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Idea - Progressive Rush Platinum Cost For Weapons And Warframes


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It is very simple idea, that is already implemented in rushing Dojo rooms, but this is for weapons, warframes and foundry in general. Also its a good way how to waste those 8 platinum, players have and cant use it on anything.


Let's do a simple tables of crafting something in a foundry and for simple math, 10 hours crafting time for 10 platinum.

Format is time - rush platinum cost.



10 hours - 10 platinum

9 hours - 10 platinum

8 hours - 10 platinum


3 hours - 10platinum

2 hours - 10 platinum

1 hour - 10 platinum


I guess you get the idea iam aiming for right now. And i personaly dont see a logic to keep rush cost at 10 platinum for lower time span to its completion.


What iam suggesting...

10 hours - 10 platinum

9 hours - 9 platinum

8 hours - 8 platinum


3 hours - 3 platinum

2 hours - 2 platinum

1 hour - 1 platinum


Yes, as i said above, this is already implemented in rushing Dojo buildings, but iam looking for it in foundry aswell.


There is variety of ways you can implement this...


% of remaining time / maximum platinum cost, rounded up


-1 platinum for every hour closer to completion

this would require rework of time/platinum cost of rush for many items, as currently hours to completion are not equal to platinum rush cost


any other type or one of the ones above, but platinum cost would get stuck at 50% - sort of a discount and still waiting out half of the time trade-off

it might encourage some people to spend platinum on rush that would not rush it from the start, potentionaly increasing more platinum to be used on rush, in theory this would work with generaly increased crafting time



What do you think? Does the current system is good enough or would you like to see some touches done in this area?


I personaly dont even use rush system, because the waiting time is not a big deal to me, but i imagine some people use it who dont want to wait, or cant wait.

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It's an interesting idea, but I wonder how many would acutually use the option. If you've got, say, an hour to go on a project, I think most would just wait for the project to finish instead of waste the platnium. I think you're right in that most people would use it only if they had a few platnium left that could not be used for other projects. But anything that adds additional options to the player is always welcome.

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My counter suggestion... Rushing stuff in the foundry should cost credits, that way its concievable people will actually use it. Theres no reason why simple things like rushing something should cost real money, especially the amounts they want, especially since it doesnt scale down. So you can build something and collect all the parts etc, then rush it for HALF the cost of the item is normally [typically the price of things] or you can just pay for it, not need to get the parts and materials, get a free potatoe and a free inventory slot.


Really? Who would ever rush? I want to see a show of hands of people who always rush things. [only people I can think would be grandmasters, MAYBE]

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My counter suggestion... Rushing stuff in the foundry should cost credits, that way its concievable people will actually use it. Theres no reason why simple things like rushing something should cost real money, especially the amounts they want, especially since it doesnt scale down. So you can build something and collect all the parts etc, then rush it for HALF the cost of the item is normally [typically the price of things] or you can just pay for it, not need to get the parts and materials, get a free potatoe and a free inventory slot.


Really? Who would ever rush? I want to see a show of hands of people who always rush things. [only people I can think would be grandmasters, MAYBE]

People that dont want to wait - content creators on youtube, wiki, etc, fans of weapons that look/work cool - i rushed Glaive because i loved it in Dark Sector. People that cant wait, but dont want to buy entire weapon/warframe, usualy people that work long 12 hour shifts and dont have many time windows to play the game, yet they dont want to spend big quantum of platinum on entire thing.


It's quite a simple concept of cookie now or 2 cookies later. Will you wait or eat it now?


Rushing for credits can be done, no doubt about it. The thing is it generates revenue for the game (even if not majority, it does), it doesnt break the game in any way, it serves as a feature in the crafting mechanics and its another way of option for potentional customer. I personaly dont have a problem with rush being platinum only and we could develop this into platinum - credit convert like Guild Wars 2 gem - gold, but let's stay on topic.


The problem is, majority of items dont have a price in credits. Only blueprints do and those are quite cheap compared to platinum cost of entire thing. And rush option is regulated by "cool popularity of the item" and its mastery rank requirement (i guess, as it makes sense), but i've seen it range from 10 to 50, thats from 0.6 to 3 euro (at lowest ratio and without 50% plat sale) and its really all that much, classic microtransaction. In credits we can take a weapon that costs 25k credits and costs 25k to create in a foundry. Let's say the rush costs half of the total cost - another 25k to rush it, then you will create another potentional barrier for people, is material and 75k credits worth more or less then 150 platinum for entire weapon? You would create another ratio for credits - platinum, then one that is already available now with bp+craft cost+materials+time / platinum. It would require a lot more research into this to call it objective idea.

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The thing is it generates revenue for the game (even if not majority, it does)

I dont think their rush feature generates the majority of their revenue. The fact most people "can" wait [and the people that cant its still just better off buying the item anyway] means that this feature is pretty much there just to nickel and dime people. People dont like being charged for no reason, they dont like being nickel and dimed. Its the same thing for limiting inventory space, and only getting more if you shell out real money. If anything, these features probably drives away more players than it generates revenue. And the fact that most players will ignore it means it needs another more in depth look at.


Extra Credits did a video specifically about this feature you should take a look at I think. If I had the link Id give it to ya but I dont, someone else posted it earlier on the forums though. If it helps you find it, they specifically mentioned Farmville a lot in it. If I find it I'll put it up here though. *goes to look*

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As i said...

The thing is it generates revenue for the game (even if not majority, it does).


Re-reading it would be great idea. :P


Rushing for platinum is normal microtransaction, wait or pay a little to get it now with sacrafice of of credits and material. Free games have to keep alive somehow and you have a way to getting it for free. Waiting time is not so long anyway, even if take into account 3.5 day crafting of warframe. So not a big deal here.


Warframe/Weapon Slots on another hand is a plain simple nickel&dime. You cannnot get it for free by playing the game - you cannot get it from RNG - ? alerts, daily reward, defense reward, buy it with credits (100k credits for example - similiary to LoL's rune pages) etc..., only way to get it pay for it with platinum. Its not nice and i dont like it either. And it alone does not serve any reason other then take up peoples money for wanting to have more weapons and warframes.

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Re-reading it would be great idea. :P

I did read it, I'm saying that isn't a good idea as a source of income, and Im saying it increases the games annoyance factor without increasing peoples desire to continue playing. Im saying its not a good idea, and nickel and diming with pointless microtransactions while literally bringing with it zero content is just a short sighted cash grab that will hurt them more in the end.


But I wish people wouldn't automatically assume someone ignored them, and then ignore something they say. Its called "projecting", since you basically ignored what I say because you assumed I ignored what you said. No, I just disagree with the idea behind what you assume is [and should be?] a "normal microtransaction". I'm saying raise your expectations, and raise the standards we hold game developers too. We wouldn't accept this kind of thing in real life after all right? Next time you go to a store, like walmart maybe, I want you to think about this. What if all the lines in walmart were intentionally slowed somehow, but they had a special line that you could check out all your stuff immediately instead of waiting, the only catch is you have to pay extra to use it, like 5, 10, 20, maybe even 50 bucks who knows? Then think about what the publics response to it might be.


Anyway, feel free to look at that link I posted, since I don't think you noticed it before posting your response. Again here's the link, its a short video. 


But I'm glad to see you agree with me on something at least, aka the limited inventory.

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I did read it, I'm saying that isn't a good idea as a source of income, and Im saying it increases the games annoyance factor without increasing peoples desire to continue playing. Im saying its not a good idea, and nickel and diming with pointless microtransactions while literally bringing with it zero content is just a short sighted cash grab that will hurt them more in the end.


But I wish people wouldn't automatically assume someone ignored them, and then ignore something they say. Its called "projecting", since you basically ignored what I say because you assumed I ignored what you said.

I was refering to...


>> The thing is it generates revenue for the game (even if not majority, it does).

> I dont think their rush feature generates the majority of their revenue.


That you probably misread it as...

The thing is it generates majority of revenue for the game.

and gone along with with respond that you thought, i thought that i does generate majority of income and thats why i posted that you shoud re-read it.


The video...

For this puprose i tend to watch TotalBiscuit and Campster, as they tend to talk about those topics aswell and i agree with it, so thanks for showing me another great channel.

Now to take it in Warframe... it works and applies well for intentory limit, we agreed on that already.

For crafting its yes and no. Its a restriction for player to not get overwhelmed with weapons, thats good and gives player a message of consequence and not to fill up the inventory so fast, which is not so good to be said simply. The rush is thing of perception, it can be seen as option to skip the waiting and people mostly like more options or it can be seen as a cash grab, which i think is unjustified, because it doesnt prevent you from for example... playing the game, its not a thing you NEED to have fun with the game (obviously some weapons are more fun the others, but you can have fun with the braton aswell) or to progress along the line of the progression curve and content lockers you can get to, only if you do complete preset checklist of nonsense, to be allowed to unlock more of the game itself. But, then you have a point with comparison to line in a market and i can see that a credit rush would be a good idea afterall (since removing rush at all would be quite bad decision). Also we could go into authentication, as not weapon would be instantly created if we smacked some material togather, but lets not nitpick.


The discussion is going into the current free games and sometimes even into payed games and what standards we hold there. Iam fine with game giving me access to all its content without being limited to play it and being without premium stuff that has potential and can (mostly does) unbalance the game - World of Tanks, APB: Reloaded. Cosmetics are cosmetics and if i like the game itself, i mostly spend money to get some of those or to skip the progression curve a little by buying a champion in League of Legends, because hey, devs made a great game and i want to support them to make more of this stuff. Thats why rush is in this perspective grey area aswell. The thing mentioned in video is also player returning back to the game. Daily rewards, win of the day, double xp for first win, etc... i personaly dont have a problem with it, because i usualy like to play the game anyway, so why would i not be encouraged to play it more, especialy if the game is fun.


About me...

I tend not to go from point to point and do counter argument point by point or in order. I use to rumble around the topic and sometimes it goes somewhere else, ideas are wild things afterall, so if it sounds like iam ignoring what you said, then iam sorry, its just the way i use to write longer articles and i can imagine its not easy to read them either, even if i try to keep them simple. And thinking of what someone else is thinking is a tricky thing. Also sarcasm is hard to read. ;)

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>> The thing is it generates revenue for the game (even if not majority, it does).

> I dont think their rush feature generates the majority of their revenue.


That you probably misread it as...

The thing is it generates majority of revenue for the game.

and gone along with with respond that you thought, i thought that i does generate majority of income and thats why i posted that you shoud re-read it.

Ah thats my bad then, I was thinking before you responded again thats what you might have meant, I just didnt spend enough time proof reading is all. I was trying to agree with you that it probably doesnt make much revenue, which was one of my points to changing it to add credits to be an option... as well as the cost should decrease as time goes down like you made the post about.


And yea, Im not against the wait in general really, Im not impatient, and often times I find myself building stuff before I go to bed anyway so it becomes a moot factor. I just think charging someone say, 10 plat to rush a potato that they have to farm for all the ingredients first off anyway isnt smart, especially when if you really wanted to be lazy or impatient you could just buy an extra potato for 20 plat in the market.


1= They want to charge too much plat to rush items, generally half the market price, on top of not including a credit option to rush.

2= The time as you said does not decrease the cost, which is lazy coding plain and simple.

3= The foundry in general needs some overhauls UI wise. Lots of people have complained about needing a cancel button for example, or better organizing of items.

4= We should have the ability to purchase more stuff with credits in general. Their whole in game currency for the most part seems to be ignored. Join my petition to rename Credits "Glue".

5= We should have the ability to purchase more blueprints... Id love the option to pay less for a potato BP and get all the materials farming for it instead of paying full price for an already made potato.


Those are the problems I personally have with the foundry/market. None of those are bad enough however that it drives me away from the game or makes the foundry completely unusable. But they are legitimate concerns people have brought up time and time again and DE has done nothing to address for a long time, I thought this was going to be fixed in U8. That to me speaks louder than problems themselves. I can only hope its fixed by U9, though I'd think most of it could be taken care of with a hotfix. DE right now seems more concerned with nerfing our movement currently than they are with fixing the game or various warframe abilities, like My Nyx's Ultimate :( I just wish they'd fix their actual content first is all.


Really after waiting so long though for these issues to be addressed I can only assume this is all as DE intends it to be, which is a shame.

Edited by unmog
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Sometimes i feel like DE development team is too much spread out. We heard on livestream month(s) ago, that UI rework is coming, yet nothing have come up, meybe in U9? Foundry is in rework with trading in mind, i assume market will get more price balance, which can be a reason why new UI is halted, until the new features come in. But then again, developing video games is not easy thing to do, especialy when someone goes to free2play, when their resources are managed by the success of people who pay for the game, they dont have to pay for. U9 with hotfixes and rework of original content is a good idea in general, also it was confirmed on last livestream, it's gonna be one of those "i wish it was like this from the start" update, as i can say from Guild Wars 2's live content updates, but some people will be mad about the changes anyway.


Yes, there is not much things to spend your platinum on right now if we would compare it to let's say League of Legends. IP/XP booster vs Affinity booster? If affinity worked for weapons... meybe it was useful buy. Colors are cosmetics, but then you can get ones you like most for $10. Entire weapon/warframe, only for not patient people or people that cannot wait or people that dont like farming. Cosmetics in terms of skins? Pretty much non-existant with exception of 1 helmet (another set of helmets 1 per warframe is coming in U9) is nothing to be compared with new models and particle effects in other games (i know, they are not easy to make with level of detail we have here and theme). Mod pack? Aka get rare ability mod. Ammo box, shield recharge, health restore, cipher? Haven't use'd one in my life and most are buyable with credits. Inventory... we know where that is. And potatoes... probably only thing (+colors) i spend platinum on.

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I doubt people will care about this anyways, not many people rush 12 hours builds and even then i don't think people would bother using 3 platinum to rush something since it would leave you with a bad number of platinum that can be useless because most plat purchases are a rounded number.

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I doubt people will care about this anyways, not many people rush 12 hours builds and even then i don't think people would bother using 3 platinum to rush something since it would leave you with a bad number of platinum that can be useless because most plat purchases are a rounded number.

Exactly, I dont know many people who rush stuff because of all the problems. But maybe some people might start using the rush feature if it was fairer, or had an option to use credits instead.

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