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Axi Relic Drops from Def/Surv/Exc

(XBOX)x Varda x

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Please can the Axi relic drop chances on high level Defence, Survival and Excavation be aligned to match Interception?

There's nothing more disheartening than being 'rewarded' with a common mod after toughing it through 15-20 mins (3/4 excavators, 15/20 waves) of a level 40-50 mission where Interception has guaranteed Axi drops at 3/4 rounds.

Alternatively could Axi be added to high level spy reward table or rotation A 80%+ chance somewhere?

Thanks xx

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While I agree that the current drop tables are not 100% perfect, they are much more balanced and carefully thought-out than what they were just right before SotR.

Excavation's rotations advance much faster than those of any other endless mission type, so to compensate for that, they added "trash" rewards.
As for survival, it can be (along with exterminate) the most basic mission type, and if you maintain a good kill rate (which is usually easy until 30:00+ where mobs stop dying in 1 hit), it will require next to no effort from you, so now the mods that dilute the drop tables are here to balance the lack of effort spent. With this reasoning, it is could also be said that interception requires more "skill" than defense, which makes up for the trash mods in defense.

Another factor to take into consideration is the intermediary rewards. While interception and defense are pretty good for relics, you'll only be getting relics out of them, while survival and excavation can yield a significant amount of credit from caches and endo packs in a long enough run.

So, in conclusion, giving the same drops to everything would just completely remove the incentive to play anything other than excavation.

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