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Viable Melee Weapon?


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Hey there, Tenno.


Just wanted to throw an idea for a type of melee weapon.


Now, now, before you shout at me "Hey, Jack! We already have too many melee weapons as it is!" I'd like to point out that this is merely a concept for a weapon, I never said you had to endorse it.

Now, as fellow space ninjas, I'd would hope you are familiar with the type of weapon known as the 'Sai' (if not please educate yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sai_(weapon))


The application of this weapon would be based heavily on technique that would be used for it. The concept that I propose would be a blend of fast, single target combos and a throw and retrieve concept.


For my idea, i would like to see the Sai available as a pair, allowing a high swing rate that creates an extended combo that staggers an enemy until submission - allowing for quick disposal of single targets, but to separate this from the Fang stilettos i'd like to remove the charge attack and replace it with a throw function that allows you to throw one of your Dual Sai at an enemy with a similar travel time and drop rate to the kunai.


The damage and accuracy of the throwing mechanic would have to be decent enough to risk halving or even negating you melee ability (depends if you wish to throw the second) so buffs such as armour negation or high crit damage would have to be present. After you've thrown the weapon into whichever despairing enemy you shouldn't worry; upon the target's death the Sai will be retrievable in the same manner as orbs and resources but with a fixed location point at the enemies death (to prevent a Vauban from flailing it into oblivion with a vortex).


A rough stat chart:

Mastery Level: 2

Type: Dual Daggers

Base Damage: 10.0

Base Firing Rate: 1.8 - 2.0*

Accuracy: 100%

**Base Charge Damage: 120 - 180

**Base Charge Speed: 1.0s

Base Critical Chance: 6.5%

Base Critical Damage: 7.5x

Base Stagger Chance: 65%

Polarities: 1x Tactic ' - '


* indicates debatable value

** indicates involvement in throwing mechanic.


Further notes:

Possible ways to buff the hindrance of this weapon would be to add a small 'bleed' effect (DOT) to organic targets if the thrown Sai does not kill on impact. [A firm possibility]

Another Buff would be to allow the Frame to hold four Sais - two sets of a dual pair, one pair acting as a backup when the first two are thrown. [Not too likely AoN]


Thanks for your time, please submit any feed back or ideas of your own concept.

Edited by Phantom_Jack
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so a melee weapon that also has a range attack for the charge that sounds interesting i wish they had done that with the kunai since in reality kunai can be used both a melee weapon and it can be thrown as well and put shuriken in the sidearm slot since shuriken can only be thrown then we could have both major ninja weapons equipped

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