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Vaara, The Frame After Antimatter


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Hey, I'm Daihazi.

In my spare time, I like to think up some ideas for new frames that could possibly be added into the game, after I learned that Antimatter, the latest frame, was created by somebody on the Design Council. Thus, I joined in hopes of authoring Antimatter's predecessor. My idea was "Vaara", which translates to "Risk" in Finnish. (no, Vaara is not based on Gaara from Naruto! That would be copywright infringement!) I am not sure why Vaara was basically dropped by forumgoers, so I'm posting this to get opinions wether Vaara truly has a shot at being a real frame, or if he's a bad idea.


What is Vaara?

Vaara's deal is that he is an average durability frame, but his abilities are extremely powerful. His drawback is that his shield is reduced to 20% of it's maximum when he casts, because his armor plates are also his weapon. His armor score is also reduced from 75 to 0. This creates a high risk, high reward Warframe, or in other terms, a true glass cannon. He is based off of Telemagnetism, meaning that he can mentally manipulate metallic objects, or in his case, the steel based ferrofluid armor* that he wears. Ferrofluid is an organic compound mixed with treated metallic dust, so that a magnet can influence it. Normally not very strongly bonded by a magnetic field, but Vaara wields magnetic fields so powerful, that the steel in the fluid is as firmly rooted as in a solid steel block. The fluid is just as durable, being bound so tightly by the magnetic field.


What are his stats?

Base health: 75/225

Base shield: 90/270

Base armor: 75/75

Base energy: 100/250

Base speed: 1.3/1.3


Level 1/Level 30


What are his powers?


Power 1: Javelin Strike: Forms the fluid armor into 3/3/3/4 spikes that seek out and impale targets with 100% accuracy, dealing 150/200/250/300 damage, and 50/60/70/85% piercing damage (meaning it will go through targets that it kills, hitting them for half the damage the first target took as long as it died.) Vaara is vulnerable for 2 seconds after the casting animation of this power.


Power 2: Deflection: Forms the armor into a personal spiked bubble shield, and rotates at an intense rate, knocking nearby enemies back several meters. Any bullets that impact the shield will be reflected back at the attacker along with a fluid spike, dealing twice the damage that would have been dealt to Vaara. Vaara is completely invincible while the shield persists. When the shield dies after 3/4/4/5 seconds, it blasts small spikes outward, dealing 30/35/40/45 damage to all enemies within 7 meters. Vaara is vulnerable for 3.5 seconds after the explosion.


Power 3: Paralyzing Mist: Vaara detonates his armor, forming a mist covering 10 meters around himself. He then strongly locks the mist in place, completely immobilizing all enemies who are in it, and who walk into the field. Vaara is unable to move while holding these extremely strong magnetic fields in place. The effect lasts for 5/5/6/7 seconds, and upon its end, Vaara forms the mist into microscopic blades that contract inward, dealing 200/250/320/450 damage to all survivors. Vaara is vulnerable for  4 seconds after the implosion.


Power 4: Anvil Drop: Vaara creates a gigantic anvil out of the fluid, and drops it, devastating anyone beneath it, and sending anyone near it flying. Vaara is vulnerable for 5 seconds after the drop.


What would he look like?

I imagine he would have a slender build like Nyx or Excalibur Prime does, but have the Ferrofluid armor plates covering him, making him look bulkier like Ember. His helmet would be maybe a skull motif to it? Or perhaps a Dragon motif?


Any artists please feel free to draw this guy!


*He originally manipulated steel dust "sand", but due to the fact that that was too similar to another character from another series, I used Ferrofluid instead.


Does anyone feel that this frame has potential to become a real Warframe? If so, please comment, or suggest edits to the frame. If not, let me know as well.


The original post about Vaara can be found at https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/69037-warframe-concept-idea-vaara-the-living-electromagnet/#entry734966

Edited by Daihazi
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(Repost from deleted topic)

Constructive feedback and opinions regarding the frame itself:

- I don't know Naruto and certainly don't follow it, so I suppose I can't see any resemblance to any existing character.
- Current game mechanics/rules dictate that the HP and shields at level 30 are (usually) up to 200% of the base HP/shields. That means at 75 HP you'd have 225 at level 30, and at 90 shields you'd have 270 at level 30. Since all frames obey this rule, I suggest you fix the values to reflect this.
- There are no energy cost values for your abilities.
- The fact your frame is vulnerable after every single ability will simply put people in cover, waiting until they can cast another ability. With these values (13 seconds?!) you'll have people ducking in cover for huge amount of times, doing nothing.
- Related to the point above mine, the damage and function of these abilities does not really outweigh the long "vulnerability time". Damage values are overall very low for, I would say, all of the abilities. The scaling is also very low.
- As far as I know, Warframe is a game very centered about a high mobility, even for the heavier frames. Having a frame immobile for long times for half of its abilities seems a bit like a flow breaker to me, especially considering the vulnerability that comes right after it.
- An anvil? Really? No offence, but I thought people would come up with nicer ideas than anvils in a futuristic world.

- I'd rather have a 100% accuracy on all levels of the Javelin strikes, but scale up the number and the strength of javelins by a lot more.
- Same for myst duration and damage.
- Same for shield duration and damage, but only if you can move while the ability is in effect. (Suggestion: The shield does not do any damage, but any shot fired at the frame while the ability is up will be reflected to the enemy, dealing them the damage you would receive. To boost this, when the ability is activated you'd taunt enemies in a certain area, perhaps the area and strength of taunt increases with ability level).

I will let you know if I have more to say about this.

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I like the name and the concept of the frame. I don't really feel like the powers are cohesive, and think it would be cool if he served a little more of a role. Not a traditional role like tank or CC or nuker etc, but a specific role you made up. That anvil idea seems pretty out of place as well in Warframe.


Also, the mechanic of armor rate going up and down dynamically (on casting) isn't really in the game, so that might require some extra lifting to become a 'thing'.

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(Repost from deleted topic)

Constructive feedback and opinions regarding the frame itself:

- I don't know Naruto and certainly don't follow it, so I suppose I can't see any resemblance to any existing character.

- Current game mechanics/rules dictate that the HP and shields at level 30 are (usually) up to 200% of the base HP/shields. That means at 75 HP you'd have 225 at level 30, and at 90 shields you'd have 270 at level 30. Since all frames obey this rule, I suggest you fix the values to reflect this.

- There are no energy cost values for your abilities.

- The fact your frame is vulnerable after every single ability will simply put people in cover, waiting until they can cast another ability. With these values (13 seconds?!) you'll have people ducking in cover for huge amount of times, doing nothing.

- Related to the point above mine, the damage and function of these abilities does not really outweigh the long "vulnerability time". Damage values are overall very low for, I would say, all of the abilities. The scaling is also very low.

- As far as I know, Warframe is a game very centered about a high mobility, even for the heavier frames. Having a frame immobile for long times for half of its abilities seems a bit like a flow breaker to me, especially considering the vulnerability that comes right after it.

- An anvil? Really? No offence, but I thought people would come up with nicer ideas than anvils in a futuristic world.

- I'd rather have a 100% accuracy on all levels of the Javelin strikes, but scale up the number and the strength of javelins by a lot more.

- Same for myst duration and damage.

- Same for shield duration and damage, but only if you can move while the ability is in effect. (Suggestion: The shield does not do any damage, but any shot fired at the frame while the ability is up will be reflected to the enemy, dealing them the damage you would receive. To boost this, when the ability is activated you'd taunt enemies in a certain area, perhaps the area and strength of taunt increases with ability level).

I will let you know if I have more to say about this.

Thank you for your suggestion, I like some of them, and have no choice but to obey a few of them (the ones reflecting my mistakes)


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Edits made (thanks andryB94)


Power and Shield values at level 30 modified to reflect thier true values


All power damage boosted drastically


Vaara is now mobile while using Deflection


Anvil Drop has now been replaced with World Drop, which drops a spinning, spiky sphere into a crowd of enemies.


Javelin Strike now has a 100% hit chance, and deals a lot more damage. I have kept the number low, because that would mimic Excalibur Prime's "Radial Javelin" attack too closely in both power and effect. We don't want a frame with 4 über powers, now do we?

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hm, this is a cool Idea of basically throwing your shield at the enemy then waiting for it to come back, and the idea is great. I would personally like to have a mobile striker in the game. But, and this is just a really small detail, magnetic abilities are already implemented with mag and since no other warframes share power explanations and psycho kinetics kind of covered by nyx. Maybe saying that the armor is made of highly durable nanobots which Vaara could manipulate would have the same end result with less of the lore conflict. Hope you like it :)

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(Repost from deleted topic)

Constructive feedback and opinions regarding the frame itself:

- I don't know Naruto and certainly don't follow it, so I suppose I can't see any resemblance to any existing character.

- Current game mechanics/rules dictate that the HP and shields at level 30 are (usually) up to 200% of the base HP/shields. That means at 75 HP you'd have 225 at level 30, and at 90 shields you'd have 270 at level 30. Since all frames obey this rule, I suggest you fix the values to reflect this.

- There are no energy cost values for your abilities.

- The fact your frame is vulnerable after every single ability will simply put people in cover, waiting until they can cast another ability. With these values (13 seconds?!) you'll have people ducking in cover for huge amount of times, doing nothing.

- Related to the point above mine, the damage and function of these abilities does not really outweigh the long "vulnerability time". Damage values are overall very low for, I would say, all of the abilities. The scaling is also very low.

- As far as I know, Warframe is a game very centered about a high mobility, even for the heavier frames. Having a frame immobile for long times for half of its abilities seems a bit like a flow breaker to me, especially considering the vulnerability that comes right after it.

- An anvil? Really? No offence, but I thought people would come up with nicer ideas than anvils in a futuristic world.

- I'd rather have a 100% accuracy on all levels of the Javelin strikes, but scale up the number and the strength of javelins by a lot more.

- Same for myst duration and damage.

- Same for shield duration and damage, but only if you can move while the ability is in effect. (Suggestion: The shield does not do any damage, but any shot fired at the frame while the ability is up will be reflected to the enemy, dealing them the damage you would receive. To boost this, when the ability is activated you'd taunt enemies in a certain area, perhaps the area and strength of taunt increases with ability level).

I will let you know if I have more to say about this.

anvils aren't so bad, as opposed to Rhino stomp, in a futuristic world where they are probably extinct. Snow globe as well would fall under your criticism, but let's face it an anvil falling on someone's head has been funny since wily coyote tried to catch the road runner

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