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Not sure if this is in right thread or not. Vauban is bs, constantly crashing when I use it. Can't go past wave 5 on defence missions in fear of crashing and losing everything. Wasted a potato and forma on this pretty much unplayable frame. Not a performance issue, I run the game fine. Will this frame be fixed any time soon?

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A LOT of the people I play with have the same issue? But yeah I'll update drivers and try again. I don't think it's got anything to do with my PC not being able to handle the animations, doesn't seem to make a difference if I'm running the game on high or minimum graphics settings.

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I looked for a good movie clip to tell you that OP sucks at the game, but I just couldn't find one that got the point across.  Sorry.


But yeah, instead of wasting everyone's time by posting an opinion thread in the bug forum, how about you learn to play the game.

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I looked for a good movie clip to tell you that OP sucks at the game, but I just couldn't find one that got the point across.  Sorry.


But yeah, instead of wasting everyone's time by posting an opinion thread in the bug forum, how about you learn to play the game.


Notsureifsrs. So my game crashing because of a particular frame makes me bad at the game? Gtfo

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