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Compilation Of Suggestions And Feedback


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Hey guys, this is basically a compilation of all of the suggestions I would put forward to improve this wonderful game. I know there are separate segments for each individual area but I'm planning to go into various aspects of the game and making 10 threads feels a bit overkill so I'll probably just make categories with headings.

To start, i'd just like to say that I think this game is amazing and anything I criticize is only because I'm looking for ways to make an already impressive and fun game better.


i'd just like to disclaim that while I believe in these opinions I don't think that they are absolute, final or completely correct, I just wanted to put my thoughts out to see what you guys thought and I'm open to interpretations other than my own. I also understand that several of the issues/proposals I put forward will have been mentioned before and I apologise if they are too similar however, I wanted to put them across in my own words. I make this topic in hope of developing a discussion to the benefit of Warframe and its community.


I've accumulated 339 hours of Warframe thus far and have nearly hit Mastery rank 6 as well as having 8 Warframes, I'm the Warlord of a 50 player strong clan and this is my feedback.


Enemy Targeting: The enemy targeting system (mainly for the Infested Ancients) is a mechanic that really bugs me. Certain close-mid ranged attacks home in on the player which is fine until you double-tap and roll away at the last second to their blind-spot only to be immediately hit through a lock-on homing attack that you thought you had just dodged. The tentacle lunge seems to hit you no matter what as long as you are within the range of the attack. The simple solution is to roll backwards out of this range but to me, being able to roll around and dodge an attack is satisfying, being immediately hit despite your carefuly timed maneouver is punishing. I would suggest that the tentacle ability stops homing onto the player after the attack has begun travelling.

Invisibility (Shade, Loki etc.): Another issue I link closely to currenty enemy targeting. If an enemy has begun it's attack movement towards you  and you go invisible, the enemy will finish running to your location and attack you regardless to being invisible. This often leads to periods of being invisible for 2-3 seconds and then suddenly getting body-checked by a Leaper or an Ancient. While I can see why this is, it can be frustrating and I'd propose that invisibility mechanics stop attack animations / drop all-aggro on the player, or at least a small 1-2 second animation cycle of the mobs pausing to look for you.


Elite Enemies: The idea basically comes from that pesky fellow who happens to jump you at the most inconvenient of times. Enemies that can park our just like the Tenno, that have unique AI, are tankier and swap between primary, secondary and melee weapons. The idea would be that a crack-squad of 4 enemy super-soldiers could spawn and attack similar to how the objective of a mission can swap to extermination from raid, your mission objective could swap to killing these 4 enemies. 

The idea is that the 4 enemies would only attack a full 4-player team of Tenno and that they would be difficult enemies that would break the sometimes mindless trash-mob clearing.


Handicaps: The idea of a handicap system is purely a suggestion and would base around the idea of enabling several handicaps before a run that would make the level more difficult and offer a reward in return. For example increasing enemy stats by 25% or increasing the spawn rate of heavy mobs. I'm not sure how this would fit in with the UI or PuG groups / queuing for missions. To me it's just a quick way of allowing for harder difficulty across the board.


Blocking: Currently Block feels as though it has no real place or use within the game, I'd rather use the stamina to close the distance on my enemy or sprint behind cover than to mitigate next to no damage and still get CC'd by enemies. If block led to reduced knock-down times or flat blocked enemy knock and stagger attacks I would use it.



Rhino: I love Rhino, he's just awesome. There are many threads about him so i'll just put in a few quick suggestions. My main issue with the current Rhino is that he pales in comparison to Frost. Frost has a way better alternate Helmet and Rhino's invulnerability skill was taken from him while Frost has a 30 second AoE ranged attack immunity which is basically a necessity for late-wave defense runs. Also Rhino's CC prowess was stolen from him by Vauban's Bastille which with 2 players and 4 Energy Siphons can become permanent CC. Rhino in my eyes, is the Frame you want coming to your rescue when you get downed, the frame that can bulldoze his way through line after line of enemies and pick you up.

Iron Skin: Add a bullet deflection ability to this skill, Instantly recharge his shields or allow him to knock enemies down if he runs through them. Another way to make this skill useful for T3 or late-wave defense missions would be to give it a flat % mitigation on-top of the 800 shield, mitigating up to 50% damage would enable Rhino to take damage no other frame could using a skill unique to him. It's not 100% invincibility but it would allow Rhino's more prowess against harder mobs.

Rhino Stomp: Personally I don't think this skill has a place in Warframe anymore now that we have frames like Vauban. The limited CC use of this skill is nothing when compared to Bastille aforementioned. Rhino Stomp giving an instant AoE revive or giving him a defensive utility that other frames lack is what Rhino needs right now. His Charge is a clone of Excalibur, his 3 is your basic AoE damage knock-down and his 2 has a fair few uses but in T3 Void or high-level defense missions will get ripped away from you in seconds, I run with 1050 shields and maxed out deflection and I find it a lot easier to play the tank on Frost which saddens me greatly. A pulsing aura (such as Embers World on Fire) that knocked enemies down and revived friendly players passively could be one suggestion.


Frost: I'm actually calling for a nerf on this guy. His Snow Globe just steals the show, the ability to set-up a 30 second projectile block for your whole team is so damn powerful he becomes the cookie-cutter frame for defense missions. All I would propose would be to set a ceiling to the damage Snow Globe can take before breaking, something high and in the thousands or possibly scaling with the number of mobs in the area or even just that Snow Globe will break after taking  consecutive hits from 10 or more sources within 3 seconds.


Ember, Volt, Frost etc.: My thought on these frames in general are that their 1 attacks seem to be pretty much useless (I'm generalizing all flat single-target skills here btw). I'd suggest that killing an enemy with a pure damage skill or while that skill is in effect on the enemy, the frame would gain a reduction in energy cost of the next skill or that the enemy would drop a guaranteed energy orb. That way Number 1 skills could be used as a way to procure energy and are not just considered useless due to their low damage.


Vauban: Again Vauban is the `God-Frame` Vortex and Bastille are crazy strong. I'd just suggest that Bastille trapped heavy mobs for a lesser duration than the smaller enemies or that the heavy mobs are still able to attack.



Despair: This weapon is still just too damn powerful. There isn't a situation where I feel the need to change it out (other than leveling other gear) for something more efficient. With Trick Mag you have 399 ammo (not including current mag of 10). With my current mods everything bar T3 heavy mods and late wave defense enemies die within 10 hits. The accuracy is good, the range is decent and the reload speed may as well make the magazine infinite as you don't really feel it. I'd propose reducing Magazine size to 5 and adding a heavier dip-rate.


Melee Weapons: In general the main issue is that Charge > Combo for pretty much all weapons, this issue has been noted on livestreams so i'll just put in my suggestions. I personally don't use charge attacks, I use Hate with Reach and Fury so I only use melee to deal with swarms of light-armour/weak enemies quickly.
I'd suggest to remove the monotony of spamming charge attacks, that weapons are giving unique charge effects such as the Glaive being thrown. I understand that this issue will naturally solve itself as more unique weapons come out in some cases. The easiest way would be to flat buff the Pressure point mod, another alternative would be add bonus effects to the end of a weapon's combo cycle, such as a pulse AoE slice from Gram or some such. Or possibly a stacking bonus damage for each consecutive combo landed on the same enemy.


Concept weapon ideas: sadly i'm a hi-fantasy fan, Warframe is pretty much the opposite of my usual taste regarding setting so I understand that these won't be popular nor will they fit but ah well. 

Lance: Yes a Lance, it's not a ninja weapon for sure, but I can't help but feel that it'd be darn cool to wind-up the charge attack and charge through enemy lines sending Grineer flying and possibly impaling a poor bugger.

Shield or Targe: Something that would allow for block to actually be worth its salt (inform me if i'm ignorant and have been missing out on the awesomeness that is blocking please).



Mainly i'd just say that certain weapons (The Hek) need to have reload animations tweaked. Also the down finisher for the Scythe weapons appears to be the same as the Fragor which seems weird seeing as the head of a Scythe isn't particularly heavy nor sharp on the outside and so slamming down with it seems inefficient, a sweeping downward vertical swing that cleaved through the enemy would be nice, other than that animations are damn slick and fun to watch.



Chat: The main issue I have with the current UI is the chat interface. Having Squad and Clan separate can be a pain when you forget to swap back to Clan chat during every run. An option to merge the two chats would be nice with the colour differentiating the two and having a different key-bind or /s /c to talk in each one. Always on Clan chat would be lovely too. The current whisper / tell system can be an issue as well when you're discussing an issue with someone and half of the conversation ends up in Clan or Region chat because one of you finished a mission and forgot to type /w x every time.


Clan: Allowing for the activity of a player to be monitored as well as Dojo contributions would greatly help. When 15 Forma magically turns up in the Great Hall I want to know how to give a hug to. I've noticed some of the mega-clans recruitment threads asking to find out who put 800 platinum into a Dojo construction as well. General awareness of the Clan and its members would be lovely.



I love the Dojo, currently the only reason I'm playing actively is to help grow the Dojo and the Clan. I relish in having our own Clan Hub where we can run around in circles and climb ontop of the Great Hall vines. For me, the Clan Dojo offers something which many games doesn't and in general I believe that Warframe's community and focus on community truly makes it spectacular.


Trading: Yes I had to put a trading comment in here somewhere and it might be suprising for you to see it under the Dojo. Basically, it's because I believe that the Dojo should be utilized as much as possible as I like the player hub feeling. I'd propose that Trading be put into the Dojo as a mechanic within a particular Dojo Tile, I'd suggest making the Great Hall a trading area by putting in tables where two players can sit and a UI will po-up for trading. I like the idea of adding a physical use to the Great Hall over plain Capacity which is numerical. Adding a locker-room for trading could be fun too. You may be wondering why I'd suggest putting trading into the Dojo ONLY? Well it's mainly because I like the current Region chat and I don't like the idea that it could be filled with trade spam and goldsellers (?). 

Trading between Clan members only would increase the sense of Clan Community, the Player hub would become more active and it would stop Region spam. I would also suggest not allowing credits to be traded and only un-upgraded mods, materials and duplicate BPs being tradable, this would stop a level 10 Redirection / Serration passing hands repeatedly and would stop players equal to or above me with 1,7 million credits twinking new players.


Materials: I would actually argue that the material cost of Dojo tiles aren't bad as they are, so far the only material I draw issue with are Circuits. It's taken us about a month to build a Great Hall, 2 Reactors, an Oracle, 3 + connecters and an Elevator, we start our first Lab tomorrow! While a month is a long time, every single build has been met with dedication and joy upon completion. For half of these buildings we've had only 20 players, with around 5-8 active. Now we're on around 20-30 active players and the Dojo is progressing nicely. With resource alerts and a decreased Circuit requirement or increased Circuit drops the Dojo should be practical for all Clans with patience. I'm not a fan of mega-clans but I won't go into that.


Endless-Defense Tile: An Endless Defense room, or even an Elevator or Teleport to one would be joyous. The ability to assemble a team of players and defend a segment of your Dojo from invading forces, with rewards that would scale directly into your (future) Clan Vault such as materials needed for constructing in the Dojo.


Armoury: In-Dojo access to your Arsenal to swap out for dueling and a target-range to test out weapons on all enemy armour types. A small monitor next to your target that counted damage from the first bullet to the last as well as how long it took (with a reset button) would be helpful too, that way you could work out how much damage each mod has added and generally allows for more awareness.


Clan Squad Leaders: The ability to allocate the role of Squad Leader and possibly create clan `Squads`. When working within their set squad, the squad leader offers benefits the squad through mods designed specifically to that group. This may be a bit too intricate and pointless considering the current Artifact system but I originally thought of having a Warlord mod section, where the Warlord could equip clan-wide mods such as bonus material gathering but I realised this would only work if he were online and in their instance etc. 


Dojo Beacon: Another idea for this would be to construct a Dojo Beacon. The Beacon tile would allow for players to upgrade Clan-wide bonuses, such as again the material bonus or mission reward. Upgrading the Beacon could be through combining your own mods to the Beacon mods allowing for more Dojo contribution outside of grinding for Salvage etc.


So there it is folks. I'll probably edit in some more ideas at some point but that's the bulk of what I think would be fun to see in the game. A lot of these ideas are purely conceptual and are suggested to be built on and are not suggested as a be-all end-all fix.


Thanks for reading this far and I hope you like some of the ideas or have some interesting spins on them of your own!



EDIT1: UI - Clan.

Edited by MaBucket
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you can do that...you just have to be zoomed in, move to a side and double tap shift

Would be nice if you didnt have to be zooming with guns to do it is all I think he means. Would also be nice if you didnt need to use sprint toggle to slide mid air.

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I would like some Sidestepping.


Hit Left+Tap Roll=Sidestep


I would like to see it, if they could implement a stronger use for it. Grineer Shield-bearers tend to slam you even if you roll to the side due to their lightning reflexes. If they could change enemy targeting as I mentioned in the post then I'd be up for seeing a better strafing and sidestepping system.

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Not gonna lie I am somewhat new to this game so some of this might sound stupid or just unknowledgeable and I will admit I am not a genius at this game and I am not all knowing about it so if I say a suggestion that I feel is needed but really isn't for some reason I don't know then please just tell me. 

It would be nice for the game to implement a flashing orange icon on the taskbar when it goes into the loading screen. The reason I say this is because if I leave my game on waiting for players and then alt+tab to go browse the internet I won't know that I have found a squad. Another possibility would be I voted for something in my squad and alt+tab then my squadmates vote for the same thing and the timer drops from one minute to zero. I like to be fully engaged in the game when I'm playing it but when I'm waiting for the game to start it's a little irritating if the only way for me to know is to have my sound volume on to hear lotus announcing something or to hear some sound effect. 

Also I feel like the gear may be better if it was scaled back in effect but now gives you more consumables at the start of every mission. For example if I buy a health pack it would feel like a more important purchase if I bought it and it gets 1 charge for me to consume every mission but only heals much less then it currently does, like maybe 25 health or 50 health. And then if my consumable could rank up maybe then it would get stronger the more I have it equipped. Or possibly I can purchase a blueprint upgrade to my consumable and then it gets more charges and more effect. I don't know how the rest of you feel but I just wish that the gear felt more important of a decision to make rather than something I can kind of absent mindedly not really pay much attention to. Also for this refreshing gear to be possible I feel like the number of gear slots would have to be toned back. 

A bigger hitbox (I guess is what you would call it) for the interact button would also be incredibly useful. Like what if instead of me only being able to interact with that green box full of loot from the front I could interact with it from the side so that it didn't feel like such an absurdly tiny range of use. 

If the loot indicators with thief's wit were a little bit better it would make the game far more enjoyable for me when I'm purposely grinding a mission. For example if the loot indicator also included modules and also included boxes full of loot. 

Small quality of life fix for the player would also be if the z button that toggled your teams stats simply had a blue bar above the red bar for your teammates shields it would be useful. Also if the team stats also showed your teammates' classes I think it would be cool. Along the same lines if I just played a game and I'm thinking to myself "Wow that guy on my team wrecked" and I'm looking at the results page it would be really useful for me to be able to rightclick his name and then click an option for viewing his arsenal and then I can see what loadout he has that was doing so amazingly well. 

A cleanup of the rank vs level keywords. For example on the map a mission may reference that your target is corpus, your mission is capture and that the levels are 16-24 but wait what's my level? in the arsenal it only has references to rank and then if i click my username in the top left it's mastery rank so what is level? it's just a little bit confusing/odd

Again this is just what I feel like could be a benefit to the game but I don't know everything about it so you guys can let me know if some of those features already exist and I'd be equally happy as if they were added to the game :) 

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Oh also some elevator features that I would really enjoy :P 

Floor indicator just a simple display either on the button, above the door, on the door, or above the button just a floor indicator that tells you how far away the elevator is and counts down or up till it's on your floor. 

The elevator button on the elevator already has an image of 4 people so what if the elevator button lit up from an image of 4 people in black color to an image with 4 people in white color so that I knew when it was full. (although watching the radar pretty much fills the same role) 

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Not gonna lie I am somewhat new to this game so some of this might sound stupid or just unknowledgeable and I will admit I am not a genius at this game and I am not all knowing about it so if I say a suggestion that I feel is needed but really isn't for some reason I don't know then please just tell me. 

It would be nice for the game to implement a flashing orange icon on the taskbar when it goes into the loading screen. The reason I say this is because if I leave my game on waiting for players and then alt+tab to go browse the internet I won't know that I have found a squad. Another possibility would be I voted for something in my squad and alt+tab then my squadmates vote for the same thing and the timer drops from one minute to zero. I like to be fully engaged in the game when I'm playing it but when I'm waiting for the game to start it's a little irritating if the only way for me to know is to have my sound volume on to hear lotus announcing something or to hear some sound effect. 

Also I feel like the gear may be better if it was scaled back in effect but now gives you more consumables at the start of every mission. For example if I buy a health pack it would feel like a more important purchase if I bought it and it gets 1 charge for me to consume every mission but only heals much less then it currently does, like maybe 25 health or 50 health. And then if my consumable could rank up maybe then it would get stronger the more I have it equipped. Or possibly I can purchase a blueprint upgrade to my consumable and then it gets more charges and more effect. I don't know how the rest of you feel but I just wish that the gear felt more important of a decision to make rather than something I can kind of absent mindedly not really pay much attention to. Also for this refreshing gear to be possible I feel like the number of gear slots would have to be toned back. 

A bigger hitbox (I guess is what you would call it) for the interact button would also be incredibly useful. Like what if instead of me only being able to interact with that green box full of loot from the front I could interact with it from the side so that it didn't feel like such an absurdly tiny range of use. 

If the loot indicators with thief's wit were a little bit better it would make the game far more enjoyable for me when I'm purposely grinding a mission. For example if the loot indicator also included modules and also included boxes full of loot. 

Small quality of life fix for the player would also be if the z button that toggled your teams stats simply had a blue bar above the red bar for your teammates shields it would be useful. Also if the team stats also showed your teammates' classes I think it would be cool. Along the same lines if I just played a game and I'm thinking to myself "Wow that guy on my team wrecked" and I'm looking at the results page it would be really useful for me to be able to rightclick his name and then click an option for viewing his arsenal and then I can see what loadout he has that was doing so amazingly well. 

A cleanup of the rank vs level keywords. For example on the map a mission may reference that your target is corpus, your mission is capture and that the levels are 16-24 but wait what's my level? in the arsenal it only has references to rank and then if i click my username in the top left it's mastery rank so what is level? it's just a little bit confusing/odd

Again this is just what I feel like could be a benefit to the game but I don't know everything about it so you guys can let me know if some of those features already exist and I'd be equally happy as if they were added to the game :) 



I 100% agree with your first point. It can be a pain at times. Especially if you have your game set to Private and some joins you in your lobby, queue's you for a mission and you come back 10 minutes later to find yourself in the middle of a mission.


Consumables do need tweaking, at the moment people only really use them to stack ammo packs for defense missions, other than that I don't see them having a real use and I never bother with them. 


The hitbox thing isn't really too much of an issue, I see your point but it would become an issue to have overlapping hitboxes and becoming unable to use something because it spawned next to an elevator button.


As for Thief's Wit, I really love that mod. I almost feel bad for one of the level designers known as `Secret Mitch` for his hidden areas. I've found so many using this mod. I don't know how items spawn but I assume it drops out of a random loot table upon destruction and is not predetermined, that would mean that for your suggestion to work they'd need to set each container to have pre-determined loot.


I'd be inclined to say that Z toggling floating bars would be a bad thing, purely because it would take away from the minimalist HUD this game has that allows you to focus on immersion and action but being able to view a players arsenal would definitely be a good thing, especially within the Dojo where you can see hundreds of players at once.


Your level at the top-right displays your Mastery level which allows you to use/make better equipment. The levels in your arsenal display the level of your equipment and Warframes. Whenever you level up a weapon you gain 100 affinity towards your Mastery level and a Warframe leveling up grants 200 affinity. Don't worry, I was the same when I started hah :)


Oh also some elevator features that I would really enjoy :P 

Floor indicator just a simple display either on the button, above the door, on the door, or above the button just a floor indicator that tells you how far away the elevator is and counts down or up till it's on your floor. 


The elevator button on the elevator already has an image of 4 people so what if the elevator button lit up from an image of 4 people in black color to an image with 4 people in white color so that I knew when it was full. (although watching the radar pretty much fills the same role) 


Elevator indicators would be swell I agree. Sometimes objective markers just flat disappear or zoom off into the distance giving you the almost impossible task of finding the correct way so yeah, hopefully the radar indicator will be getting some love soon.

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As for Thief's Wit, I really love that mod. I almost feel bad for one of the level designers known as `Secret Mitch` for his hidden areas. I've found so many using this mod. I don't know how items spawn but I assume it drops out of a random loot table upon destruction and is not predetermined, that would mean that for your suggestion to work they'd need to set each container to have pre-determined loot.


I'd be inclined to say that Z toggling floating bars would be a bad thing, purely because it would take away from the minimalist HUD this game has that allows you to focus on immersion and action but being able to view a players arsenal would definitely be a good thing, especially within the Dojo where you can see hundreds of players at once.

Oh I meant more how z toggles the little team stats box in the bottom left having a blue shield bar added and maybe having classes of your teammates added into that box. 

Also I more meant that it just showed all those boxes that you can either break or open with an interact on the loot radar rather than just the ones you can break. But that's really cool about the secret mitch thing though, I had never heard about that :P

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Oh I meant more how z toggles the little team stats box in the bottom left having a blue shield bar added and maybe having classes of your teammates added into that box. 

Also I more meant that it just showed all those boxes that you can either break or open with an interact on the loot radar rather than just the ones you can break. But that's really cool about the secret mitch thing though, I had never heard about that :P


Oh right fair enough, my bad! Yeah that'd be nicer and knowing classes at a glance would be decent too.

Yeah fair point, lockers don't get enough love from the loot radar xD Trying to grind Circuits is practically impossible as is too, material hunting should be made easier in some way

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