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Project Omega


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(((This is a fan-based What-if concept on my Excalibur frame.  If you ever wonder where the inspiration comes from, is when my controller dies, and my character keeps on fighting for a little bit as I plug in the charge cable.)))


Everyone knows that the current warframes are empty suits of flesh.  But what about the ancient frames? what was in them? were they Just living flesh? Or were they a mutated virus that fused to the skin?

These are the questions that i have wondered ever since I woke up.  I have no true operator; I don't need one.  But never the less, I found one.

It was my last mission before I lost consciousness.   

I was deployed to investigate a grineer mining and research operation on Luna.  I thought nothing of it, they had been working double and triple time ever since it began to move into the void.  My liset landed in a barren crater, and the cloaking activated as I exited.  I moved out, heading towards the site of disturbance.  When I arrived, I saw that they were digging for something, but i couldn't tell what: it looked like a large power core.  I had to disable the security grids before I could advance any further.  No problem, the grineer are not smart with there console coding.  At all.  Within a few seconds, I had solved the intricate puzzle of a single circle.  So difficult.  The alarms rang out thrice, notifying the grineer of the deactivated security.  The few guards moved out the way of the tracks, thinking that there was a shipment arriving.  I took advantage, leaping down on top of one, my staff snapping his skull.  With no hesitation, I drew my lex and fired at the other one's neck.  He was dead in a millisecond.  

I stowed my Weapons, and drew out my scanner; I needed to identify what that pod was.  When I looked through the lens, I noticed a humanoid shape.  Multiple shapes.  They looked no bigger than children, but that was impossible.  Unless, no, it can't be.  It was.  These were children of the lotus, The remaining children from cruiser 10-0.  I acted fast, out of fear for the Children's lives.  I moved to the top of the pod in one swift jump, and planted a charge.  It detonated, and barely left a dent.  Frustrated, I braces myself against the lift crane, and pushed down on the pods.  They broke free with a crunch, landing hard, but no damage to the rest of it.  I hopped down, planted the rest of the charges, and found cover.  I detonated them, sending the pods down below the surface.  I looked back to see how the grineer would react, just in time to see a tactical nuke fall out of the sky.  The corpus were here.  

I woke, ears ringing, feeling blood but no pain.  I looked to where the pods had once been, and saw that one remained.  I rushed over, pried it open, and checked the child's pulse.  He lived, but barely.  I heard a loud whirring, and looked up to see a grineer attack chopper.  I stepped in front of the child, and  as I saw the turrets spin-up, I summoned my blade.  I let it float in front of me, and then I spread it into a massive shield.  The chopper fired, the bullets vaporizing from the hot plasma of the shield.  I had to act quick; I spread my fingers, turning the shield into dozens of small blades, and launched them towards the chopper.  I felt the bullets rip through me and bounce off the cryopod as it exploded and went down with a groaning whir.  I walked over, ripped off the canopy, and picked up the grineer pilot.  I stared into his eyes for a moment, and I saw fear.  I dropped him, watching as he scurried away.  I turned back to the child, lifted him out of the cryopod, and brought back to my ship.  I put him into the cryo-link station, and then, I blacked out.  

I tried to fight him, for the first bit.  I never liked someone else being in control of my life.  But then, I think he realized what I was.  He began to take more care, treated me like a person instead of a weapon.  I am Project Omega.

I am the last, sentient warframe.  

I am human.

Edited by (XB1)chillichillman
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this was great to read. but there is one problem. we know the orriginal tenno didnt have transference because of what happened to mirage. so they had to pilot the warframe exosuits directly. making them more powerfull but also at higher risk of dying. this means that omega is not possible to be made at that time. omega could only be used after the tenno didnt have to be inside the warframes anymore. meaning it cant exist before transference. although it could be that the orokin tried to fuse the technocyte virus with existing warframe technology to create frames that didnt need beings with a fully developed mind to pilot them. although since it would basically be a frame controlled by the infestation and the void. it would over time. become smarter untill it was almost human. probably learning from other things it saw.

the reason why the orokin would want this is because the tenno are to powerfull AND have a will of their own. meaning that the chance they would turn against the orokin was fairly big. and that would be disasterous.

another problem is that if the warframe is not controlled by the tenno. it cant move. as we saw in second dream. because the void energy within the tenno is what drives the warframe and its abilities. although the orokin may have found a way to store an amount of void energy inside a warframe.

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58 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

this was great to read. but there is one problem. we know the orriginal tenno didnt have transference because of what happened to mirage. so they had to pilot the warframe exosuits directly. making them more powerfull but also at higher risk of dying. this means that omega is not possible to be made at that time. omega could only be used after the tenno didnt have to be inside the warframes anymore. meaning it cant exist before transference. although it could be that the orokin tried to fuse the technocyte virus with existing warframe technology to create frames that didnt need beings with a fully developed mind to pilot them. although since it would basically be a frame controlled by the infestation and the void. it would over time. become smarter untill it was almost human. probably learning from other things it saw.


another problem is that if the warframe is not controlled by the tenno. it cant move. as we saw in second dream. because the void energy within the tenno is what drives the warframe and its abilities. although the orokin may have found a way to store an amount of void energy inside a warframe.

First: I did not dive too deep into Omega's past, only the part where he found his operator and went into a coma. I might make another post explaining how he was made (still need to think of a really good story for that) and how he has become what he is.  But, to keep things simple


He was a human who was dying, and the orokin made him into an AI.  But the AI decayed rapidly, and so the fused his AI mind with a warframe.  This also drove him partly insane.

Second: the end of the second dream.  Spoiler below for those who haven't played it


Your warframe breaks War in half, without the operator controlling it in any way.  MEANING, the warframes do retains some, but not much, sentience. 

Third: The first tenno was Hayden Tenno, who met a virus called Techonyte, which infected him and caused a bio-organic metal to form on his arm.  Dark sector is an anceint prequel to Warframe (Darck Sector-1967::Warframe-29-30th century)

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