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Perhaps with the 'multi-mission' thing.

I'm all for variation, and so on. But, PLEASE put something in where you can opt out of that. If I, for instance, have 30 minutes free and think, I'll run a mission or two, and all of a sudden I'm told 'You need to do this as WELL...I have two choices. Either over-run my free time because I'm expected to do things I wasn't told about, OR abandon the mission I'm on and waste the 30 minutes I put in because I don't get ANYTHING for the abandoned mission. Talk about punishing for things well out of my control. Oh, and also? If I'm made to play two missions at once, on the occasions when that is ok? Why am I not being PAYED for two missions? Or even one and a half? Not to be mercinary, if I'm expected to run around the ship doing a bunch of OTHER things, beyond what I was told/asked to? I'd expect to be compensated for the same.


Beyond that, infinite respawn. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, PLEASE get rid of that idiotic idea. PLEASE!!! I'm begging you...that is such a horrid idea it houldn't even have been considered.


Please add a 'cancel' button for choosing missions. If you, by mistake, click on a mission, the only way to cancel it is by going 'back'. But that also separates any group you might be in, so you have to re-invite and so on. All of which is an utter PAIN.

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Oh potatoes I totally agree with most of what has been said here. I hate that there is a possibility for the mission to be extended, especially when there is also a possibility that the mission may frost over, reducing your shields by a whopping 50%. I did see something on accident (I think) when loosing connection from the host of my mission, but I'm not going to go into details about it just in case it was something they're trying to do subtly. I do think that they are working on something that you mentioned in this topic, though.


The infinite respawn is their way of catering to those people who want action all the time, but I personally agree with that too.

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Please add a 'cancel' button for choosing missions. If you, by mistake, click on a mission, the only way to cancel it is by going 'back'. But that also separates any group you might be in, so you have to re-invite and so on. All of which is an utter PAIN.

You can click the Private/Match type button and re-select Private. That undoes your vote.

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You can click the Private/Match type button and re-select Private. That undoes your vote.


Good to know! Thanks for the tip! But, it needs to be more intuitive. There needs to be a 'cancel' button. I mean, how many people doesn't know you can do this, or even concider trying it? I would presume most, I know I didn't.


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The infinite respawn is their way of catering to those people who want action all the time, but I personally agree with that too.


All action all the time is one thing. But I've had 565 kills in one mission, and that's not counting the ones I finally just RAN AWAY from, because I had to finish the mission. That's not action, that's mindbending tedium. It goes from being fun to just being something you have to withstand until you can run away. In what way is that fun? (note that I'm not complaining to you, Jaddit...started to feel as if I were, and I wanted to make it clear I wasn't.)


That also brings another thing that needs to be removed. I've ended up in a small room with those damn robot-spawning boxes, when everything goes into lockdown, 3 diffrent times. THERE is a game-breaker for you. Being locked into a room where you can't escape the enemy, and where you can't open the doors because each time you try to crack the code, new enemies spawn to shoot you dead.

Once, I failed the mission because of that. 4 times I died, because more and more enemies kept spawning, and by the time I'd cleared the room to do the code, more spawned to shoot me.

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Good to know! Thanks for the tip! But, it needs to be more intuitive. 


No, it doesn't.

Nothing should be intuitive in this game. Intuitive implies i need intuition to figure things out, thats the least reliable way of designing and structuring the game.

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No, it doesn't.

Nothing should be intuitive in this game. Intuitive implies i need intuition to figure things out, thats the least reliable way of designing and structuring the game.


Actually, intuitive means easy to use and understand.


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I can't answer for his glasses...but, I'd have to suggest you adjust your dictionary before you write more.


I don't wear glasses, and I was looking at http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/intuition?show=0&t=1371483447'>Merriam-Webster. Maybe my "intuition" of what the dictionary was saying was a little bit lacking, but meh.. I had a kitten clawing at my face yesterday and it was late.


Also, I don't need anyone telling me when and when I shouldn't "write" (this is a forum, not a literal board, you nitwit).  

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I'm onboard for an option to not complete the secondary objective, complete with a reward for staying to do it, much like in defense missions. Hek, the mechanics are there already, why not combine them and give the standard mission types at least a chance of a good reward at the end?

As for the infinite respawns, I kind of like the mechanic, even if I am getting really sick of killing 400+ Corpus every mission because they like to spawn goons only slightly slower than I can kill them. Also, I won't speak for the dev's intentions on this one but the Lockdown mechanic seems to be put in place so that you can eventually move past a room if you get overwhelmed by the constant assault wave. Not to say that Shockwave Moa spawners don't make getting out a royal pain.

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I don't wear glasses, and I was looking at Merriam-Webster. Maybe my "intuition" of what the dictionary was saying was a little bit lacking, but meh.. I had a kitten clawing at my face yesterday and it was late.


Also, I don't need anyone telling me when and when I shouldn't "write" (this is a forum, not a literal board, you nitwit).  

You're really fond of telling others what to do, but not so much when others tell you, aren't you. Now, if you have anything relevant to add to this thread, go ahead. Otherwise, take your self-glorification elsewhere. This thread, and the part of the forum it is in, is about gameplay suggestions.

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I'm onboard for an option to not complete the secondary objective, complete with a reward for staying to do it, much like in defense missions. Hek, the mechanics are there already, why not combine them and give the standard mission types at least a chance of a good reward at the end?

As for the infinite respawns, I kind of like the mechanic, even if I am getting really sick of killing 400+ Corpus every mission because they like to spawn goons only slightly slower than I can kill them. Also, I won't speak for the dev's intentions on this one but the Lockdown mechanic seems to be put in place so that you can eventually move past a room if you get overwhelmed by the constant assault wave. Not to say that Shockwave Moa spawners don't make getting out a royal pain.

The infinite respawn just becomes a tedious grind in general, particular when you pick certain weapons. Imagine the fun you have when you run up against 400-500 enemies with a sniper rifle. It sort of makes me wonder why that weapon is in the game. I mean, i LOVE sniping. But, with a small magazine and a long reload time...you'd be better off grabbing the barrel and swinging for the bleachers.

And, I agree, the lockdown mechanic is important, at times. There have been more than one time I've sighed with relief for a lockdown...but when that lockdown locks you into one small room, such as the one where you find the artifact on corpus missions, and you then get infinite respawns IN that room? It's happened 3 times for me, the best I managed was 2 revives. Once I failed the mission in there.

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Beyond that, infinite respawn. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, PLEASE get rid of that idiotic idea. PLEASE!!! I'm begging you...that is such a horrid idea it houldn't even have been considered.

This is needed ASAP.

I believe that the Moa spawning chambers are the perfect solution to this. Make it so enemies only spawn in certain spawning points - the Moa chamber already existing, maybe a cloning tank for Grineer or a teleporter for Corpus crewmen, or whatever else. Then make these things destructible. That way, if you want to fight forever you can just not destroy them. If you don't want to fight forever, destroy them and nothing can spawn. This also solves the problem of enemies spawning behind you while playing stealth.

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Why am I not being PAYED for two missions? Or even one and a half? Not to be mercinary, if I'm expected to run around the ship doing a bunch of OTHER things, beyond what I was told/asked to? I'd expect to be compensated for the same.


For the record... when you are asked to do multiple objectives the bonus credits roughly double... if you were going to get 3k for a mission you'll get about 5.3k for a 2 mission run (roughly).

But I do agree with you that it's superbly annoying when you run a mission because you only have like 10 min to run a mission and estimate that's enough time and you randomly get a mission that greatly extends beyond your intended time with no way to opt out.

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I agree the secondary objective is annoying but it keeps us flexible I say.  The infinite spawn rate doesn't hurt but I tend to use my secondary more often than not if I use a sniper rifle. I like it but if I get in lock down I count my lucky stars I have shade on and allows me to sneak past the bumch.

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Infinite spawn isn't really all that bad, think how boring it would be after getting the objective if you just walked back the way you came with nothing to shoot at.


Problem is Mobs spawning right on top of you. I think they should spawn at least two rooms away. This is the truly ridiculous part of this problem. I have actually seen mobs materialize right in front of me. It breaks the engagement, unless this is going to be Warframe left for dead, then it would make perfect sense.

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The thing about spawning mobs behind you any amount of rooms away is you cleared the way specifically so none of the people you were fighting could flank you. If they do anyway, that's just stupid and breaks a key long-term element of crowd-control.

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Perhaps with the 'multi-mission' thing.

I'm all for variation, and so on. But, PLEASE put something in where you can opt out of that. If I, for instance, have 30 minutes free and think, I'll run a mission or two, and all of a sudden I'm told 'You need to do this as WELL...I have two choices. Either over-run my free time because I'm expected to do things I wasn't told about, OR abandon the mission I'm on and waste the 30 minutes I put in because I don't get ANYTHING for the abandoned mission. Talk about punishing for things well out of my control. Oh, and also? If I'm made to play two missions at once, on the occasions when that is ok? Why am I not being PAYED for two missions? Or even one and a half? Not to be mercinary, if I'm expected to run around the ship doing a bunch of OTHER things, beyond what I was told/asked to? I'd expect to be compensated for the same.





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