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Warframe Concepts: Earth And Gravity


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Had the ideas, mentioned them to a friend, was told to put them on the forums.






I'm a fan of Earth as one of the Classical elements, and I'm one of those people who doesn't believe plants/poisons/acids really constitutes "Earth". I'm more of a stone and dirt kinda guy.  Metal also falls under the purview of Earth, I think, so it's not entirely out of the question that the abilities would work onboard a spaceship- a lot of the materials there would be advanced ceramics anyways...  I also enjoy being tanky.  So here's an idea for an Earth/Stone themed Tenno.  Sorry for the lack of artworks- I'm not really a great concept art person, though I may do a quick 3d render mockup of something.  I envision this one as a female frame, to sort of balance out the female/male tank ratio.



Health: 100

Power: 100

Armour: 175

Shield Capacity: 100

Shield Recharge: 20

Sprint Speed: 0.8


Polarities- 4x Scrach; 1x D; 1x Bar









25 energy cost


With a forceful gesture and an effort of will, the Tenno pulls at the ground beneath and in front of her to construct a wall, blocking her enemy's progress and protecting her allies.


This ability would create a wall of rock or metal in front of the Tenno, more than high enough to crouch behind (about chest hight for the Tenno), running forward from her position.  Length would be affected by Stretch, and would increase with ability level.  Any enemies standing on the wall would be knocked down, but take no damage.  The wall would be invulnurable until duration ran out and would block projectiles but not shockwaves.



Stone Hide


25 energy cost


Encased in a rocky crust, Terra strides among her foes like a juggernaut, ignoring blows with the stolid visage of a mountain.


This ability would last about 10 seconds, and would provide a 25% damage reduction to all incoming damage, as well as crowd-control ignore.  Levelling it up would increase the damage reduction to 40%, 60% and 85%.  However, each level would also slow the movement speed of the Warframe by half that amount- so 12.5%/20%/30%/42.5% and/or prevent or reduce jumping.  Attack speed would not be changed, however.



Mud Pits


75 energy cost


Calling on the immense heat and moisure contained within the rocky planets, Terra softens and stirs the ground around her, leaving her enemies to wallow in the sticky morass while she stands above them.


This ability would create an AoE slow aura around the Warframe that would move with her- sort of a cross between the slow effect of Snow Globe and Ember's World on Fire ability.  It would also deal a small DoT.





100 energy cost


With a release of titanic energies, Terra shakes the ground for leagues around, causing upheavals and shudders to fling her foes to the earth.


Terra's Ultimate would be a global knockdown.  Nothing else, really- just a single pulse that goes through the whole level knocking everything down.  Leveling it up would, I don't know, do aftershocks?




Basically with this frame I was thinking the powers would all be either crowd control or pure defense.  Stone Hide has the movement penalty to allow for the lower energy cost, making it a bit more spammable.  I feel that Rhino and Frost really are more offensive tanks, relying on their base stats and a single skill to absorb damage, while the majority of their other skills are damage-dealers.  In this case, it's the abilities that do the tanking- along with a decent helping of armour.





(getting tired- bare bones from here on- will fill in later)




A Gravity based Warframe.  While Volt manipulates the Electromagnetic Force, Higgs manipulates gravity, to often devestating results.





25 energy


Throws a single enemy directly away from the warframe.  If the enemy impacts a wall or another enemy (anything solid) it deals damage to the enemy based on how far they traveled.




50 energy


AoE slow, with those closest being slowed the most, and those further out being slowed less.  Also causes flying or airborne enemies to fall to the ground.




75 energy


Targets a single enemy.  Creates a small black hole inside them, dealing massive damage- also pulls other enemies towards target.


Gravity Flux


Ultimate- 100 energy


Flings enemies to the cieling then flings them back to the floor, dealing huge damage.

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Earth was actually a candidate for a new WarFrame. Gravity would basically be Vauban.

Sounds neat that they're thinking of that.  Wonder if it'll have any similarities to my concept if they do implement it?


And about Vauban- yeah. 


Jump Pad- antigravity.  Bastille- Gravity Lock.  Vortex- Singularity.  Shock Grenades.  WTF?  Kinda breaks the chain, there.

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