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Antimatter Frame Release Date Prediction.


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yes ur idea seem nice but lets be somewhat logical pretty much no one ever gonna do what u say in almost any situation unless u play with friend or clanmates

in most games people play are pubs random like hell is anyone gonna be tactcals most of us like to go in big horde hit 4 and GTFO

now lets try normal mission well how is wormhole gonna be useful other then a quick tele to a hide spot that u had aimed at imo waste of energy when u can just run and gun thro em yes u take some dmg but u get it done faster then be in the animation for 2 sec while geting blasted at and ur team is way ahead of u

no what i would c useful in it is big map where u can go and run behind enemy line and help with people thats enjoy rushing (in solo not pub unless u helping someone)

No offense, but that was extremely painful to read.

If you don't have people you can coordinate with, then the new frame is probably not for you. Just grab your Saryn and continue spamming Miasma in every situation. For those of us who do have squads with good communication and teamwork, the new frame has a lot of potential for high-end, tactical play.

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NOOOOO ! Another frame :( , why cant stick to make more chalanging content, nothing to do ingame, waste of time for new warframes and weapons, better fix existing and bring more content to play, you can add new warframes and weapons later its not critical, but content is critical, i hardly can find  friends online, update 8 was very bad because almost no content, again new warframe and weapons all the time same, look on planets in most crowded region time to time im only person there, people waiting gameplay.

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NOOOOO ! Another frame :( , why cant stick to make more chalanging content, nothing to do ingame, waste of time for new warframes and weapons, better fix existing and bring more content to play, you can add new warframes and weapons later its not critical, but content is critical, i hardly can find  friends online, update 8 was very bad because almost no content, again new warframe and weapons all the time same, look on planets in most crowded region time to time im only person there, people waiting gameplay.

its beta. if they gave you all what the game was gonna be, by the release date your gonna be bored....although i would like my clan sizes...

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NOOOOO ! Another frame :( , why cant stick to make more chalanging content, nothing to do ingame, waste of time for new warframes and weapons, better fix existing and bring more content to play, you can add new warframes and weapons later its not critical, but content is critical, i hardly can find  friends online, update 8 was very bad because almost no content, again new warframe and weapons all the time same, look on planets in most crowded region time to time im only person there, people waiting gameplay.

First, developing a new Warframe and developing new content are not mutually exclusive.

Second, update 8 was "very bad because almost no content"?? The Dojo system, the Void tileset, grineer Galleon tileset, research system, tons of new weapons? How is that "almost no content"?

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