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A Few Quality Of Life Add-Ons & Nice Additions To The Dojo


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So as a Warlord, I want my clan mates to succeed in their goals and to well, feel like a part of a team... part of a community. This is a list of things I'd love to see happen if it ever does. This list isn't in particular order.



1.) A Clan Auction Room/Decoration - Put up what ever extras you have for whatever mods/resources/etc back. I believe this may actually get people more evolved to into clan stuff and build a good community at the same time... a win-win right there.

2.) Allow Private Rooms Setting - If a fellow mate just wants to rest in his room and build his room the way he wants it, I think it should be allowed. Maybe even have it so that when the individual player enters the dojo, they spawn in their room. I want all my mates to have their own private rooms they can call home but realistically right now, that can't happen unless...

3.) Increase Room Limit - From my current understanding, 100 rooms is max limit. I don't know about this but pretty sure that can be maxed out very quickly with a clan of 30 members.

4.) Clan Library/Archives - This idea is a bit different but hear me out. What if you really want to save an entire build (mods, gear, weapons... everything) but would like to share this knowledge to every once of detail? This would be very nice to let the newer players see what you went with and how it works and what your thoughts were. Even maybe have a player pay like 100 credits to save a copy of a "book" so that same player can auto-tune into build upon selection while they are in the arsenal? Along with this room comes responsibility so maybe as a role as librarian as well?

5.) Dojo Bulletin Board - I know this was recently stated but maybe 2 different types of bulletin boards (and not count towards decoration limit)? For those really huge 500+ clans, it would be a huge positive impact for them as lengthy messages can actually be sent. Sometimes you gotta say a lot in a short amount of time to way too many people. Also set as a role of who can write/remove messages/information.

6.) Customized Teleportation Routes - Exactly as what it is said.

7.) Actual Spawn Room - The hallways are great and all but sometimes don't you wish for a nice entrance like the relays but shorter/quicker into the main area?



Again, something I'd love to see add-on as a personal opinion.

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