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[Warframe Concept] Ammunition Themed Warframe


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TL;DR: Themed around ammunition, this warframe utilises ammo to damage and debuff enemies, while also acting as an ammo replenishing support frame. Idea is to prolong usage of Primary and Secondary weapons for very long endless missions.


Heya all, I've had a quick look into the fan content index by Siubijeni on frames and I didn't see genre related to ammunition. So here is my idea.

Currently ability stats and looks are not determined, only basic concept of the stats and abilities were considered. I'm open up for any discussion or opinions in the comments or PM (on forum or in game).

Basic Stats


Armour: 100 (100 {no change})

Health: 100 (250 {250% increase})

Power: 150 (300 {200% increase})

Shield: 50 (125 {250% increase})

Sprint Speed: 1.00 (1.00 {no change})


Passive Ability


All weapons gain increased magazine size and increased maximum ammo capacity.

# This is still under development, as this seems like a lacking passive.

1) Explosive Shells


By infusing energy into unused ammo a throwing explosive is made. Unused ammo is collected and stockpiled until energy is infused. Infused ammo explodes on contact, dealing radial blast damage.

# Different ammo types builds up stack differently. I.e. sniper ammo has 1:1 ratio whereas the more common rifle ammo has 25:1 ratio. Ammo conversion is passive, must have at least collected 1 stack to throw (cast). Number of stacks are displayed under the ability icon, similar to Amesha's (Archwing) Watchful Swarm.

# Casting reduces stack value by 1, and throws 1 explosive.

# Explosives are thrown in an arch, and have travel time (same or similar to Vauban's abilities). Blast radius is set at of 5 in game metres. While it does not bounce the blast pass through objects such as walls and even enemies for the whole 5 metres. This is a one handed movement, therefore it will not prevent other actions, such as reloading.

# There is a maximum limit of stacks to build up. No more ammo will be picked up until stacks are used. Primary and secondary weapon ammo capacity will fill first before stack conversion. Stacks will only pick up the required amount to form a stack, if there is too little ammo is not picked up; if there is too many, then the extra ammo will be left on the floor.

# Energy only consumed ability is cast (throwing the explosive). Picking up ammo and generating stacks does not consume energy.

# Stacks are not removed upon ability nullify (i.e. nullifiers, stalker), falling out of the map or bleeding out, but are removed upon death however.

# Strength affects damage dealt from explosion, Efficiency affects energy cost per cast, Range and Duration have no affect on this ability.

# (Augment) Shrapnel Shot - explosions releases shrapnel fragments, further dealing slash and puncture damage with 90% status chance (each). Only Strength affects this augment, on the extra damage dealt.

2) Back-up supplies/Ammo Station


Generate a radial aura which increases maximum magazine capacity and replenishes ammo of yourself and allies in range.

# Toggle ability, therefore drains energy over time. Energy cost increases for each affected ally, and can only recover energy from energy orbs while this ability is active.

# Aura uses your warframe as the centre point, and radiates outwards.

# Ammo are replenished based on % of the maximum capacity. Can replenish active and holstered weapons. The regen value is constant and unaffected by mods.

# Increased magazine capacity remains after exiting aura range, however, once the weapon reloads (outside the aura) the magazine returns to normal, regardless if any of the extra ammo were used. Upon 1st contact with the aura a reload is necessary to gain the increase magazine size.

# Extra ammo obtained from the active weapon (only) can be turned into stacks for the 1st ability at the ratio of the weapon ammo type. I.e. if you would gain 10 rifle ammo per second you would gain a stack after 2.5 seconds, using the ratio given before. This stack build up is unaffected by mods as it is dependent on the regen value of the active weapon (which is also unaffected).

# Duration and Efficiency affects energy cost per second, Range affects the range of the aura, Strength have no affect on this ability.

# (Augment) Dispenser/Ammo Station - Casting places a stationary post which acts as the centre of radiation for the aura. The ability gains increased range and increased rate of replenishment, in return the post cannot be moved until duration runs out or picked up by you, and magazine size no longer increases. This augment turns the ability from toggle to cast, energy is refunded on pickup depending on duration remaining. Mods affect this augment the same way it would to the ability without the augment.

# Name is undecided, as Ammo Station is a perfectly valid name for the augment to have

3) Flash Bang


Doubles the ammo consumption of your current weapon to generate blinding lights at the muzzle of your gun. Enemies will be blinded, receives increased damage and are open to finishers.

# Blind is line of sight. Enemies whom have their backs turned, behind cover or walls, enemies behind you will not be affected.

# This ability is toggle and consumes energy per second, regardless if shots are fired. Which also means energy can only be recovered from energy orbs while this ability is active.

# A light is generated per shot, therefore fast firing weapons will blind enemies more often than lower fire rate weapons. The fire rate does not affect energy cost as it is not dependent on shots fired.

# Extra ammo consumption is unaffected by mods. Each shot will use double the ammo, and the flash will not be generated when there are less than the required ammo in the magazine. Energy will still be drained as the ability is active, even if flashes are not generated. I.e. Weapons with 1 ammo magazine and 0 ammo magazine (melee) will not benefit from this ability.

# Blinded enemies receive extra damage on top of the multipliers given by the 'Blind' status.

# Strength affects the increased damage received by the enemies under this blind, Efficiency affects the energy cost per second, Range affects the blinding range, Duration affects the blind duration.

4) Infinity


Using the vast knowledge of ammunition, the inner workings of the weapon is improved and ammo is replaced with energy. All stats of the weapon increases in exchange for trading the magazine with your energy pool.

# The ability will only apply to the weapon you are currently using, and until the ability is turned off weapons cannot be changed/swapped. This ability will not affect melee weapons, thus cannot be activated when holding a melee weapon.

Quick melee is changed to a physical hit using the active weapon, similar to those of corpus or grineer; with full impact damage, 15% critical chance, 2.0x critical multiplier and 15% status, and is affected by melee mods. Note condition mods do not trigger (I.e. bloodrush, weeping wounds etc.)

# 'All stats' literally mean all stats, after mod calculations, and is applied additively based on %. For charge weapons, fire rate still increases but charge rate decrease, as if you've installed a mod such as Speed Trigger onto a bow. Note that noise level and reload speed do not change while this ability is active.

# During this ability stacks of the 1st ability now only increase from pickups and you do not benefit from the 2nd ability. 3 can still be used but doubles energy cost instead.

# This ability is very similar to Ivara's Aretemis Bow, so energy is only used when shots are fired (Opposite to ability 3). Therefore you can regain energy from orbs, energy restores, mods or Zenurik Overflow but not Trinity's Energy Vampire. However if either 2 or 3 is active then you can only gain energy from orbs.

# Strength affects the melee hit damage and stat increase, Efficiency affects energy spent per shot. Range and Duration have no effect on this ability.


6/1/2017: Initial post made

6/1/2017: Added basic stats and potential stat increase; added spoiler chat boxes and slight update to formatting; added TL;DR; added more details to abilities

Edited by GrilledNappa
Added basic stats and potential stat increase; added spoiler chat boxes and slight update to formatting; added TL;DR; added more details to abilities
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