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New Powers For Old Warframes.


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Although the game is having some balance issues at the moment, after checking Antimatter's proposed abilities and just how many creative skills are there I've been wondering if such thing would be viable in the future.  Wouldn't it be cool if we had more than just four abilities to choose from?

Currently many Warframes have situational skills, like Banshee's Silence and Mag's Bullet Attractor.  Although there are many requests for replacing or tweaking said skills, why not simply adding different powers to switch with them?  This way the player would choose which abilities they would want in their arsenal, perhaps even affecting the role they want to play (party-player, soloer, AoE damage, single target focus, stealth, crowd control, etc.)

Of course, the more skills the harder it would be for balancing, so that would be a problem.

Another one is about slots.  In my mind, I imagine that if such concept was implemented, Warframes would still be limited to four powers at maximum.  Having more than that would probably lead to even more balance issues.  Perhaps there should also be different categories for each power, so we don't see things like two Ults being equipped.

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Volt's Speed, Ash's Teleport, Loki's Switch Teleport *Maybe*, Excalibur's Super Jump would all be things that could be universal for all classes.


Why a sword based class can jump a bit higher then normal Is beyond me.

You don't understand why a high mobility frame with a melee edge (meaning needing to get in close) has high mobility?

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"High mobility" is different that being able to jump high. When I use the ability, it's more to get to vantage points so I can rain hell from afar, which completely goes against your point of "needing to get in close". A teleport ability or some sort of speed boost would make more sense for a melee-type frame, at least on paper. In practice, Excalibur doesn't even feel like a "melee" based character, even though two of his abilities use melee in some altered fashion. I would imagine a melee-type character to have abilities that would increase the damage of melee, or the swing speed, yet Saryn is the only frame that has that sort of an ability...

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