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So, about that "lose everything if you disconnect" thing...


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With the advent of Void Relics making it so you only get the best things at the end of the run, forcing you to complete runs, and the majority of the farming done around Defense, Excavation, and Survival Missions now, I've got to ask... why the hell does this antiquated system still exist? Seeing as my main time to game is in the early morning here, I'm usually getting paired with people not so close to me. This is a problem, as, every so often, I get a host disconnect which screws EVERYONE IN THE TEAM out of all the stuff they worked for. The reason I was given several years ago, when I said this system was stupid, was such: It stops people from leaving after they get their blueprints, when we farmed frames on the boss levels of the planets (remember those days?). So I gave a suggestion, "Revert the system back and make it so you don't get things like blueprints unless you complete the mission.".

No one listened. Until now, it seems, with the advent of Void Relics. 2 - 3 years late on that stuff but well done nonetheless.

Now, once again, I'm confronted with the thing I dropped Warframe over, the fact that I did so much work, and a single screw up not even on MY end completely invalidates it. Not only that, but again, I'm playing when my schedule allows me to (because life!), and now the system doesn't even make sense. The fact that you can't just drop in and out of endurance missions like Defense, Excavation, and Survival is silly, given the fact you only get the best stuff at later levels anyway. Is it too much to ask that we drop this system entirely, or compensate people fairly that don't just leave the game on their own? It's not my fault the host's connection died, and it sure as hell isn't my fault that your hosting system failed when it was tasked to choose another.

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