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How Likely Is It To Be Hacked In Any Mmo?


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Dont go to shady websites, dont share acc info.

Other than that i wouldnt worry so much in warframe. Currently there is no trade system so no one will benefit by hacking into anyones account.

Unless they are grade 1 asshats and like to screw peoples stuff up for fun.

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Unless you have some pretty good equipment/desirable thing or you have enemies, I'd say the chances are slim.

Another factor is phishing sites, giving out account info, and password predicatbility, (i.e. don't use the common "123456789" password).

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How not to get hacked.


A) Don't go to weird websites.


B) Don't believe any email you have is real.


C) Don't use Internet Explorer. Use Google Chrome with AdBlock or Firefox with AdBlock. Chrome works better IMO.


D) Use Google Chrome.


E) Did I mention to use Google Chrome?


F) If you're gonna pirate games make sure to check the comments and make sure it has plenty of seeders. If it has good comments and a good amount of seeders it's most likely safe.


G) Don't go on the deep internet. Stay on the surface like all the other common folk. Your mind and computer won't be safe.


H) Don't share any account information with people you don't know IRL. Real customer service reps already have access to it.

Edited by Afroman12
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