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Bolt Action Snipers


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Every good shooter has a bolt-action. And generally, bolt-actions are way cooler than semi-auto snipers, simply due to the epic sound of your character loading in another shell.


I said that we don't need other sniper rifle. I never speak about good shooters or accuracy. I just complain about the lack of damage bonus in head-shots and weak spots when using sniper rifles. In my opinion the actual bonus, which is universal for all weapons, don't fully reward precision in any long range gun.

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Railgun! Innate +1 Puncture for each shot - single-shot nature is offset by its ability to slice right down a wave of enemies.



Another option would be that mod for the bow, where you get a certain % to set off an explosion (practically an explosive arrow), just not as a mod but as innate boomstick. considering bolt-action -> high power. high power rifles (.50cal and bigger) -> High Explosive Shells.


Innate explosion radius of about 1 meters. What is it going to do other than boom? Apart from that it should practically guarantee a dead Infested Ancient, no matter the level (seriously, not even an Ancient Lvl 100+ would survive his whole belly being shot off). Because adding a complete new mechanic (shrapnel flight path calculation etc) would be too much for 1 simple weapon, I would say to fit the (obvious) additional damage shrapnels would cause to the already hit target and the shrapnel flying into enemies nearby, increase direct hit damage over the Vulkar and Snipetron / Lanka to about 160 and add a explosion radius of 1 meters, dealing another 100-200 damage to enemies nearby at max (the further they're away, the less damage they'll receive).


Pros of such a weapon:

+ AoE 

+ High Damage

+ Pinpoint Accuracy

(+ Epic Sound)


Cons of such a weapon:

- Long Reload between shots compared to other rifles / semi-auto weapons (excluding bows and the lanka here)

- Bad in Close Quarters Combat

- High Recoil

- High Amount of Materials needed to craft

- Inefficient against large groups of grineer (shrapnel is denied by their armour)


I am thinking off about 3-4k Ferrite, 2x Gallium and possibly 5x Morphide aswell as about 400 Alloy Plates? Not as much as the Lanka, but the Lanka is a topic of itself (deals 800 damage to corpus upon impact, only 100 on the other hand to Infested due to their electric resistance).


If someone likes to snipe, I would go with the Vulkar against Grineer (accurate, easy to score headshots), Lanka against Corpus and, let's call it Plofbare for now (Afrikaans for Explosive), for Infested and Corrupted (since corrupted can be any fraction)


I also like the innate +1 Puncture but that kinda is what the bows do already.

Edited by PrivateAli
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We don't need more snipers... We already have vulkar and snipetron. All they need is a better weak spot multiplier.


Really ? snipetron dont longer exist and vulkar is really bad when you can get the paris instead, for some reason the DE seems to hate traditional sniper rifles.

Edited by Dasmir
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If the bolt action rifle were to remain true to it's roots it wouldn't be very strong at all.


Single shot, low reload speed guns wil be massively overshadowed by everything else, since they wouldn't be able to kill mobs efficiently.

And if it reloads fast (at base) then it kinda goes against the single-shot, high damage rifle archetype.

oh im sorry i thought that the AWM that shoots a .338 lapua mag. was one of the strongest anti personnel sniper rifles in real life. which it is a bolt action rifle. so low power and slow fire rate. wow dude do research and stop playing COD.



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Few things i'd like to see if they decide to include this thing,

Scope (for crying out loud, it is there a for a reason i want to have zoom with the narrowed vision to get feeling.)

I don't mind having limited mag size, maybe 1-2-3 shots?

Reload must be shorter than Snipetron/Vulkar.

Armor piercing: no explanation, no excuses.

Recoil: remember these guns usually have that and you will firing while standing no bipod will be helping you.

Art: No grineer/infested design.

Charge mechanic: please don't.

Used bullet shell discarding: not sure if it's fine to get rid of it while zoomed in.

Edited by Morgax
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Really ? snipetron dont longer exist and vulkar is really bad when you can get the paris instead, for some reason the DE seems to hate traditional sniper rifles.


Snipetron is not aviable on market, but still exist. People that bought before the update still with it on their inventories, with potatos and formas to put.

As i'm saying all the snipers need now is a better damage multiplier for headshots and weak spots to reward fully the accuracy.

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Snipetron is not aviable on market, but still exist. People that bought before the update still with it on their inventories, with potatos and formas to put.

As i'm saying all the snipers need now is a better damage multiplier for headshots and weak spots to reward fully the accuracy.

i do not think people are argueing against your multiplier idea. it is just that you can not really count the snipetron because i doubt a lot of people still have theirs because of a lot of account resets that have taken place seance the update.

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Even if we were to count the Snipertron (which we don't), we'd be having two sniper rifles.

Compared to the amount of melee weapons and ranged weaponries this is not enough.


We don't need more snipers... We already have vulkar and snipetron. All they need is a better weak spot multiplier.

Saying this is, I am sorry for that, ignorant and dismissive of the topic and the thread starter who took his time to  display his  creative idea approach to improve Warframe.


Seeing as we already degenerated to hammer wielding and boomerang flinging space ninjas, I don't see anything wrong with bolt action rifles - And yes - More sniper rifles.

Edited by Kasamoto
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