ONLY by crafting them with the bps this boss drops. Also, the bp would only be able to be picked up by one person, instead of the whole squad, as it is now. So bring people you know and trust.


OR it can be a clan based thing. Still run on official warframe servers, and with the week cooldown time, but anyone in your clan and your clan only can join you. So all that changes is the player base that can join.


The rewards can be at first, one set of alt helms, 4 from grineer, 4 from corpus, 4 from infested, then 1 that DE can choose the faction. then, while we are busy with that, they can take their time and design a set of 13 helms for each faction. This way, its not urgent for the 3 sets, and when they do come out, the original set, can be exclusive. Maybe also a different color pack for each faction, but at first one from all of them, that later becomes exclusive.


Obviously this would take a long time to finish, but I think it could add a lot.


Comments? Changes? Ideas? Yes? No? Why?

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Brace yourself...bumping is coming.


(just wanted to say that, lol.  Large-scale WoW-like raids aren't really of huge interest to me, but props to OP for thinking.)

Yeah, sometimes I do that. I surprise myself XD
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