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New Healing/support Frame Concept


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So today I come to you (the reader of this post) with a concept for a new Healing/Support frame.
I know we just voted for a new frame, Antimatter, but that's just another Offensive styled frame.
Trinity is our only healer within the game, the only source of heals aside from Team Healing items(How often do you actually see those?) and Health Orbs. Wouldn't it be nice to have at least 1 other option? Another frame, to be specific? Don't get me wrong, Trinity as good at what she does, but another option can't be too much to ask for.
So I present my thought out, detailed idea for a new Healing / Support frame.

Base Stats:

Shields: 100 (300 at Lv.30)
Health: 100 (300 at Lv.30)
Energy: 150 (225 at Lv.30)

Armor: 10
Sprint Speed: Standard
Polarities: = x4, D x2

Alt. Helm:
Increase in Ability Duration at cost of Armor Rating.
(Yes, I thought about this too)


[1] Luminous Light(25): The user flashes forward in a quick burst of bright light. Ranking up the ability increases distance traveled. Effected by Continuity mod. ex: 5/10/15/20 in-game metres. (Continuity would function just as it does for Excalibur's Slash Dash)


[2] Fountain of Life(50): The user creates a fountain of light at their position, all Tenno within the area of effect receive Health (and perhaps Shields) at an effect over time. Ranking up the ability increases duration and recovery amount per second. ex: 10/15/20/25 energy a second,12/13/14/15 seconds. Effected by Continuity and Stretch mods.


[3] Energy Pulse(75): The user emits a blast of energy, instantly granting Tenno(User excluded) within range energy. Tenno that remain in range will gain more energy at an effect over time. Energy used by Team-mates while still in range of user will be given back at a % rate. Ranking up the ability increases duration, and energy amounts received. ex: 30/45/60/75 base energy2/3/4/5 energy per second, 2/3/4/5 seconds, 20%/30%/40%/50% energy returned to user. Effected by Continuity and Stretch mods.


[4] Radiant Aura(100): The user bathes themselves and fellow Tenno in an aura of light. Effected Tenno receive less damage during the duration. Ranking up the ability increases duration and damage reduction amounts. ex: 33%/44%/55%/66% damage reduction, 12/13/14/15 seconds. Effected by Continuity and perhaps Focus mods.

(Ability would function the same in terms of range as Trinity's 'Blessing' & Focus would act the same as it does for Ember's Overheat ability if applicable, but certainly not required to prevent the concept of being "OP" [i said a bad word])

Now, the concept of "Light" being the theme behind this Warframe, could be altered to something slightly different. The only reason I would suggest a different theme, would be if a conclift arises in terms of Excalibur being considered a "Light" theme. (Radial Blind being my only reasoning behind this concept) Most I've asked for opinions on the topic would not consider Excalibur to be Light themed, but more of an pure concept of offensive strengths.

This frame would offer a unique style of Healing capabilities, mixed with support ideals purely to help out their fellow Tenno during a mission. Healing concepts are varied from how Trinity functions, still potent but ultimately a different style of recovery in comparison. If the concept were to ultimately be applied to actual in-game content, all control over the functionality of abilities would certainly be at the hand of DE (and perhaps the Council) over my original ideas. I greatly appreciate any interest in my idea from the community or staff and would love any and all feedback.

Edit1: I do not currently have a proper name to give my potential frame, so let your imagination run free.
Edit2: Possible name for if the Frame were to be male; Apollo.

Edited by Friends4Fodder
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