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Well, it's a Beta version, and I am part taking in the game. I think it's in everyone's best interest if we give our feedback. So here is mine. I hope in some form it will reach someone with authority in the game and take it into consideration.

I really like most things about this game. The premise is solid, the art style really has a distinct feel to it and a lot of the decisions made about the mechanics make a whole world of sense


I haven’t tried any Warframes besides Excalibur, Volt and Loki, and whilst I really like them all, am I wrong in saying that Excalibur’s slash dash is way better than anything else? Seriously, in what situation would I use excalibur’s radial javelin attack instead of using slash dash a few times in rapid succession? And as much as I like the feel of volt, is shock meant to be as powerful as slash dash? Because it isn’t.


The way the mods drop randomly make it a never-ending journey toward optimizing your character, especially in the earlier stages of the game, and I really like that. I can’t go read online which mods are the BEST in the game, because I can’t control which ones I get and I am forced to make do with what I have.


Slashing with the melee weapon feels a bit silly, when my time is much better spent jump-striking the ground repeatedly. Yet, every time I start to do this, I feel bad because I am filling everyone’s screens with chains of shiny sparkle-supernovas. I love the stab attack you perform on a knocked-down enemy. I find melee slashing weird in general. Is it meant to be used more as a stunlock than a source of constant damage? Because usually I can do much much more damage by just using my primary weapon at point-blank range. I am torn, though. I understand the need to make the easiest melee attack the least destructive, or that;s all we would do. I like the ability to charge the weapon, and I like that it can be interrupted. It helps me to bridge the gaps between fights.


Conceptual question. Are the weapons meant to all be balanced with each other? Is a level 30 SKANA equivalent to a level 30 HATE? Because isn’t starting the game with “the most well-rounded weapons” a bit problematic?


Not sure how one would address this, but I find fighting the infested is significantly more taxing on my PC. There are so many enemies and so many particle effects. I think just those passive swirly dust clouds alone take their toll.


The game can be extremely cathartic. I find that when I am tired of playing and stop to do something else, my mind drifts to it a few hours later, and I just want to slash something up. Very addictive, in a good way.


I can’t decide if I like the enormous repetitive maps. On one hand, It does give the appropriate feel of a big ship, and I can see how if they creators add more and more possible segments they can feel as expansive without being so repetitive. Still, sometimes I find it ridiculous how I have to sprint for five minutes to get to extraction.


Your mod system as a way of improving your items/warframes with level is just brilliant.


I just love the whole parkour-ish undercurrents. That makes this game for me. The ability to jump up walls and the wall running and somersaulting. I really do get a surge of impish glee when I sumersault-slide over a pit that saves me 30 seconds of time.


I can’t remember which, but one planet had one of their “maps” or whatever too far in the top-right and it was covered by something in the GUI


I like how getting new things works in general. When I started the game I thought I would spend the bulk of my time buying weapons with credits. Instead, you buy blueprints and then use resources to build them, and I quite like it. It really makes me appreciate the weapons once they are built.

Not sure what I forgot to mention, but these were the biggest ones. I love that I was allowed to play free and was happy to buy something with platinum once I found I like the game. I hope this game continues to be successful. I think some optional tutorials in the main menu wouldn’t go amiss. I felt I really needed to look around online to get a grasp of what was going on.
Carry on, guys. You have a great thing going here. More enemies, more places, more weapons, more maps, more game types, more mods, more levels. More more more. It’s a good system you have that allows for growth, and I look forward to seeing it develop and become more polished than it already is. I look forward to the day there are so many weapons that each person I run into has an entirely different assortment of slightly different equipment. 

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Slash dash and Radial Javelin are much different, Radial Javelin being the much better skill if you ask me. 
1. Radial Javelin hits multiple enemies in multiple directions whereas Slash Dash will only hit enemies in one direction.
2. Radial Javelin travels about 3 times as far as Slash Dash.

3. Radial Javelin kills the Majority of enemies in one hit.

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On slash dash vs radial javelin: I think it's situational. Radial javelin is faster and easier, slash dash more efficient. It is certainly one of, if not the, best first abilities in the game. If you team with a mag and combine radial javelin with bullet attractor you can do massive damage, though you've probably already heard that.


About volt... shock is bad.


On melee: I've only found little swings on single target weapons to be good at stunning, then charge attack or gun. Melee weapons that can hit multiple targets are the only ones I find effective in general. Even then, charge attacks are better. I don't think the devs have decided on the role of spam attacks, yet.


The starter weapons: No, they are not as good as other weapons. Nearly every other weapon is on par with each other, to an extent. The exceptions being some of the new weapons. Those are better than older weapons in most cases (some here prefer to pretend that is not the case).

Edited by happyfunba11
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Slash dash and Radial Javelin are much different, Radial Javelin being the much better skill if you ask me. 
1. Radial Javelin hits multiple enemies in multiple directions whereas Slash Dash will only hit enemies in one direction.
2. Radial Javelin travels about 3 times as far as Slash Dash.

3. Radial Javelin kills the Majority of enemies in one hit.

Nah. Radial Javelin is 4 times energy more than slash dash. And if you use slash dash 4 times in a row chances are your going to have killed all the normal enemys

Edited by Deaths.Reap3r
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Nah. Radial Javelin is 4 times energy more than slash dash. And if you use slash dash 4 times in a row chances are your going to have killed all the normal enemys

It takes 4 times the energy, that's for sure. However it goes 3 times as far in every direction, meaning you may have to use 10 or so slash dashes to be as effective. It's also much faster and doesn't put you in an awkward position, but Slash Dash has it's uses, sometimes.

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I love that they are still making changes ad ironing things out. Some weapons could use some love, I feel. Some warframes too. Why is shock bad? I mean I know it is, but it shouldn't be. 
I hear what you are saying about radial javelin, and it's fine to argue that they are on par. Trouble is, having that ability at all takes mod spaces. So if slash dash and radial javelin do the same thing (arguably slash dash just has to do that thing 4 times in a row) then what keeps me from just NOT taking radial javelin and using those mod points for something else. 40 more health? Sweet. No denying that helps.

If you ask me, this needs the same thing ME3 multiplayer needed. They need another resource besides energy. I say, time. Cooldowns.

How about this: Make radial javelin much cheaper (maybe like 40 energy) but you can only use it every 10 seconds. Then there is enough reason to have both, you know? Then abilities like Super Jump can be on cooldown without using energy (in my mind, since the primary way of getting energy back is by killing enemies, it feels bad to use energy on something that won't kill enemies. Flawed logic, as I am sure one could argue super jump HELPS kill enemies, but you get what I am saying.

Hell, you could have abilities that burn Ammo even. Maybe radial javelin would use lots of ... i dunno... sniper rifle ammo. People who don't use sniper rifles will use radial javelin, people who use sniper rifles will choose slash dash. something like that. My point is, they are too similar for abilities I have to sacrifice points to bring both along. I am using excalibur as my example because i know him the best, but I am sure the same can be said for most other warframes.

On weapons: Oh, cool. that actually is quite a good system. You start with items with superior balance, but inferior stats. I can dig it. then you have to decide on your play-style and find the weapon whose imbalance is of benefit to you.


On melee weapons: I guess it makes sense. I love the whole dynamic this game encourages. Easy to learn, impossible to master. So if some melee techniques are more useful than others from weapon to weapon, I can respect that. I just needed to point out that right now, on most weapons anyway, the jump-strike is way too effective. It provides that ground-stab that is awesome. Does heavy damage and usually AOE stuns even heavy units.

I was really happy when I found spamming Orthos' normal melee will chew up multiple enemies. So that's good.

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