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Nerf Disruptors?


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You know, those infested asshats that erase ALL your energy in one go. It might just be me, but these damn things show up so much during higher level defense missions that they can easily cripple me, since I often use energy to wipe out enemies when they are concentrated (Blade Storm). I can't help but think it might be fairer to nerf the energy consumption, so it would only wipe out a set amount of energy each time, instead of all of it e.g. 50 energy?


It's just that these things are so damn annoying and ends the round easily.

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the thing is, if we remove disruptors ability to drain our energy pool or nerf their ability to do so, it just makes the game a heap easier.

If you didn't fear being drained by a disruptor, the only thing even slightly scary about infested would be the thought of being swarmed by toxics


Although I wouldn't mind if either the disruptors were slightly nerfed and the other ancients being brought up to par with him, or the disruptors ability to instantly drain the cyropods sheilds to either be removed or nerfed..

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It's funny because they can only do the drain once and then it goes on cooldown.

It's also funny because if you're blocking or rolling when the drain comes, it won't affect you.



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It's funny because they can only do the drain once and then it goes on cooldown.

It's also funny because if you're blocking or rolling when the drain comes, it won't affect you.



The problem is Disruptors are way too sneaky. They make no sound and sometimes they spawn out of Satan's &#!

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No the problem is when you're swarmed by "weak claw attacks" you can get hit from several meters away.


Not that the disruptor needs a nerf. @ghobe I'm just saying that making a blanket statement like that is unnecessary. There are several factors that can make a disruptor a problem, and it's not just a lack of awareness. >.>


Edited by Abyssal_Dragon
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Oh man I support this whole heartedly.


Instant drain of shields AND all your energy?

Not to mention that speed is just ridiculous and if you don't have a weapon to stun them and get out of range? Well...you're screwed. He sprints towards you, takes you down. Now you have no energy to use any powers, no shields, and while you were down? Smaller infested have surrounded you. Good luck! :D


Seriously though, either give them shield drain or energy drain. Not both.

Or if both? Disable their sprint and make them walkers.

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I think they should do this the way L4D was made, giving the boss enemies unique sounds so we know if something is sneaking up on us

The only times I get knocked down by toxics and disrupted is when they sneak up from behind at full speed from across the map, having them play a unique sound when they begin to charge or before they melee you would probably balance things out

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It's the most frightening enemy to me but it could be staggered by a shotgun so I use Hek every time I do an infested mission.

Threat level: Disrupter>Toxicant>Healer

Disrupter>toxic>anything else>healer

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Haha they don't just drain energy. They take your shields from max to 0.

Yea, they screw up your HUD too.


I think Disruptors would be fine if it were more fair, maybe like when you kill them energy balls [plural, more than one] are guaranteed to drop from them.

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Thing that bugs me most about disruptors is how much they have going for them.  They're silent, they're fast when they sprint, they look rather like big Runners in dim lighting, they have a knockdown, and they have a homing attack that removes all your shields and energy regardless of amount.  They're a great example of fake difficulty - If you keep adding stuff onto the same mob, giving it more powers and abilities it can use and making those abilities less and less fallible, it will eventually become challenging.  But it's not elegant design, it's simply brute-forcing the player.  It's like a guy in CoD4 with a one-shot-kill gun.  It's difficult but it's not a challenge, it either gets you or it doesn't and there's not a whole lot of thinking involved.  As for countering with blocks and dodges, well.  Blocking is a huge waste of stamina most of the time and you're never taught how to use it (Indeed, the Block key isn't even bound by default) so most people won't even think to do it because it's the only time in the game when it's useful.  And rolling aside?  It's pretty much a quicktime event, 'Press X to not get screwed over completely by this one attack.'  Most gamers I know despise quicktime events.  Sure, it works, but it's not good design.

Edited by Trylobyte
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If they need a nerf on anything it's their speed, a highly armored target moving faster than Loki? Yeah.

lolwut? i can usually run as fast as them in my rhino...

disputers just need a sound that hey make and people just have to listen for that sound.

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Disruptors are alright. They would be unfair if their disrupting attack had longer range, or if they were small and agile like Chargers, but they aren't. If you face only one or two Disruptors at once in a regular mission, or a Disruptor and a small group of weaker enemies, are they a problem to you? I don't think so.


The real problem is, you often face so many enemies in this game and they all have so much HP and DPS on the higher levels that most people find it hard to think about killing/avoiding any single thing. And as a result they just spam abilities while shooting in the general direction of the enemy and then they get backstabbed by a Disruptor that spawned behind their back, which is an understandably frustrating experience but not a flaw of the enemy itself.

Edited by Winterbraid
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It's funny because they can only do the drain once and then it goes on cooldown.

It's also funny because if you're blocking or rolling when the drain comes, it won't affect you.



You're absolutely right, how dare anyone allow themselves to get hit a single time by 1 disruptor among god-knows-how-much other stuff? Definitely not MLG material. Oh wait, this isn't MLG-level gameplay we're talking about!


No the "problem" is you have no awareness.


You can argue any non-bullet attack in this game is easily avoidable. So why don't Heavy Grineer radial blasts, all melee attacks and grenades instantly drain shields and energy? They're all avoidable! They're even mroe avoidable than disruptor attacks that come WHILE you're being stunned by everything else that badly-designed faction throws at you.

Edited by PaperAlien
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No the "problem" is you have no awareness.

Yeah because it's totally the player's fault to get backstabbed by a completely silent enemy that can sprint across the room at Loki speed and probably just spawned in the room behind you which you cleared less than 20 seconds ago while you're trying to kill a wave of bullet sponges from the front. Yeah that's TOTALLY an awareness issue.
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Honestly? I don't see a problem with disruptors at all. If you know what you're doing, and have the right weapons equiped---as well as have some idea of how your particular warframe can handle them---you shouldn't be having too much trouble...


I suggest looking into your movement options. For example..All warframes can flying kick....and last I checked (Almost litterally a few hours ago.) flying kicking an enemy always knocks it down if it stands on two feet. Simply because of that...when I see a disruptor, and have a good idea of what else is coming up behind 'em I knock 'em on the floor. They can't disrupt you if they're on the ground, just like they can't if they're dead.

Gotta use your head. Otherwise...well the Disruptors punish you. 


By the way : I suggest getting an Artifact called Enemy Radar. I think that might help you out. Sure you won't know what that red dot is, but you'll react to it when you see it rushing at you like a bat out of hell.

Edited by Hauteclere
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Really? I'm the one being attacked here?


It is an awareness problem. Awareness comes in more forms than just sound. It doesn't take much to 180 every now and then, and thoroughly clean out every area before advancing. Hell if you're just standing there shooting from some type of cover, you're doing it wrong, you're supposed to be mobile. They shouldn't be able to "sneak up from behind" you should be moving at full speed at all times in an infested level. Standing still is just going to get you mauled. The only things with ranged are the ancients and that's mid range.


So why don't Heavy Grineer radial blasts, all melee attacks and grenades instantly drain shields and energy? They're all avoidable! They're even mroe avoidable than disruptor attacks that come WHILE you're being stunned by everything else that badly-designed faction throws at you.

Why don't you just take everything to an extreme. Just because something has a really punishing mechanic, doesn't mean everything needs to have one.

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Honestly? I don't see a problem with disruptors at all. If you know what you're doing, and have the right weapons equiped---as well as have some idea of how your particular warframe can handle them---you shouldn't be having too much trouble...


I suggest looking into your movement options. For example..All warframes can flying kick....and last I checked (Almost litterally a few hours ago.) flying kicking an enemy always knocks it down if it stands on two feet. Simply because of that...when I see a disruptor, and have a good idea of what else is coming up behind 'em I knock 'em on the floor. They can't disrupt you if they're on the ground, just like they can't if they're dead.

Gotta use your head. Otherwise...well the Disruptors punish you. 


By the way : I suggest getting an Artifact called Enemy Radar. I think that might help you out. Sure you won't know what that red dot is, but you'll react to it when you see it rushing at you like a bat out of hell.

So Enemy Radar should be mandatory now if you don't want to get backstabbed repeatedly?

"lololol the gaem iz so easy, disrupters r the only challenge, lrn2play nubs lol"

Y'know what, the problem here is that Disruptors actually are not challenging at all. They are just frustrating. If i see one coming it is EXTREMELY easy to kill them, just use an ice mod, shoot them in the knee, stagger-spam them with melee etc. Long as you got enough ammo to feed these bullet sponges you're fine. If you see one attacking, just outrun its range, it's the only way to guarantee a dodge so that's boring but at least it works.

Disruptors are only a threat when they attack while you're getting CC'ed to hell by the other infested staggers/knockdowns, or when one randomly sneaks up on you, which is not an uncommon occurence since they make no unique sounds at all and the game just LOVES randomly spawning hordes behind you in the room you cleared less than 20 seconds ago. And when they sneak up on you and hit you, in ONE SINGLE HIT: you are knocked down (which guarantees an unavoidable second hit from the Disruptor as long as you're not knocked out of range); have all of your shields taken down so if there were other infested around (especially chargers) or you're playing a frame with low health like Mag, you are just boned; have all your energy removed which, not only makes the rest of the fight extremely boring as abilities are one of the few things keeping the game unique, and replenishing energy is completely based on RNG drops unless you just happen to have the Energy Siphon artifact equipped, and if you're using an ability-based frame like Loki you are also immediately screwed; and you get your screen scrambled which makes it extremely hard to see anything or escape. ONE HIT.

How are they "challenging" in any way? If something like this counts as challenge, you may as well just make every Ancient insta-kill you on hit. Bring back the Nervos, let every Grineer deploy them, it's your fault if they latch on to you. Scorpions should take all your energy and shields on hit too, because it's your fault for not dodging the completely silent hook attack. Glorious challenge, huh?

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