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Trinity Feedback


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I think 3 is to selfish of a move for trinity and 2 is not really a good moving thru maps skill and yes blessing is very strong and has a painful wind up

its like if the snipetron did 1000 damage sure great damage but painful reload

yeah her 2 isn't that good on the fly moving from one area to another. i still like 2 for its unique abiltiy. you may find that the reason is that her 3 is selfish for 2 reason. makes her viable for solo play (just) and the same reason why iron skin or invisibility or even jump is used.  so its easier set up your 4 or other abilities (or its what i've been doing with link and healing downed warframes).depending how warframe goes with the next couple of patches she probably needs at least 1 selfish ability for solo play. but i guess that all comes back to how much of a true support they want her to be


they are working on all frames this coming update dude looking at skills that havent been touched in months or even since they where made

working or not Trinity fits that description and the largest offender is just about done scott talked about it

Trinity is not perfect and has already been mentioned is not able to do the job they want her to do

she is great at self preservation right now the best at it that isnt her job she is the only true support right now tho because there is no other support heaer or buffer nothing to compair her to

I think its unfair people who WANT to be support might not get it because people who want everything to stay the same are getting in the way

she does not do her job as well as she can compaired to the other frames doing their own neiche


you offer no suggestions on how to fix it other then "change WoL" well... to what? what could posibly make Vamp usable outside of the boss room or anchents

and whats gona solve the blessing is to good for its energy problem

or the everyone plays trinity for the god tank it is instead of rhino

and if WoL becomes usefull why should you use blessing?

blessing heals all shield what about mag? mag has a whole skill for that trinity is making one of mag's skills unessisary even if it already is that skill is literaly unusable if a trinity is in the room technicly if it gets buffed to heal all shield trinity will stil lbe better all shield all hp and invincability all for 100 energy

come on dude we are playing a healer not a god some of these things need to be reworked id rather weaker skills that flowed and felt better then skills that technicly are to strong and out of character for a healer I LITERALY play trinity only for the ability to heal others so vamp is usless outside of bosses to me and link is usless for me.


intesting point about her niche role compares to other warframes like frost. considering frost can almost prevent damage in the first place with just his globe and has a better damage output. its hard not to pick him over trinity in a 4 man team. 


another thing i will say as well is that she needs to be the last frame to be looked at over all the other ones. if she is designed to support any warframe, her abilities should be reflect on covering their weaknesses and keeping them alive. and as well as have a heavy impact to make sure those warframes feel like trinity is contributing, other than "ty for 4,ty for 4,ty for 4,"... etc

also wanted to bring up rework ideas on 1 and 4 but im to sleep deprived lol

Edited by Tainted_Fox
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yeah her 2 isn't that good on the fly moving from one area to another. i still like 2 for its unique abiltiy. you may find that the reason is that her 3 is selfish for 2 reason. makes her viable for solo play (just) and the same reason why iron skin or invisibility or even jump is used.  so its easier set up your 4 or other abilities (or its what i've been doing with link and healing downed warframes).depending how warframe goes with the next couple of patches she probably needs at least 1 selfish ability for solo play. but i guess that all comes back to how much of a true support they want her to be



intesting point about her niche role compares to other warframes like frost. considering frost can almost prevent damage in the first place with just his globe and has a better damage output. its hard not to pick him over trinity in a 4 man team. 


another thing i will say as well is that she needs to be the last frame to be looked at over all the other ones. if she is designed to support any warframe, her abilities should be reflect on covering their weaknesses and keeping them alive. and as well as have a heavy impact to make sure those warframes feel like trinity is contributing, other than "ty for 4,ty for 4,ty for 4,"... etc

also wanted to bring up rework ideas on 1 and 4 but im to sleep deprived lol

I do hope they make her flow better yes her 2 is nice for bosses and is the only one like it, but that does not mean it cant be reworked to suit warframe more :<

about frost he isnt a healer i dont want to be frost :(

if Link was her 4th and made everyone just invincible and her 3rd healed everyone it would be a combo instead of just healing everyone with 4

id rather that combo instead of link vamp combo wich is totaly goddly and unessisaryatleast with my ideas the team benefits from stuff other then just energy :(


currently i just spam my ulti for the team invincability with max durration remenicent of tf2 medic he was the perfect balance for his game

he had his tool bag and it worked

trinity just isnt like that only reason people thank for that ulty is cuz its the only way they can get heals outside usless WoL or items

I know the saying if it aint broke dont fix it

but trinity just isnt a healer she isnt broken if you think of her liek a tank

but as a support in a game about moving alot she is pretty busted

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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The way you end up with skills like Well of Life is by trying to make a healer who does not heal. It seems they want to make most of Trinity's support/healing abilities mostly passive (1 and done) so player can focus on the gun/sword play instead of being dedicated to just healing.


The 1 skill should be a single heal or some other form of single target support ability and preferably a smart targeting (and not like Nyx's or Ash's abilities, instantaneous would be nice). I don't think we all want another Shield Polarize.


For Trinity's 2 skill Well of Life and Energy Vampire could be combined for a strong boss/big baddy skill.


Trinity's current 3 does not fit the the whole removal of invulnerably and could use some rework if they want to keep on that trend. (No big problem with it my self)


And finally Blessing, I think it should be well... bigger. No not in size as last time I checked it was map wide, but maybe have it revive downed (not dead) teammates cool, useful second chance that would make Trinity special.


Energy costs may vary. Digital Extreme participation may vary. While ideas last. Limited time only. Not available in all areas.


As always this is just opinion, and Trinity is not my main frame but it was my second to 30. GO TRINITY!

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Seriously, group your thoughts better or I'm done reading these.


you offer no suggestions on how to fix it other then "change WoL" well... to what?

Clearly, you're not reading my posts, so I guess I don't need to read yours, so I withdraw the request to make your posts readable.


I've already made one suggestion, though there were a few others and I don't feel the need to push my own exclusively. And here it is, just to be sure you can't miss it again.


Perhaps if Well of Life was a targetted insta-cast heal similar to Blessing, it would be worthwhile. This would mean the Well of Life replacement could instantly heal and grant temporarily invulnerability to someone who is about to go down. Blessing would still be the better overall heal (up to 8 targets for 100 energy vs 1 target for 25) but the lack of cast time would make it easier to prevent someone from dying if they are within line of sight. Also, it would make it easier for me to keep up with a group because I wouldn't have to stop and cast Blessing every time someone takes damage.


If I don't think Trinity's other abilities are a problem (and I don't) then I see no reason to make suggestions that are not needed. As for comparing Blessing to Shield Polarize, we both know Mag is up for a complete re-working of probably all her skills. Let's talk about that after Mag is fixed, yes?


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Haters on Link again?



Link is not out of place. There is nothing strange about a SUPPORT class having a skill for self-preservation, for extending her life so she can remain in her party's service longer. It is not Trinity's job to hide behind her teammates and gun all her enemies with her Snipetron. It is her job to SUPPORT her teammates, and ensure she's alive long enough to do so. It's her job to save her teammates when the need arises. Get over it.



Then keep asking for a buff to Rhino. Trinity is not a tank because she can't draw fire as well as Rhino can. Link has limited range. Get over it.



Then you don't know how to play Trinity. Take out all mods from her, sell her and go make a Loki or Frost. If you still think that way, you have no business playing Trinity.



Trinity's job is to ensure NO ONE EVEN @(*()$ DIES IN THE FIRST PLACE. If you slipped up or are just new to Trinity, that's what Link is for. Everyone can revive, it is NOT Trinity's niche to revive downed teammates. It is hers to keep them alive.



A player with foresight and pays careful attention to the battlefield and not just glancing at her teammate's health display will know when to use Blessing. Anyone who knows how to use this godly ability will ensure that no one ever dies. Learn how to use it or get over the fact that you can't.



Shut. The. Fucl<. Up.









Well of Life - Do something about this. It's U to the S to the E to the L to the E to the S to the S. U-S-E-L-E-S-S. Or redundant. Take your pick.









Don't. Just buff Rhino ffs.





Doesn't need a buff. For the last time, it's a situational ability, that's fine and it ensures that it can't be easily spammed.

What it could use: Jump effect to jump to the nearest target when its duration expires. Maybe Continuity won't be so &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; then.






A Trinity player

Edited by Amistyrja
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1- well of life is useless, the AI die too fast i doesn't even have time to cast it, unless its on  a boss.

2- energy vampire, again a boss skill and most peoples dont even notice they gaining energy.

Light/Medium enemies die too fast, but with a bit of communication Heavies and Ancients are fine with this, as long as the right people know what to attack.

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cares to much about surviving when good team play would not need it

But sir link helps you not your team unless your tanking the boss but then yes as you said that is rhino's job

 and he does need a revisit- but trinity should not be invincible by herself I agree rhino needs a buff or swap overheat's armor with ironskin bam instant fix

trinity still has no need to have that very good skill when he does get fixed trinity will still be better

and you said i should go play frost? or loki? but they lack the ability to heal and that is why some of us play trinity not to use link but to heal and healing is literaly her job not self preservation that is supposed to be a 2nd thought its ment to come after healing

but link is so fast acting and quite literaly the best survival skill in the game it is basicly begging you to waste your energy on it

I swear link is going to be reworked just like WoL it currently has no reason to be there

and if it does not rhino frost ember and syran will be out classed in tanking and 3 of thos characters its the main concept behind them

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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Thought Link fits fine.


Y'know, if she lost that, seems a bit disappointing to push her even further as support only. At least with Link she has something to go for as a combat medic of sorts. Still thinking Well of Life rework should really come first though before anything else.

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Your edit of my post makes no sense. Survival is essential to playing Trinity, and good survival is one of Trinity's perks. 'Good teamplay' is NOT hiding behind your teammates and just throwing out blesses. Get over it.



But sir link helps you not your team unless your tanking the boss but then yes as you said that is rhino's job

For the last @(*()&#036; time, Link is not a team-buffing skill and it's not meant to be. Stop using the 'team support' argument. Link's also excellent for allowing you to start drawing fire in Defense and revive your teammates if they somehow manage to die.



 trinity should not be invincible by herself I agree rhino needs a buff or swap overheat's armor with ironskin bam instant fix

trinity still has no need to have that very good skill when he does get fixed trinity will still be better

Link is a part of Trinity's mod loadout. Get over it. If Link is to be nerfed, just lower its range or only reflect a % of damage dealt, increasing with rank. If you think Link makes her invincible, try taking on Grineer at Wave 30 then come back and start crying about a range buff for Link.




and you said i should go play frost? or loki? but they lack the ability to heal and that is why some of us play trinity not to use link but to heal and healing is literaly her job not self preservation that is supposed to be a 2nd thought its ment to come after healing

Never explicitly referred to you.

Link is NOT what Trinity is based around. Survivability is a PERK of playing Trinity, Link is one of the skills that enhance this aspect of Trinity gameplay. There is no healing, no support without survival. Get over it.



but link is so fast acting and quite literaly the best survival skill in the game it is basicly begging you to waste your energy on it

That's what a bad Trinity would do. You shouldn't be worried about it.



I swear link is going to be reworked just like WoL it currently has no reason to be there

Can't wait to start the "Fix Trinity" threads.

Link has EVERY reason to be there. Trinity is not supposed to hide behind everyone like a wimp and throw heals. WARFRAME is not an MMORPG. WARFRAME is a coop third-person SHOOTER. Get over it.



and if it does not rhino frost ember and syran will be out classed in tanking and 3 of thos characters its the main concept behind them

Frost is truly invincible against bullets unlike Trinity.

Rhino needs a buff.

Trinity has no tanking skills to suggest that she's a designated tank. She just takes hits better than many other frames because of her stats.

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Man.... Why must this keep occurring? All this nerfing, which makes other people unhappy and ask for similar nerds to occur, leading to a wave of nerfing that in the end nerfs the entire game. I understand about the invincibility that Trinity possesses through Link, but why must Link need a fix? Trinity does not possess any offensive skill whatsoever and in that sense, people may argue that Trinity is a support frame. However, people requesting for a work on link, seriously. Link is a gift bestowed on Trinity for a reason. You cannot expect a frame like Trinity, with her durability and stuff like that, to be cowering in fear behind her teammates and only doing cleric tasks. Vanity, people, vanity. It is this ignorance and vanity that led to the absolute demolition of Rhino. Please stop, this must stop.

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Man.... Why must this keep occurring? All this nerfing, which makes other people unhappy and ask for similar nerds to occur, leading to a wave of nerfing that in the end nerfs the entire game. I understand about the invincibility that Trinity possesses through Link, but why must Link need a fix? Trinity does not possess any offensive skill whatsoever and in that sense, people may argue that Trinity is a support frame. However, people requesting for a work on link, seriously. Link is a gift bestowed on Trinity for a reason. You cannot expect a frame like Trinity, with her durability and stuff like that, to be cowering in fear behind her teammates and only doing cleric tasks. Vanity, people, vanity. It is this ignorance and vanity that led to the absolute demolition of Rhino. Please stop, this must stop.

People will keep crying. Best we can do is to let them cry while we focus on the problems at hand.



I personally won't object if Well of Life was changed to be a debuff or even offensive skill. But this ability has been looked at long enough, it's about time something was done about it. I don't have any ideas for it right now though.

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Seems this is inevitable though, the cycle of "OMG THIS ABILITY IS SO OHHHPEEE N.E.R.F

This thread has started with some constructive feedback regarding Trinity's more useless skills such as Well of Life, until Link is brought up by some idiots which in turn appealed to Link haters and all the "NERF LINK DAMMIT IT IS BETTER THAN THE "Press 4 to win! Congratulations you killed 900 monsters" posts start swarming in. Guess what? From a neutral perspective, you know what I see? A thread which was a discussion undergoing a transformation into a thread arguing about Link. Oh please. Just get back to the topic, no more talk about Link. I am sick and tired of all this.

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Seems this is inevitable though, the cycle of "OMG THIS ABILITY IS SO OHHHPEEE N.E.R.F

This thread has started with some constructive feedback regarding Trinity's more useless skills such as Well of Life, until Link is brought up by some idiots which in turn appealed to Link haters and all the "NERF LINK DAMMIT IT IS BETTER THAN THE "Press 4 to win! Congratulations you killed 900 monsters" posts start swarming in. Guess what? From a neutral perspective, you know what I see? A thread which was a discussion undergoing a transformation into a thread arguing about Link. Oh please. Just get back to the topic, no more talk about Link. I am sick and tired of all this.

WoL is like mag its already worldly known its usless

press 4 to win skills are boring but so is link id rather link make me and a team mate invincable then just me if anything someone said before you frost is invunerable to bullets link is not yeah.. it is... it makes trinity invunerable to everything just trinity the one marketed as support and a healer

she has 1 support skill energy vamp and 2 heals and link a god skill im not saying it needs to be nerfed im saying its not a good skill for trinity in a game thats already easy why do i need to make myself invincable its practicly usless when your main focus is healing your team and supporting them yeah they have o S#&$ moments well blessing is technicly stronger and a heal so i used that then resurrect people not link

it just does not fit I dont want to spam blessing i rather actualy use my other skills

using vamp every boss and avery other ancient and blessing 24/7 is jsut as boring as spaming 4 cuz thats all you can do as trinity 2 and 4 and 2 only comes around every now and then

the title of the thread is trinity feed back btw...



Iv also been lying in bed sick typing all this on a laptop thats sitting on my chest

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Just jumping in to give some suggestions I've been thinking of. I haven't read the thread in its entirety though.



WoL - I was thinking of either a constant, slowly healing AoE around Trin, requiring teammates to pull out and retreat to recover, or, requiring Trin to risk heavy damage and move towards her injured team. Either or, I think that in dire situations, especially with low energy, it could prove interesting in terms of Strategy.


I was also thinking that it could work much like Nyx's Psychic bolts would, seeking teammates instead. It could fire a maximum of 6 bolts, on a full team, that's 2 bolts per teammate. I was thinking a heal rate of 50/75/100/125 give or take. However, I was also thinking that one person can only absorb a maximum of two bolts, so that all 6 bolts don't focus on one teammate. 


Thirdly, we could keep the WoL mechanics and instead just use to to tag teammates, giving a bit of regeneration for a set time. 3 castings on a full team costing 75 energy, or even less if need be, to compete with the blessing in terms of energy consumption. 


Energy Vampire - I feel like it's in a good position. If used correctly, it can really turn the tide of battle. If it gets changed, I fear that it may become too useful, keeping the team full the entire mission, or borderline useless. I'd have to disagree with the jump that others have suggested. If I remeber correctly, the energy regen is based on damage given and not shots given. If t jumps, it may be too easy to keep a full energy tank. . Again, I feel like its in a good position. 


Link - Links in a good spot. It costs a lot of energy and doesn't last too long. However, its a good indirect lethal ability that keeps Trin edgy in combat, giving her some kind of self defense in tight spots.  I personally wouldn't change it. As it was said earlier, this is a third person shooter, not an MMORPG. The take on trins healing abilities is a unique look on healing itself. I'm just glad she isn't another copy-paste healer with a gun that heals others by a tether. I feel that her abilities fit well in a game like Warframe, so far, anyways.


Blessing - To be honest, I'd reduce its effective range. I'm not sure if they had a reach mod on, but I've been healed by it 4 or 5 rooms over. 


Thats my two cents

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WoL - I was thinking of either a constant, slowly healing AoE around Trin, requiring teammates to pull out and retreat to recover, or, requiring Trin to risk heavy damage and move towards her injured team. Either or, I think that in dire situations, especially with low energy, it could prove interesting in terms of Strategy.


I was also thinking that it could work much like Nyx's Psychic bolts would, seeking teammates instead. It could fire a maximum of 6 bolts, on a full team, that's 2 bolts per teammate. I was thinking a heal rate of 50/75/100/125 give or take. However, I was also thinking that one person can only absorb a maximum of two bolts, so that all 6 bolts don't focus on one teammate. 

I'm still not sure what to think about WoL, and whether it should be a health restoration ability at all.



Energy Vampire - I feel like it's in a good position. If used correctly, it can really turn the tide of battle. If it gets changed, I fear that it may become too useful, keeping the team full the entire mission, or borderline useless. I'd have to disagree with the jump that others have suggested. If I remeber correctly, the energy regen is based on damage given and not shots given. If t jumps, it may be too easy to keep a full energy tank. . Again, I feel like its in a good position. 

EV is fine as it is. Jumping won't make it imbalanced, as long as the leech cap of 100 energy stays. It just lets Energy Vampire be used in more situations and makes distributing energy to teammates easier.




Link - Links in a good spot. It costs a lot of energy and doesn't last too long. However, its a good indirect lethal ability that keeps Trin edgy in combat, giving her some kind of self defense in tight spots.  I personally wouldn't change it. As it was said earlier, this is a third person shooter, not an MMORPG. The take on trins healing abilities is a unique look on healing itself. I'm just glad she isn't another copy-paste healer with a gun that heals others by a tether. I feel that her abilities fit well in a game like Warframe, so far, anyways.

75 Energy is OK, and it does last quite a while. If people insist on crying for rebalance:


Reflect 30%/40%/50%/60% damage taken instead of 100%

Reduce effective range

Increase base energy cost by 25(don't wanna make it a 2nd uber though)

Reduce effective duration




Blessing - To be honest, I'd reduce its effective range. I'm not sure if they had a reach mod on, but I've been healed by it 4 or 5 rooms over. 

Blessing has infinite range, its effects balanced by its infinite cast time.

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WoL could be reworked as a very short duration debuff (2-3secs maybe) that tags an enemy. IF the enemy gets killed within this small time frame then the killer and everyone within a small aoe centered at the mob heals X life, or maybe if a tagged mob dies it drops a random orb.

This way you make it different than her ult in where to use it as well as giving it a clear purpose without making it useless IMO

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Oh WoL....used it a few times and never used it again. It really lacking and I've read this whole thread to see peoples opinions on how to rework this ability so I can throw in my own.What if WoL was thrown on a friendly unit instead of an enemy. Still working the same way only the friendly unit heals from the damage he/she deals to any target and probably raising the cap from 100 to 150. Not sure if this would make it see more use but meh just a thought.

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Oh WoL....used it a few times and never used it again. It really lacking and I've read this whole thread to see peoples opinions on how to rework this ability so I can throw in my own.What if WoL was thrown on a friendly unit instead of an enemy. Still working the same way only the friendly unit heals from the damage he/she deals to any target and probably raising the cap from 100 to 150. Not sure if this would make it see more use but meh just a thought.

Can't use it on yourself?

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Alt helm in particular. The new alt helm is great though.


Her accessorized skirt and lobster tail should be animated and move when she jumps and runs etc.




If anyone's about to come along and complain about her skirt again, get over it. Join Team Lobster or go somewhere else.

I think she's hawt. Nothing more sexy than a woman in an armored skirt who's got your back.


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Can't use it on yourself?

Yes that would be the downside to it but ya know as a support warframe Trinity shouldn't be in the thick of of it but of course that's usually never the case. Another alternative is to make it a watered down version of Blessing with a capped heal limited range and no invulnerability. Of course this would probably make it the same as the Ancient Healers ability.

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well of life is useless, agree.

energy vampire is situational, but highly useful. dont waste it on weak enemies, since you can butcher them easily without making use of skills (this is for the team members, too). its real immense power shows up when it comes to elite or boss enemies and helps you and your comrades to continually use skills. i end up using energy vampire and permanently spamming bless during high level defenses, which just kicks &amp;#&#33;, simply said.

link is my own little panic room. against all the voices telling continuity is a no-go on trinity, i'm doing fine with my skill duration maxed and i love it. in sudden case of danger i just retreat into link and have enough time to turn the tide or forget about myself and keep my mates alive. that's what trinity is made for.

the only rework that needs to be done is well of life, which maybe should be replaced by some armor buff, as already mentioned.

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okay guys so i've been playing with WoL and i probably should bring this up

on max level without using focus. makes you heals up to 400 heath.


My only request with WoL atm is that i cant seem to cast it again after the original target dies. would like the cooldown to be resetted. since its still ever so much more situational then EV

will post again playing with focus

EDIT (coming back from focus/WoL)

so using WoL on max level and Focus on 20% i found that it recovers 500 
but with everyone shooting at the same squishy target i doubt that everyone is gonna get the life back unless used on a tanky enemy

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link is my own little panic room. against all the voices telling continuity is a no-go on trinity, i'm doing fine with my skill duration maxed and i love it. in sudden case of danger i just retreat into link and have enough time to turn the tide or forget about myself and keep my mates alive. that's what trinity is made for.

Continuity isn't a no-go on Trinity, it's all about preference. Personally I'd rather use something else.

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