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General Feedback Thread, My Experience With Warframe.


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Well, I suppose it is time to leave a ginormous wall of text that nobody is EVER going to read, but I will still go ahead and do it because I like flirting with the chance (oh boy this word is going to come out a lot here) that this time it will be different.


But I digress.


Anyway, my experience with warframe has been a very, very mixed one, I currently have not really touched the game in weeks, yet still keep coming back to check if there's *anything* that is new.


Moving onto the feedback, I will flesh it out in what categories I feel would help organize all this.


1.- Gameplay :


The gameplay has many great things, it is a third person shooter, but it has some pretty fun mechanics to it, those being all the wallrunning moves, the "combo" movement/attack moves, etc.


However I feel it is a system that as of now it is barely being exploited, when I play the game I do not feel tremendously agile, ninja-ey or however you'd like to call it, what's more... most frames feel kind of clunky, all of their moves look absolutely the same and the only thing that sets them appart is their skin, stats and skills (more on that later, trust me I have loooooooots to say about that).


I feel warframe is a great concept that as of right now it is being somewhat poorly excecuted, I won't say it is a complete letdown because I see lots of potential amongst the overall feeling of clunkyness in the game, but unfullfilled potential does not a great game make.


1.1.- Gameplay - Weapons : 


While there are some kind of unique weapons in the game, a very very big portion of them feel like mere re-skins with some stat tinkering, for example; I don't really feel Scindo, Gram and Orthos bring much to the table, they are pretty much the same weapon with very minor differences.


This copy-pasting becomes REALLY evident with rifles, most of the rifles are pretty much the same, they do have a little bit of a gimick to separate them but it's not really enough to make a difference and tell me "this is a completely different weapon".


1.2.- Gameplay - Warframes and their skills : 


Like I said earlier, the frames feel more like statted skins than actual separate gameplay styles, this is made REALLY obvious by how the skills for them are apparently made. 


By that I mean a good chunk of the skills are iterations of other existing skills with, again, a merely re-skin and stat change, not mechanically interesting.


Rhino charge and excalibur's slash dash are pretty much the most blatant example, but there's plenty more.


-Saryn's molt and Loki's Decoy

-Ash's smoke bomb and Loki's invis.

-Pretty much all AoE damage skills.


But just like there are skills like these, there are truly shining examples of game-changing and fun skills, a couple examples of which ones I think are great would be : 


-Snow globe


-Vortex... kind of an AoE but it has a pretty different twist to it.

-Vauban's platform thing



Please bare in mind these are merely examples, there's plenty more for both categories but I don't want to make super long lists.


1.3.- Gameplay - Difficulty : 


I'm going to be very honest here, the difficulty in warframe is completely backwards.


New players are pretty stuck with one crap weapon, hanging solely on novelty to push them foward in the game, having barely any means of survival and in general having a pretty tough time.


This changes once you have a fair share of leveled mods to pick from; the game from there on becomes a breeze, at the point where I am I feel the content does not even pose a challenge to me, I don't need to be careful, I have no need for any kind of stealth or tactics at all, I can just run in and shot stuff in the face until it dies (which it does extremely quick); this is one of the main reasons I have stopped playing the game, I feel it's not really making me exploit the game mechanics, just shot enemies that have AI's that border on cardboard cutouts and have stats so low compared to what I have that they just become pushovers.


Now yes I know, I say this because I have most mods maxed, it doesn't matter, most games I have played in the past they have NOT gotten easier as I progressed through them, all the contrary, they gotten harder even if I had the newest and shiniest set of power creep gears.


And by this lack of challenge, I think warframe commits what I like to call the ultimate sin in gaming : 


It becomes boring.


1.4.- Gameplay - Movement : 


As I said earlier, all frames feel the same, there is absolutely no difference on how loki, ash, excalibur, ember or any frame moves, feels, etc.


Yes, loki runs at the speed of light and rhino barely moves, the point is that their movement and "command" skills are absolutely the same.


The light frame loki can pull off the same agile moves... the 20 ton rhino can; only difference is loki runs really fast, other than that they feel the same; I would expect each warframe to have an unique command set on top of the basic ones, I think merely changing their numbers and giving them 4 skills (of which a good portion are rehashed) is not enough to differentiate between them; most of the time I'm picking frames based on how fast they run, because any other stat, or skill they might have becomes meaningless in the face of a godly kill-everything-in-sight weapon.


Well, I went on a tangent there so maybe you can call this section "Gameplay - Warframes feel irrelevant to it all"; but I think a distinct movement set would really help set them appart.


2. Staff interaction with the players : 


I'm going to start with something that is likely to earn me a warning point, but at this point I no longer care about that.


Steve needs to get off of the forums. (I like his videos, I just think he shoudn't interact with players via the forums)


I really like the warframe staff, they feel and behave in a very human way, you can relate to most of them and just for that it makes the atmosphere in the game more vivid and nice.


However I tend to feel most of the main team is VERY defensive about their baby; sometimes even resorting to ridiculung dissenting players, not only does this anger some people, it polarizes your playerbase.


The forums are not a place where one goes to say "Oh yeah this game is good but X and Y are bad", the forums are now a place where you're part of only two factions.


1. Fanboys

2. Whiners


That's it, the community is pretty much split that way, blind to any greys in between, all this led by the example of some people; it would almost seem you like it that way.


3. Microtransactions and how2lettuce :


I'm going to be honest here, the most bought microtransactions don't feel like something ANYONE would actually want to buy, they're more like a kick in the balls you pay to make stop hurting.


I'm talking about slots first, potatoes second.


I get that sometimes selling convenient accesibility to content is really, really tempting, and it is a really easy way to make money, however in warframe it feels absolutely forced upon you, I don't pay to make my gameplay experience more unique, I pay to make my gameplay experience "suck less".


Pay for convenience is all fine and dandy until you start stacking small inconvenience against anyone who does not pay, at that point they stop feeling inconvenienced and flat out feel alienated and disadvantaged.


Now, this is merely my opinion, but I would feel much better about paying 100 platinum for a colour pack, and 300 platinum for a really sweet skin than paying 200 platinum for bloody slots.


If we want to go by the definition of convenience, then even the most pay2win game out there is technically merely selling "convenience", when I pay $30 in atlantica online to get upgrade stones for my +9 weapon, I'm paying for the convenience of not having the weapon blow up in my face and make me lose months of farming if it were to fail, when I pay $50 for safe enchanting jades in JD I'm merely paying for the convenience of not having, again, the gear it took months to aquire blow up the moment I try to upgrade it, and if I want even more convenience I can fork over $400 and have a 100% chance to have it go up. (now, let's draw the line in that warframe is nowhere near that level of lettuce hunger, but it is still hungry)


So I'm sorry to say but me, and many others are not buying the "it's merely for convenience" charade any longer guys.


3.1.- Cosmetics


This brings me to a very very big part of the way the "big boys" seem to be making money, most things are merely cosmetic, if they offer any convenience at all it is that it makes your experience a bit more comfortable, not that it actively and blatantly undermines it unless you fork over your lettuce.


I have seen Steve saying that WF can't have a purely cosmetic based item market due to it not being "as big as that other game"; however I have a question for that, has that other game always been that big? I don't believe it launched with a playerbase in the millions.


It would seem that a lot of people really underestimate how much players love customization, but it all comes down to a very basic need most people have.


They want to feel unique, special, sometimes it might go deeper and you may even call it "ammount to something" or "leave my mark".


Now there are two ways to go about this in a game.


1. You sell power and let the chosen few feel special by how powerful they are.

2. You sell customization and let the people with spare lettuce stand out by their looks.


I don't think I need to remind anyone of how wealthy people have this tendency to buy extremely expensive clothing, it is the same concept.


The difference here being a lot of players might feel forced, conned into the first method, while with the second they will willingly fork the lettuce out, never feeling forced by any means.


3.2.- "You can get it for free if you're patient!"


And you have a chance to win the lottery if you play it consistently enough, however very big losing streaks tend to put off a good chunk of people.


When one spends a month waiting to get an upgrade we're not asking someone for patience, we're taking him for a fool and telling him "hey, your time is absolutely worthless man, give it up".


This gets especially frustrating when the "big wait" does not feel proggresive, but rather ammounts to the whims of the Chance God, everything seems to be random and chaotic, there's no progress towards a goal, it's all or nothing.


And there is order in chaos, order being lettuce.


4. Rewards : is warframe really rewarding?


Kind of a wider view on 3.2 really, but I think it is well worth it of a separate category of its own.


Given the way warframe is set up to give out the rewards (chance, RNG, whenever SANTA/God wishes so) earning one of them, ironically enough, does not feel rewarding.


I don't feel like I put effort towards getting a potato blueprint from the log in reward, I was merely lucky, I did not earn it by my own in-game merits, all it was and will ever be is dumb luck, no skill or player imput at all.


This is true for almost all of the items that can be aquired in warframe, random or not.


The system feels the same way for a lot of things, high tier void keys, certain mods, some blueprints, all feel tied to chance, me and many others feel that the game does not reward us nice things for being good at it, it rewards us nice things just for being lucky.


This lack of sense of accomplishment has driven me and many others out of the game, when our rewards are decided by chance and not by our imput, are they really rewards? what are you rewarding exactly?


5. The community


The community, as I said earlier feels very black and white, you either love DE or you hate DE; there is no middle ground, there is no criticism for the betterment of the game, if you think something is wrong with the game then you can shut your piehole because DE is staffed by professionals who know exactly what they're doing.


Now my question is : Is what they're doing something you WANT? I think I could really count with my fingers and toes how many times I have seen someone act truly unaware of the consequences of their actions.


Here is the odd part though, all those people who make fun of DE, all those people who point their flaws, all those people who will tell DE all their mistakes are the people who care the most about the game succeeding.


The reason they're so vocal, so combative about it is because they don't like what is happening, some of them saw something very good in the game, and that something changed, or not expanded upon, they feel, in a sense, let down by the outcome of things.


The people who LOVE DE and have nothing but praise are good too, having a strongly negative enviroment can really make you make really bad decisions, and most times pointing out the positive aspects of something can help identify and fix the negatives as well, if not better than pointing out the negatives.

However I have a feeling that not many people realize, or even want this, what they want is no dissenting opinion, being right always and forever. Getting to that point is when you are in truly deep S#&$.


If nobody complains, if nobody points out the flaws, if everyone just shines the positive over and over and over you won't ever see the bad sides, you won't improve, you won't turn those dark spots into new shining ones.


So in a nutshell, &#! kissers are much more dangerous than whiners, when all whining stops it means they just jumped ship.


5.1.- Community feedback needs to be taken with a ... handful of salt.


Sometimes feedback is not really feedback, it's agenda disguised as feedback.


5.2.- Design council.


I get where this idea comes from, for someone to spend $100 in a game that's... pretty much in alpha is a pretty bold move, it shows dedication, it shows faith.


I still believe all the dedication and faith in the world does not make anyone qualified to have so much herding power over decisions.


First of all, I do not understand what makes the opinion of someone with $100 of disposable income more valuable than everyone elses, if life and my career has taught me anything is that those people are the ones you have to be the most careful around, they like you too much to really get harsh on you, they likely won't call you out on your bullS#&$ because that would "hurt" you. 


Another thing I have learned in my life is that a lot of times people need to be called out on their bullS#&$.


But I digress, the main point of this is : I don't feel spending $100 makes anyone more qualified to handle decision making, as neglible as it is, I don't feel it makes their feedback more valuable, I don't feel it makes them better informed, I don't feel it means they will have better ideas, I would even dare to say that it might very well do the opposite.


6. Technical aspects.


I feel this is one aspect warframe really shines in, in my experience I have had very little problems with the game, even if the content feels unpolished I have only ever found ONE gamebreaking bug.


Yes there are plenty of smaller bugs which can get annoying, but so far it has been nothing that would literally break the game (with that one exception); the very annoying bugs have been fixed in a timely manner too.


The patches I have seen have come out free or terrible bugs (some minor ones, but more often than not fixed, and later on fixed some more), the tech team seems to be doing a wonderful job at squashing the bugs and in that sense present a really polished product.

The optimization is an aspect I'm torn between, I have made warframe run on REALLY bad computers, yet it does not seem to run all that much better on mid-end ones, I could only notice a big difference if I moved into high-end machines.


Still, it runs moderately well in low-end, it runs "okay" in mid-end, so I suppose it's good either way.


To wrap it up : 


I feel warframe has lots of potential, but it is both good and bad potential.


It has potential to become an gigantic, fun, and depth filled game that offers near endless replayability.


And on the other side it has potential to become one of many games that did not live up to expectations, one game that went down the spiral of squishing their loyal members out of their lettuce because it could not sustain itself any other way, one game that has a few nice gimicks drowned out by a sea of rubbish.


And I don't know about you, but I like the first option much more.


P.S.: I would like to apologize for the rambling in the middle-end parts of this great wall of text, but I'm a pretty underwhelming writer, a bad editor and terribly bad at putting my ideas into words.

Edited by SetAbominae
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Agree, especially the unfulfilled potential part. However, that is why we are here. To tell DE what to change and how to change them. This game is still in beta, which is the most important thing to remember right now. One of the reasons I paid 100$ to DE was because I love seeing a game go through beta (even alpha) and change into something better as a result of the symbiosis between players and developers. As DE have explained during the livestreams; it is extremely hard to keep making new animations, skins etc. etc. when your budget comes from selling in-game currency. This is also one of the reasons gender-swap is unlikely. If you ever find a game in beta with an on-par execution to a fully released game then I'll be very surprised. IF Warframe was fully developed and released I would 100% agree, but keep in mind that this is beta.



Well, the animations of the weapons are pretty much the same as for reloading and such. DE have said that this will be changed, so nothing to do but wait. But if it is the performance of the weapons then I'll tend to disagree, Burston, Gorgon, Latron (haven't tried Grakata yet) are pretty unique unless you have access to the Latron Prime and Supra (which still is a bit different because of the travel time). And of course it makes sense that the Bratons are similar in use. I know that these are small differences, but in my mind that just makes the game more "realistic", in the sense that all the factions have reached the same level of "tech" and innovation in their weapon designs. Otherwise one faction would quickly wipe out another. As far as the Scindo-Gram-Orthos discussion i agree that Scindo and Gram look the same, but to me Orthos feels very different. I guess this is personal preference.



Haven't played Loki but as far as i know the decoys differ in that Loki's can be placed over range, synchronizing very nicely with Switch Teleport, while Saryn's is more of initial damage reflection (if you catch my drift) since it's very fast to cast and given Saryn's tendency to get up close and personal. As far as Smoke Bomb vs Invisibility I don't have any concrete points. 


On the side of the AoE skills I'm 50/50. I agree that there is MUCH room to separate many of the skills, but I still think that most have smaller differences (Absorb requires aggro, Avalanche has a freeze to it, Bladestorm is very unique, Miasma deals damage over time, Crush is useless vs. Grineer (which might change) Rhino Stomp has a slow). And yes I know the differences aren't that enormous. There are some frames whose skills don't differ enough, like Ember and Rhino while others seem to have almost the same abilities so on this point I totally agree. 



The end-game needs improvement, which is also something DE have stated during livestreams. Difficulty-wise i disagree. The tier 3 Void missions are difficult even with maxed mods, so are Endless Defense on the higher waves. That's where you have to find difficulty at the moment. I hope this will change, but for now I think we have enough. As for the beginning of the game it makes sense that new players must learn how Warframe operates which is why "standard" weapons make most sense. Burston/Braton are nice alternatives to the Mk. 1 so I don't think it is that awful. The difficulty in the first couple of maps were easy to solo in my opinion, but gets more difficult quite early. This makes cooperative gameplay more likely so in this sense it makes sense. New players need to at least try coop, if they don't want that then they shouldn't play Warframe or work hard to get good gear so they can.



As mentioned before I agree, but I have to add that this game is in beta and made by an independent studio without a huge budget. More animations would be awesome, but we also have to accept the fact that DE can't do everything we demand of them quickly.



Personally I love the fact that the designers are on the forums. As for the defensive posture and ridiculing I don't know, but I have to confess that my time on these forums has been limited. As for the not taking constructive criticism I have to disagree, at least from what I've seen on the livestreams and updates DE have done a great job. And I kind of imagine that people would be fast to get impatient, especially if they've expected a finished game or spent a lot of money on Warframe. As for the fanboys vs. whiners I don't know, I do want to say that not everyone fits perfectly into these two groups and that it's most likely you who's generalizing or over-selling your point. I know that some people are incapable of proper debate, but I simply can't believe that 100% of people on these forums are like that.



I know that a lot of folks have started to criticize the slot-system and I can see why. However(!), every single thing in this game is absolutely free to do! Platinum only makes it happen faster. Everyone starts with 50 platinum which is enough for either 2 frame-slots and 2 weapon-slots or 1 frame slot and 4 weapon-slots plus the ones you start with. All frames and weapons can be leveled to 30 for mastery then sold to make space for a new frame or weapon. Slots are purely for convenience, IF all you care about is completing the game (all maps completed, full mastery rank). You can even go as far as to make multiple accounts which I don't recommend since I don't know if it's even legal.  



I don't know why you would feel forced to buy the colour-packs. I agree that customization is quite limited at the moment, but like a broken record I have to say that this game is in beta and that DE do not have unlimited funds. Right now they have set a priority which we have to accept for now. I would love to see alternative armour-styles and the like, I don't think anyone who plays the game wouldn't. But what we want must not stand in the way of developing this game and right now DE are working on what they think is right. Nothing to do but accepting it.



As for getting the mods i agree that RNG is a pain in the &#!, but leveling and making weapons/frames is not decided by luck. And your completion of this game (if that is mastery/missions) does not depend on good mods. If you want to have it all for free then work for it, I can't see anything wrong with that. In my case I want everything completed, which is why I farm for materials and blueprints so I can complete all the missions (done pretty quickly) and get to max mastery. But I also wanted to have all the frames and weapons I like in stock. Now, because I'm lazy and didn't want to create more accounts I used several months of savings in my budget to satisfy my needs AND to support DE because I think they're worth it. I understand that people would get &!$$ed if they thought that they would get everything for free, but the world doesn't work that way. DE can't survive if people don't buy platinum, and you have to admit that there are a lot other worse things that DE could demand money for. 



Totally agreed that the RNG still needs a work over and that potatoes are hard to get. As for feeling rewarded for all the time you put into the game differs with what your goal is. If your goal is getting all frames/weapons with potatoes then time played is not rewarding (unless you need to farm for the materials and blueprints). However, there are players whose goal differs to yours and they get rewarded with many hours of gameplay. Now, do you think that DE can make it rewarding for everybody? Perhaps, but it'll take time. In my opinion potatoes are the odd ones, the few of the many if you understand. All frames (with the exception of Vauban), all weapons (with the exception of the Glaive), and even the Dojo can be seen as rewards for hours of gameplay. Is the amount of things acquired by hours of grinding really that small compared to the amount of thing acquired by luck that off? Personally I love the fact that some things are acquired by luck or by supporting the developers of the game, while the major core things are acquired by playing the game. Remember RNG still needs work.  



I'm not really sure what to say to this one. I agree that constructive (!) criticism is one of the cornerstones to getting a fantastic game, which is also why I like that you took your time to write your thoughts. It wouldn't surprise me if some people argue for the sake of trolling, there are always some. I don't know about the hate/love thing, I really don't think it's so black and white. It might come out that way, but I'm 100% sure that the folks who want this to succeed are a bit of both. 



Isn't it quite hard to tell those things apart? I don't know since I'm not that frequent of a visitor on the forums, but I'd assume that people discuss the game properly in the relevant forum. If they don't then they shouldn't be there. 



I agree that there must be a better way to get a Council to decide on in-game stuff. It would be perfect if the regular forums could do that, but I still understand that this Council shouldn't be for everybody to just vote in unnecessary things. On one side I understand it, on the other I think it's stupid as hell (especially considering some of the things the Council has voted through).But you can't have it perfect and I don't think DE could have done it any other way.



Support is doing an amazing job, totally agree. About the performance stuff I don't know, just playing the game man =) Only one thing I really hope DE adds: toggle zoom. I really hate this holding down right-click, MoH all over again <-- no thank you. 

Edit: don't know why it looks like a quote, I must have messed up.


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Point 3.


Even if you get 50 free plat, yes, I'm aware you can get 1 frame slot and 4 weapon slots, or 2 frame slots, or something something, still it boils down to this : 


1. A newbie won't really know that he should spend his platinum on those items.

2. It seems to me DE is playing with that fact to get people hooked.

3. I can't do everything for free if "keeping my stuff" is not free, it's either one or the other.


And I do not believe getting to keep the things you spent time getting is a "luxury", I don't really get why everyone says that is a luxury like it suddenly justifies the kick in the nuts that buying slots is, but keeping your ingame items is not "luxury".


I have always taken a moderate approach to this however, granting unlimited free slots to everyone looks like too much, but there definitely needs to be more free ones.




I'm not going to "accept" what they think is right if I do not think it is right, I will speak my mind about it.


It would seem you misunderstood me on the "forcing" thing, I'm saying slots are a kick in the nuts, colour schemes, sentinel wings and stuff, all that I'm 100% fine with buying, and what I said is that I would not mind having them become more expensive in favour of not having to feel like I'm forced to shell out a portion of my platinum in something as arbitrary and asinine as "unlocking space for your virtual items", especially with prices like they have right now.


3.2. Yes, leveling is not decided by luck as you get a quantifyable ammount of experience for every kill and mission completed, however that's one of the very few aspects that does not rely in RNG.


There's the thing with the rare materials which... well I can let it slide, getting morphics or control modules is not TOO bad, yet there's people who say they have done TWENTY hyena runs and got no module, that's absolutely ridiculous.


However there's other things, for example, reaper blade and latron receiver, those two you can not make progress towards them, you can't be "half done with getting the receiver", you either get it from your void keys or you do not, same deal with a lot of items.


I actually have all those items, I'm swimming in potatoes and I have enough slots to get all weapons and frames twice over, but I can see the game from the point of view of a free or low budget player and it's not a pretty sight.




There is RNG and there is RNG.


For example, getting void keys as of now, let's go with tier 2s for argument's sake.


Yes, you need to get "lucky" to find one off of a defense mission, however they're obtainable enough for you to make progress towards aquiring a number of them to do void runs.

Now compare that, which is pretty much what I would call "good RNG", with the log in roulette to get a potato/glaive BP, etc.; compare it to the alerts system for certain items, those last two are completely messed up in comparison to how benign and rewarding the defense missions end-wave rewards are.




As for the bit about t3 void being hard, I beg to differ, I have soloed the thing without a hitch, I definitely can't just stroll around absolutely facerolling it, but it does not grant much of a challenge either.


And as a general addendum, this might just be me and my previous not very positive experiences with game companies in the past, but I have grew tired of the "we're working on it" reply; I have never seen something addressed with that reply actually getting worked on, but maybe I'm just jaded.


My main gripe with the game however is the somewhat insipid feel it has been having as of late, I do not feel we're getting anything new, yes the dojo and void are technically "new" but once you get past the shiny curtain you see what they really are : the same old maps with different skins (and traps, those are pretty much the coolest part of the void and my favourite); as for the dojo in my eyes it is nothing more than a market that has a physical place, plus the dueling room which I have to admit is kinda neat.


However having the same old tired thing with a single barely visible gimmick and pretty skins does not really make me think "oh all this new content is great", in my eyes it is not really new.


Edit : Apologies if I come off as cranky, been 30 hours without sleep and I don't get to pass out for another 6-7 hours, crunching blows.

Edited by SetAbominae
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Some things: I enjoy this game, I do like DE as both the people and the company, I have invested into this game. 



- [i already have a huge &amp;#&#33; post about melee so I won't describe it in your post... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/67319-melee-general-additions-and-feedback/]


-Rebalanced frames [coming in U9 hopefully, I miss my mag, and I want those beats by Dre]


-Rebalanced/improved mods [also coming in U9 I believe]


-Rebalanced Random Number God [possibly U9]


-More frame/character development; possibly stats pages


-More unique customization [huge moneymaker here I agree, I want my frame to have a f***ing eyepatch lel]


-Difficulty improvements [playing solo is both a breeze and slightly annoying, less mobs spawning, less drops, less exp. Sometimes I just don't want to play on someone else's treevine internet connection, why should I be punished? >Add a toggle difficulty for most missions that can use it //not defense//]


-Progression towards things


-Story [coming soon to a planet near you.]


So basically, there's a lot of things that need fixing and improving, but everyone must realize, they are humans [except Rebecca, she's a goddess ^(n.n)>] and as humans, we are physically and mentally limited to how much we can do, this game isn't even past beta yet, so give it time. 


If DE would ignore the players with unhelpful ideas, OMG MY WEPIN TAKES 12 HRS R U SRS, or OMG I NED MORE SLAWTZ  [okay maybe a few more would be fine. I.E. - 4 Frame slots, 8 weapon slots < a decent balance and not too limiting. I literally only play with my 3 go-to weapons, and if you've played with me you'll know exactly what weapons those are because I never change them unless i'm 30-trashing something.]. And pay attention to the ones that actually have a working knowledge of their game and others and how to create a successful franchise....I.E. - the players who help you fix the game and add in "useful" things and don't beg or ask you to create "OP" weapons and frames; but, give balanced and creative feedback in a respectful manner. Those are the ones you want to listen to. 


I have only recently begun browsing and posting on the forums because I saw this game as a temporary "Neverwinter" for me, spend some cash, have some fun, then quit because it's repetitive and boring. But then I saw just how dedicated DE was, trying to improve their game and make it better with the [then limited] resources they had, and they earned my respect. So I stuck around, trolled a couple of idiots bashing DE, and began to provide legitimate advice to make warframe one, if not THE most successful F2PMOBAMMOFPSACTIONTOWERDEFENSE games in the world. This game has potential, a decent[ish] community, and a good developer team looking to make it the most successful game it can be.


In the coming months, maybe you'll return, maybe you won't, that decision is entirely up to you. Your feedback was valid and the intelligent ones thank you for it. 


P.S. - I digress alot. Blame Tubes of You.

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1: I'm not sold on this, I find that the 'frames and weapons are fine and feel different.

1.3: Oh god yes this. The difficulty is completely backwards, the starter weapons really need to be satisfying to use, enemies need to be fun to kill and not bullet sponges on the early levels. Dodgy guns and power armoured goons is not a good first impression. Evidently I stayed for the novelty and neat artistic direction, but seriously, look at reworking the first impression.

2: Not sure this is really about interaction with the community, but yes, I really hope they can be flexible with their idea of the game from a gameplay perspective, although I hope to god that they keep their originality in the artistic direction.

3: I agree with most of this to be honest. I was even going to post myself about how adversarial the F2P scheme they have going right now it. Slots and spuds are pretty dodgy to be honest, I feel like the only way to play is to shell out platinum. I'm not being rewarded for getting plat, I'm being punished for not doing so.

4: Oh dear, so much RNG. I completely agree on this. I'd like to add that making frustrating RNG a business-related topic isn't doing DE any favours.

5: Please DE, remember, the only reason we point out the flaws is because we really like this game. I was willing to throw $100 at this game because I'm interested in seeing it succeed and watching such a great idea grow. Most people playing right now are probably just as intent on seeing this game succeed and stand out. Community, please try not to get flustered anytime anyone suggests that the game isn't perfect, no game I've ever played is.

6: I have no opinion here either way.

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@ SetAbominae



Yea I understand what you mean, but I just don't see any viable alternative. Making slots in the foundry sounds weird and will have to be properly introduced right away. And if the RNG isn't fixed by then people will just get angrier. Perhaps you have another alternative? Would really like to hear what others think would be a better system =)



 I meant accept as in right now DE has their hands full with certain things, all of which have been stated in the livestreams (at least when people asked about it). Ah, ok I understand what you mean now and completely agree (at least on the cosmetic part). 



Don't really understand what most of that was targeted at in my post, but the part about the RNG I agree with. 



Yes, the RNG controlling the alerts and the scaling need to be fixed. No question about that. Why do you bring this up when we agree on the subject? Perhaps I was bad at explaining my thoughts on the whole thing, sorry.

And perhaps Tier 3 Void were tough on me because I used Mag (my favorite) and leveled a secondary weapon. A difficulty selection would be awesome, also giving better rewards with higher difficulties. In the latest livestream (today) Steve said something about "Nightmare" missions with very high difficulty, so perhaps this will not be a problem in the near future?


I bet you that anyone who's played a game enough will feel that way eventually. I haven't reached that point yet, perhaps because I like the way everything gets tweaks with the smaller updates and then get a major overhaul with the bigger ones. Update 9 is not that far away and DE is still an independent studio with limited resources. So far I've been more than impressed with how they're adding new stuff constantly, but again that might just be my personal opinion. I'll bet you have played the game longer than me so perhaps I'll hit that wall someday, but for now I'm just gonna enjoy this game.


And don't worry, you don't really give off a feeling of being cranky =) There's far worse here on the internet.     


@ P1rat3

+1 man! 


@ TheHeraldXII

Only perfect game I've played was Unreal Tournament from '99. Call of Duty 2 (online rifle only mode<- god yes!) and Abe's Odyssey (so beautiful even on a ps1!) are close contenders. 

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