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Hardo Modo Boss Event


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I want a boss fight, a really fleshed out, hard as NAILS, tough as GRAPHENE, and a lot of agony. I don't want a boss fight that I can speed through in less then a minute, kill, get my materials, get my blueprint and repeat. I want an event, I want a story attached to it to. This combines a series of missions together to create the ultimate experience.


This is my idea for a 10 Phased Boss Fight (This OP will continue to evolve and change as I edit things and give more detail. I also plan on drawing out some of the scenarios as well)


This boss can be located on land, air, sea, or even space. This event/boss fight is designed to be experienced in a number of environments and easily made to fit a theme.


The Beginning


At the start of the game, the beginning of the map you are dropped off into a series of rooms. During this time Lotus will begin to describe the events that will unfold, at the end of these rooms and while fighting off enemies you are introduced to your vehicle. This moving platform will be with you for the majority of the fights to come.


The Platform*


Event 1

- This is where the challenge begins, while you are on this platform you do NOT want to fall off, if you do you won't be able to re-spawn until the next checkpoint. During this time, wave after wave of enemy platforms will crash into your platform and try to destroy it. You're going to need to not only destroy the enemies as quickly as possible but also blow up the enemies platform/vehicle as well. If your platform blows up or is destroyed it's Mission Failed; you can think of your Platform as a Pod you have to defend or a Hostage you have to take care of, if you don't you dun goofed and are going to have to restart.


- During this time all the enemies or the majority of the enemies will be trying to push you off your platform. This means being stun locked by Rollers, stunned by Infected Runners, Leapers, and Ancient Disruptors or the Stomping Moas; hordes of these will be docking with your ship and trying to push you off.


- After every boarding Platform is dealt with you're given a Checkpoint and players can respawn for a short period of time until the next platform is blown up.


What does this Platform look like?

In all honesty I don't know but I can give you a strong idea of what it may look like



The above example given is that from unreal Tournament 2004's map "Convoy"


Event 2


- Once you've done a number of boarding waves (lets say five) a number of waves of enemies docking/crashing their platforms with yours, you'll start to see the Boss approaching from a distance. During this time the boss will be fighting you at long range, using long range weapons to do damage to you and your team of Tenno. In order to stop it and to continue to its next phase you need to destroy all of it's weapons/tentacles firing at you, it's weak spots. While this is happening you will continued to be borded by the enemy and their platforms for another number of waves (lets say three).


This boss is going to be big, I don't even know what it'll look like. I'm thinking of a giant Tap Worm Boss; you could reskin it to look like an Infected/Ancient, Corpus, or Grineer. The size of the boss will be HUGE, bigger then anything seen to date in this game. I am SICK AND TIRED of fighting bosses the same size as me or a little bit bigger then me, I want this thing to be Shadow of the Colossus big (



Event 3


- After dealing with the bosses long range attack it'll start to come in close to your platform, during this time and while it's hanging onto your platform you can walk up to it and melee it or use your ranged weapons. While it goes under neath your platform it'll spawn enemies you need to fight before it comes back up again. Every time you damage it you will see pieces of it falling off, making it smaller to deal with.


Event 4

  - During this event is when you will be put into a cutscene where the boss is finally done with your crap. It'll knock over the Platform and force you to get on foot. When this happens you need to dodge like you've never dodged before because it's going to be shooting it's limbs at you from the ground; these attacks go directly to your health and bypass ALL SHIELDS. 


When this event is happening you need to be aiming at its armor, again trying to make it smaller to deal with. Once it's armor is all taken care of it'll shoot into an enclosed area/building near where you were fighting it. At this point and time you will progress deeper into an abandon building or factory and clear out more enemies that have dropped in using teleports or drop pods.


Once you've reached it's hiding place you will begin to fight it for the last time, but not until you've dealt with all 10 phases of the boss.




Phase 1

- This is where you'll be introduced to it's first attacks, during this time it'll be able to spawn enemies that can heal it, put shields on it and damage your frames. It'll be able to grab hold if your character with its fist/limb/tentacle and your teammates will require to shoot at its limb to drop you down again, if they don't make it in time, you will be eaten and digested and spit out with all your shields gone and half your health.


Phase 2

- During this time it'll go into a hibernation state, during this time HORDES UPON HORDES of enemies will try and protect it from you damaging it's shell, if you don't make it in time, it'll revert back to Phase 1. While fighting off hordes of enemies you will be able to shoot at giant cyst like bubbles/energy circles to damage its healing stage. In order to reach them you need to wall jump up to floating platforms above to fire at the weak points. If you stay on the ground for to long then you will be overrun with enemies and die.*


Phase 3

- After Phase 2 it'll be extremely &!$$ed off, during this phase it'll go into an enraged state and come up close to you  and start meleeing everyone, trying to grab people and eating them to get it's shields and health back. Your objective is to dodge the F*** out of the way out of its reach, because every time it hits you? Yeah it's going to ether instantly kill you or knock your health below half. During this phase and every phase after it, the floor will turn into lava if you don't wallrun to avoid it, you'll die*


Phase 4

- Once this phase has activated it'll attempt to get away, during this phase it'll start to fly around the map shooting missiles/acid/long range AoE attacks at you from the air, you need to try and damage its wings to bring it back the F*** down. Now this is where the fight will SPLIT into two possibilities for the next six phases. The only way to reach the boss now is by wall jumping and platforming from object to object to reach him in mid-air and fire at him. During this phase platforms and edges/walkways will appear and disappear around the room constantly making the player move from one spot to the next*


Phase 4a

- If you are NOT able to bring it down it will escape to the top of the building, making it so that you need to get to the roof of this structure or top of the cliff/mountain to fight it in it's flying form. At this stage it will land and take off multiple times to do damage. Think of this boss fight as something similar to (



Once you've knocked it down you will go to Phase 5


(Continued in next post)

Edited by Nerokerubina
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hah, how did I know you were going to link a boss from dark souls. :p Anyway, sure more interesting boss fights are something Id like other than just walking refrigerators filled with bullet sponges handing out instant death like it was candy. :p Id like to get some of the mods those guys are using really.


But no... I think Warframe should go more in the direction of MGS instead of Dark/Demon souls.

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(I need to go out soon so I will post most of this unedited until I get back)


Phase 4b


- If you're able to knock it back down the floor of the area you were fighting him on will collapse and you will fall into the next fighting area. Because I love the RNG Gods every time you fight this boss, what he falls into will change what type of element he is.





*Armor Piercing


Depending on what element he falls into will deduct what sort of attack he will have. This fight will consist of him throwing elemental attacks based on those four elements I posted above. With having the players dodge out of the way, this fight will be more close range then long range but will switch between the two. Once dealt with he will shrivile up and move back outside to fight once more in Phase 5


Phase 5


During this phase he will be all but in disrepair but don't worry, depending on the RNG Gods one of the three enemy types boss will come and try and fuse with it. Be it Ancient/Corpus/Grineer. These bosses will have been present during the whole time, talking to you through your comm system in your Warframe. Depending on what faction it fuses with will grant it how and what it fights with. During this phase you will need to try and stop the boss from fusing with the remnants of the boss you just tried to kill. At this point and time you can ask Lotus to extract you or stay and try and fight this new boss. This boss is where it really, really becomes hard.


The next five phases will be written three times, each five phases for that particular faction. This will take awhile to type it all out so I will simply update this post. I do not want to cause issues or grief with moderators or developers to try and fit all the post together


Instead of having S#&$ tons of phases I will make one last phase for each faction.

Edited by Nerokerubina
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