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[Warframe Concepts] Evenki the Dark Shaman


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This is the pure concepts of this frame, I think there will be no images as usual since I'm not good at drawing, sorry for that.


Evenki - Shaman concept Warframe

"The master of curse, casting death on enemies is an easy task for Evenki."

HP : 100 (300 at maxed rank)
Shield : 75 (225 at maxed rank)
Armor : 65
Power : 200 (300 at maxed rank)
Sprint Speed : 1.05
Polarities : D, V (Vazarin, Madurai)
Aura Polarity : - (Naramon)

Passive Ability : Maledict
- Damage received by any source will be returned to all enemies in 10m radius around Evenki by 20% of received damage. The enemies that
take him down will be dead as well, bosses and mini-bosses will receive 2x last damage done to Evenki.

1. Dark Ray (Cost 25 Energy)
- Shoot the ray of darkness from his finger in straight line, the length of the ray is unlimitted until hit the wall, floor, ceiling, environments.
Damage all enemies in the ray path and punch through all enemies in the line.
Strength : 150 / 225 / 300 / 425
Range : ∞ length, 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 m width
Projectile Speed : Hit-Scan
Casting Time : 1 second

Ps. Strength mods will affect this ability.
Ps2. Range mods will affect the width of this ability.

Augment : Death Ray
- Dark Ray Augment, Dark Ray has a 15% / 30% / 45% / 60% chance to does 2x Critical Damage and inflict Slash proc but the attack that
inflicts critical will cost x6 / x5 / x4 / x3 energy cost by using HP instead.
Ps. High efficiency value will reduce HP cost.
Ps2. HP cost using this ability will be not spread the damage to nearby enemies but if Evenki downed by this ability, one random enemies
will be affect by Evenki's Passive Ability.

2. Sacred Voodoo (Cost 50 Energy)
- Protect himselft with Sacred Voodoo doll which will turn some damage received into healing pulse to all allies around him.
Strength : 10% / 20% / 35% / 50%
Duration : 10 / 14 / 19 / 25 seconds
Range : 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 m
Casting Time : 1 second

Ps. Strength mods have no effect to this ability.
Ps2. Duration mods and Range mods will affect this ability.
Ps3. Healing pulse will not heal Evenki himself.

Augment : Hatred
- Sacred Voodoo Augment, Sacred Voodoo will also add-up the damage received with the same amount of the healing pulse strength.
When the duration expires, the doll will emit a shockwave with 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% stored damage return to all enemies in range.

3. Totem (Cost 75 Energy)
- Summon the Totem in front of him, the totem will continuously shoot the dark energy attack enemies in its sight. Destroying a totem
or duration expires will cause an explosion, deal heavy Gas damage to all enemies in range. Enemies those stand near totem will be
inflicted by the toxic proc. Totems are immune to all debuff. Maximum 3 totems can be activated in the same time.
Totem HP : 250 + 20% of Evenki's Max HP / 500 + 30% of Evenki's Max HP / 750 + 40% of Evenki's Max HP / 1000 + 50% of Evenki's Max HP
Totem Shield : 200 / 300 / 400 / 500
Armor : 350 / 450 / 600 / 750
Attack Strength : 150 / 300 / 450 / 600
Explosion Strength : 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000
Attack Delay : 2 seconds
Projectile Speed : 100 m/s
Duration : 10 / 15 / 22 / 30 seconds
Attack Range : 7 / 10 / 12 / 15 m
Explosion Range : 7.5 m
Casting Time : 2 seconds

Ps. Strength mods, Duration mods and Range mods will affect this ability.
Ps2. Totem Shield is affected by Strength mods while it's HP and Armor is not.

Augment : Cursed Totem
- Totem Augment, Each time enemies attack the totem, the attackers will be inflicted by curse which reduce their attack damage and attack
speed by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%. Maximum stacks for 3 times. Each stacks will reset the duration timer of curse.
The curse effects last for 10 seconds.

4. Doom (Cost 100 Energy)
- Blown all enemies up with dark magic. All enemies around Evenki will be injured by the blast and received one random elemental proc.
After enemies received the blast, the damage will continuously drain enemies HP until the duration expires. The damage that continuously
drain enemies HP is the elemental damage that proc on enemies.
Strength : 400 / 700 / 1100 / 1500
Damage per second : 50 / 100 / 150 / 200
Duration : 3 / 5 / 7 / 10 seconds
Range : 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 m.

Casting Time : 3 seconds

Ps. Duration mods and Range mods will affect this ability.
Ps2. Strength mods will increase the damage of first blast only while DPS is not.

Augment : Dark Ritual
- Doom Augment, Enemies died while Doom effect is still active, give a charge to Evenki. The charge will restore 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
Evenki's shield or turn into overshield if the shield is still full.

Note : "Evenki" is come from the origin of the word "Shaman"

Edited by Cappucchino
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Sounds good . But I think s/he (IDK what gender s/he is so I typed it like that) is a little bit too strong .


If you have a picture of Evenki's appearance , that would be better .

Edited by JFSIMON
Edited for some reason
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10 hours ago, JFSIMON said:

Sounds good . But I think s/he (IDK what gender s/he is so I typed it like that) is a little bit too strong .


If you have a picture of Evenki's appearance , that would be better .

1. I refers some word as "himself" so it means he is male gender.

2. Thank you for your feedback, I may try to do something with his appearance... but it quite hard for me...

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