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[Warframe Concept] Legion - Tactician Frame (Support - Utility - CC)


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Warframe Name: Legion

Name Origin : http://www.thefreedictionary.com/legion

Theme: War Commander, Summoner, Crowd Control, Support

Gender : Male

Role: Support (CC & Utility)

Descriptions : Takes the form of a warframe-style Roman style-knight with cape-type syandana, 
                       long ethereal-crested roman-style helmet..


Origin Story :

A frame specially made to fight against hordes of enemies,
specializing in different tactics for different fights, 
Legion is a literal one-man army. he went missing on his last mission,

right before the downfall of the orokin empire.


Quest :

to be updated




Armor: 250                        

Health: 125 (375 at rank 30) 

Shield: 100 (300 at rank 30)

Energy: 150 (225 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed : 1.00

Passive : Commanding Presence
                -  With Legion present, each ally in the squad increase all members' energy by 20



1. Cavalry Charge: Summons ethereal form mounted-legionnaires that charges
                             all in it's path. Specters disappear after reaching max range.

  • Energy Consumption: 25

  • Summons 8 mounted-legionnaires Charging forward with lance

  • Power Range : 15 meters long, 8 meters wide (1 meter for each specter)

  • 2 part attack skill

  • Enemies are all dragged to the end of the charge, then stabbed

  • Basic straight line CC

  • The charge deals impact damage & the stab deals puncture damage

  • Damage : 100/175/250/325 + 100/175/250/325

2. Rallying Shout : Legion rallies all the warriors in the field, increasing mele base damage, power strength & armor

  • Energy Consumption: 50

  • Power Range : All allies are affected, including NPCs & Sword Legionnaires

  • Armor Increase : 50/75/100/125 armor

  • Melee Base Damage increase : 25/50/75/100

  • Duration : 30 seconds

3. Formation: Legion summons ethereal Spear/Musketeer legionnaires to form different battle-formations. Legion is also joined in the middle of the battle-formation

  • Toggle ability

  • Energy Consumption: 35 + 10/sec

  • 4 different formations

  • Legion can walk at 50% speed & the formation will move along with him.

  • Movements are restricted other than walking

  • Sprinting, Knocked Back, Knocked Down disables formation

  • Allies can freely go through the formation

  • Legion can use other skills while in a formation

  • Max Shooting Range : 20 meters

  • Max Spear Range : 2 meters

  • Shooting Damage : 50/100/150/200 / second / target

  • Spear Damage : 150/200/250/300 / second / target

  • Shots does not punchthrough.

  • Legionnaires auto-aims nearby targets for both melee & range (like sentinels)

  • Damage to Legionnaires are calculated toward formation health

  • Any damage to Legion during this formation is calculated real time to the formation's health

  • Formation's health varies depending on the formation

  • Pike & Shot : Legion & his legionnaires form a 2 line formation, Shield & spear line & the musketeer line
    a. Formation range : 6 meters wide (1 meter for each specter)
    b. 1st line : 6 legionnaires with full-body shields & spears jutting out
    c. 2nd line : Legion in the middle + 4 legionnaires aiming with single-shot musket
    d. Enemies cannot go through the formation
    e. Enemies within 2 meters are both shot & stabbed
    f. Legion wields the his primary weapon & can shoot freely
    g. Formation Health : Legion's current Health x 4

  • Tortoise : Legion & his legionnaires forms a hollow globe formation with shield with spears jutting out. essentially creating a safezone.
    a. Formation diameter : 8 meters
    Formation Health : Legion's current Health x 8 
    c. Enemies within 2 meters are stabbed
    d. Legion wields the ethereal shield & spear, can stab using melee button
    e. No damage from enemies can come through the formation until it is disabled

  • Line : Legion & his legionnaires forms 2 Lines of musketeers
    a. Formation range : 6 meters width (1 meter for each specter)
    b. 1st line : 6 legionnaire
    c. 2nd line : Legion + 5 legionnaire
    d. Legion wields his primary weapon & can shoot freely
    e. this formation shoots twice / second
    f. Formation Health : Legion's current Health x 2

  • Skirmish : Legion & his legionnaires forms a wide half-circle formation with Legion in the front, engaging enemies in close range
    a. Formation diameter : 12 meter (2 meter space for each legionnaire)
    b. Legionnaires wield shield & spears & engage in melee combat, stabbing anyone nearby
    c. Legion wields his own melee weapon
    d. Legion stands in the middle of the formation
    e. Formation Health : Legion's current Health x 2

4. The War : Legions summons his Sword Legionnaires to fight alongside him in an all out assault on the enemy.

  • Energy Consumption: 25 for each Sword Legionnaire summoned

  • Summons 1 Sword Legionnaire for each enemy present at the field.

  • Each Sword Legionnaire are automatically assigned to an enemy & provoking them.

  • Each Sword Legionnaire are spawned near the assigned enemy

  • Sword Legionnaire status are as follow :
    1. Health & Shield : 50% of Legion's Max Health & Max Shield
    2. Armor : 125
    3. Damage : 50% of Legion's base melee weapon damage (affected by melee mods)
    4. cannot trigger status chance / crits
    5. Elemental damage are dealt normally

  • Each Sword legionnaire disappears if :
    1. out of Health
    2. assigned enemy died
    3. knock down / knock back
    4. Legion died
    5. The War is recast

  • Power range : 35 meters

  • Max Sword Legionnaires summoned : 20


Ability Augments :

  1. Cavalry Drag : Cavalry Charge starts from max range & charging & dragging enemies towards you instead.
  2. Rally Squad : Rallying shout only affects squad member & increase Power str by 10/20/30/40% of current power str
  3. Phalanx : on formation use, formation health is removed & all damage to the formation is received directly by Legion.
                   Legion's armor & Health is increased by 500 (fixed number)
  4. Reinforcements : doubles the amount of Sword Legionnaires assigned to the enemy at double the energy cost.


Need someone to volunteer to do an artwork projection of the Frame.
If anyone is willing..

btw, this is just a "for fun" concept, would be great if it's accepted, but it's fine otherwise.


*Updated 26/6/2016 :

  • Added Origin story
  • Tweaked rallying shout
  • Added Ability Augments


My other concepts :


Edited by Veridantus
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