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Pacific, Earth And Online/solo


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I'm not sure if this is a bug or deliberate, so I am not entirely sure if this is in the correct place.



I've been hunting Rubedo, and many people have told me that Pacific, Earth is a great place to farm for it... So I grab my Infested killing gear and find an online mission. Everything goes great. Rubedo drops like crazy. After a while, though, I encounter a few games where people just want to finish the mission, so I switch to solo so I won't inconvenience others while farming, since I am opening EVERYTHING.


Once in Solo, I kill a few Infested and open a few containers, not getting Rubedo. That's fine, I just push on. Then Grineer show up from out of nowhere. This happens from time to time, so I am not concerned. I keep going. The entire mission, killing everything and opening everything, I get one Rubedo drop. Annoying, but I figure "RNG" and try again. I do the mission in Solo again. Once again, it quickly switches to Grineer, and there are next to no Rubedo drops the entire level. Getting a bit annoyed, but I push on. After running the mission solo a few more times, the exact same thing happens. I decide to run it online. Every time I ran it online, plenty of Rubedo drops, and no Grineer everywhere. I go back to solo mode to see if it decided to play like it does online. Nope, Grineer and no Rubedo. One of my solo runs, it spawned one Runner, and the rest of the level was Grineer, and always either one or two Rubedo drops, or none at all. I decide to take a break from it for the day. Next day I try again. Same results.


Well, it's been a few days, and every time, without fail, this happens. Online, only Infested and plenty of Rubedo. Solo, Grineer and almost no Rubedo.



Either the RNG gods are out to get me, there is a bug somewhere, or the mission is intentionally different in solo mode than it is in online mode. I don't have this issue in any other mission, so I am not inclined to think that it is deliberate. If it were, I would prolly encounter stuff like this in other missions. It could be RNG, but the results of testing this have been way too consistent for RNG. I'm more inclined to think it is a bug.




Is anyone else encountering this, or is it just me?






Edited by RyojinOrion
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Just out of curiosity but have you tried playing on Private?


Yes. It had the same effect as playing in Online mode. I only tested it once, though, so I need to make some more runs to confirm.



Go to Europa for rubedo.


That will do absolutely nothing to solve the issue I found.

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Go to Europa for rubedo.

Have you even been there since the Fusion MOA event? The drop rate for rubedo got SERIOUSLY nerfed, and rightfully so. I have every frame, so i no longer need rubedo, but i seem to be getting quite a bit from Kappa after a while and a ton of exp,

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Yes. It had the same effect as playing in Online mode. I only tested it once, though, so I need to make some more runs to confirm.


Interesting. I just did a private run, and came up with different results. Lots of Rubedo, but also lots of Grineer. I'll have to do some more runs to see if there is any consistence here, but I don't have the time now.

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