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Restore Logic to the Void


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10 hours ago, Fantom7000 said:

Who say that?
And would be really dificult to get btw

You did? the one wanting a prime void key that let you have a chance at vaulted items? "Really difficult to get" is still getting it in the first place.

If it is going to be guaranteed farmable, then there is no reason whatsoever for them to vault it in the first place. DE has a very specific reason for vaulting content which has nothing at all anymore to do with the number of prime items in the loot tables. They have said before that they will continue to use the vault system to rotate out primes. They wont release them to be farmed non-stop. It has absolutely nothing to do with how hard you make it to farm. One in a billion chance to farm one piece is still not something DE would ever do when they are specifically using a system to remove them from the drop tables.


On 7/28/2016 at 1:35 PM, OverlordMcGeek said:

Yet still fissures create corrupted now. This is making me confused. So the neural sentries are now sentient and attacking the system?

No, they are doing what they have always done, corrupting enemies they detect. The fissures create holes into the system that the sentry detects units through, so it corrupts them. Also since this isn't some content locked behind a quest, fissures are now retroactively something that has always existed in the game story-wise (unless DE for some reason applies the war within to explain the void change? that would not make sense for them to release the fissures first then however, so not likely). This is now how the void always worked. *shrug* Video game logic.

9 hours ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

Well, it's really kinda strange that the Void has fissures into itself which corrupt the already corrupted^^

Maybe its a sentry makin the dudes go super saiyan by powering them up.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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