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More Archwing missions please


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I'll be honest, I don't really like Archwing. Still I try to soldier through my dislike to be able to eventually give some relevant feedback. I won't comment on movement, enough has been said. 

What really bothers me is that we just don't have that many options when it comes to playing. One mission node per planet (and not even on all planets) is not enough. We have ~decent~ mission variety, but not variety in levels. 

Recently i built Amesha and Elytron and couple weapons, and want to level them but...best bet would be interception, but I don't feel sufficiently tanky/DPS capable to brave it alone (nor do I play co-op game to play alone) and I almost never see anyone playing it. Friends are not interested in it, and I don't blame them. 

Forget about putting forma in anything when just leveling it from scratch is chore enough. 

I like mobile defense. It's fast, has decent spawns, decent xp yield...but there is only 2 MD missions. One of them on horrible Corpus tileset. 

I've seen someone suggest incorporating destroyed relays in Archwing missions. Maybe Corpus/Grineer are trying to scavange them for parts and we need to stop them? Maybe we need to scavange them for parts and Corpus/Grineer are trying to stop us (maybe like survival? distract enemy while operatives scavange)

Put AW missions along junction lines - not as another requirement for accessing another planet, more in a sense of 'enemy is trying to take control of travel routes, exterminate/sabotage them.' Maybe even mobile defense along the route, like 'this civilian ship is under attack, defend them for couple minutes while they get their engines working'

I don't even care about rewards that much, I'd just like to have more level varieties so I don't have to run same 5 missions if I ever want to play AW. 

Anyone else feel that way?

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