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Banshee Sound Quake Question.


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Previously when using this skill I averaged 60 damage per tick versus Grineer. I did a Defense tonight, not having changed any of my mods.


Sound Quake 3 (The Wiki Says it has 4 ranks but the game does not)

Focus 20%


Yet now I am hitting for 47 per tick so I am very much wondering did SQ get ninja changed or nerfed. I saw a few players complaining on a few threads (namely 1 or 2 max) that SQ was "overpowered" because it could clear a room of light enemies. Thing is almost every Ultimate can do this. If it was indeed changed then I certainly am disappointed as it was not an overpowered skill, heck it was a "usable" skill compared to some others that most players don't even equip.


This may be a bit alarmist sounding but if it was nerfed, which I still question, then what's stopping say, Snow Globe from getting HP and just shattering after enough damage, think of how that would effect Defense Missions and Frost Players. Just because a skill is useful or seemingly powerful at lower levels doesn't make it overpowered.


Alarmist comments aside Banshee is still fun but with Sonar being her primary skill and Boom really only being a "panic button" because it deals next no damage, having Quake seem to do less damage is very disconcerting for a Banshee player.


My mains are Banshee and Nyx atm so I keep a close eye on their skills.

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havent noticed any change. seems to work the same to me.

boom is hella useful and my primary skill. nothing like nothing down an entire room and killing half of them before they can stand up. hella spammy and great for everything. even keeping some bosses at bay.

overall banshee feels like one of the few frames with a good set of skills. silence being too situational to really make the cut tho.

its wierd how we have some people who rant about how nerfs are bad forever, and some who are making nerf suggestions to keep some weps viable.

one way or another, if anything changes people are going to have a fit. we couldnt even vote on a future warframe THEME without people throwing a tantrum.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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See that's why I asked the question. I was fairly sure nothing was changed due to nothing as such in the update notes and reducing the damage of an ability is certainly something that should be noted. Certainly I also agree Sonic Boom is hella spammy and very useful, I do wish it did bonus damage if say the enemy flew into the wall.


At high ranks though I have found Quake is just great Crowd Control. I aim to do more testing to really get a handle for if this was a bizarre coincidence or an actual change, thus far I only have one experience.

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About the level thing, there are actually 4 ranks, you forgot about rank 0.

And about the skill, yeah it kinda falls off at level 40's since it doesn't ignore armor.

But if they buff the skill, they're going to have to take something from banshee, I think. I feel like Banshee is in a good spot compared to the other frames, in terms of skill set and power.

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About the level thing, there are actually 4 ranks, you forgot about rank 0.

And about the skill, yeah it kinda falls off at level 40's since it doesn't ignore armor.

But if they buff the skill, they're going to have to take something from banshee, I think. I feel like Banshee is in a good spot compared to the other frames, in terms of skill set and power.

Mag and Nyx are still one trick ponies at this point =/

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HAHAH made me think of this watch it.. its funny :) too funny....

Ok yes that is funny, as a Banshee player that made me laugh.



About the level thing, there are actually 4 ranks, you forgot about rank 0.

And about the skill, yeah it kinda falls off at level 40's since it doesn't ignore armor.

But if they buff the skill, they're going to have to take something from banshee, I think. I feel like Banshee is in a good spot compared to the other frames, in terms of skill set and power.

Buff which skill? Sound Quake? Na it doesn't need a buff. Early on it's a room clear, later on it's CC for team mates to take out enemies right after a Sonar. Sonic Boom dealing bonus damage if it flung enemies to a wall would promote more skilled play as it requires positioning. Silence... I have a thread on that actually.



Feel free to discuss that idea too, feedback on ideas always leads to better ones. Even if it requires going back to the drawing board.


Mag and Nyx are still one trick ponies at this point =/

Sadly that is pretty much true. Nyx a bit less so since Mind-Control can be used to make an enemy elite into an allied bullet soaker or just make the Ancients on a Defense Mission stay off to the side while you kill the light infested. Both need tweaks as do most Warframes to make all 4 Skills have unique areas they are good for.

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