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Void Rewards


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I think the void is a great idea, a place the devs can add new items, mods, and BP's. The issue I am running into is that there is no real path to get the rewards I am going in for.


I missed the Frost prime event, because I was studying for finals and had a couple papers to research and write, so I had to get the BP from the void. I thought the Frost BP was going to be the hardest thing to get out of the void, because it was a reward for an event, this turned out to be wrong. The hardest thing for me to get from the void is the Latron Prime Receiver. I have gone into the void now what I think i can safely say is hundreds of times, each trip I earn a ton of money and a BP or part to something I have picked up the first few times I ran the void.


I know the tier has a lot to do with the drop rate of the part, but I have run T3's quite a lot, leading to the same outcome. T2's yield the same types of rewards with less cash, most times I have to solo these, after all who wants to run crappy T2's?

I find it strange that the biggest brass ring in the game so far, (for me) is the one piece of a gun, which honestly is not even close to my favorite weapon in the game.


Why isn't a system in place that makes the missing piece increase drop rate the more you run a void? Having me run a certain map hundreds of times and having to kill 200+ enemies (which takes forever!) makes me very bored and want to go play something that isn't so tedious. The increase doesn't even have to be a big one, 0.01% or something, after hundreds of runs the piece may drop and I can finally play the game proper and not run a map that really isn't helping me other than giving me cash I can not spent.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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I am sorry to hear about your troubles. All I can say in response is pray to the RNG gods, because there isnt really anything else you can do. This is the nature of RNG, it is giving you such a hard time, however with others it is not the case. You will hate me for saying this next part but, on the opposite end of the spectrum where you are sitting, is me. I ran T3 void 4 times on the first day that it was released in Update 8. Each time I received a single part of the Frost prime warframe, 1. Master BP, 2. Helmet, 3. Chassis, 4. System. End of day one, no repetitions, no duplicate extra parts. The next day, I ran 1 void T3, and 3 T2s and received all 4 parts needed to make my latron prime. This is not me showing off, I am sorry, its just an example of how RNG works, you are one extreme, I am the other, there is nothing we can do about it. Except maybe build a fire and dance naked around it singing loudly to the RNG gods to show us love and mercy.

On another point, the cash that you have accumulated will not go to waste, in yesterday's livestream DE Steve confirmed that there will soon be ways for us to spend those credits. This is at the end of the day, a Beta, and they realise that there is an issue of excessive credits, and they are going to create a way for us to reap the benefits.

Tenno Out.

Edited by CforKat
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