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Ah, I got an idea after playing Little Inferno!



Miniature Sun: Creates a miniature sun that floats for X amount of time, having an effect similar to Vauban's Vortex, except that it explodes once it runs out of time. But that would be another 4th ability...

Interesting...I like

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that is different but we would have to make it so it is not like embers aoes

Interesting...I like

What the hell!! I put so much effort to help you and you don't even try respond to some of my ideas!! What's the point of doing this if you don't respond to other's for they're ideas!? HELL!!! It even took me an hour to write the idea i had earlier, you could at least say its an interesting idea or something!!!!!!!

(Taking deep breaths to calm down) Okay maaayybe i'm being a little bit over dramatic over this. Sorry for the yelling, I really didn't mean to be angry or anything it's just that what's the point of this if you don't give our ideas a chance :'( so sorry for my anger problem.

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What the hell!! I put so much effort to help you and you don't even try respond to some of my ideas!! What's the point of doing this if you don't respond to other's for they're ideas!? HELL!!! It even took me an hour to write the idea i had earlier, you could at least say its an interesting idea or something!!!!!!!

(Taking deep breaths to calm down) Okay maaayybe i'm being a little bit over dramatic over this. Sorry for the yelling, I really didn't mean to be angry or anything it's just that what's the point of this if you don't give our ideas a chance :'( so sorry for my anger problem.

Don't worry, sometimes it's just better to vent it out. :)



Don't worry, Be happy.

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1.) Plasma beam - Cone shaped spamable skill that incinerates targets


2.) Supernova -  NOVA burns up all of its energy, creating an explosion with radius and damage depending on the amount of energy spent. By Rengakun.


3.) Sun Particle - a ball of energy similar to the sun powerful enough to wipe out loads of enemies. Also Attracts bullets, missles, grenades and draws enemies in toward the sun. By Laurent (Edited by myself)


4.) Solar Wave - a small aoe that knocks back enemies while dealing low damge but purges electrical, poisins, ice and fire.


Thank you for your ideas. Awsome job on critisism and giving some well thought out ideas. If  you wish to expand on the skills, armor and stats and even some weapons that would match its playstyle feel free. =)

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Don't worry, sometimes it's just better to vent it out. :)

Don't worry, Be happy.

Thanks man dont worry I understand and yes I will be happy :D


1.) Plasma beam - Cone shaped spamable skill that incinerates targets

2.) Supernova - NOVA burns up all of its energy, creating an explosion with radius and damage depending on the amount of energy spent. By Rengakun.

3.) Sun Particle - a ball of energy similar to the sun powerful enough to wipe out loads of enemies. Also Attracts bullets, missles, grenades and draws enemies in toward the sun. By Laurent (Edited by myself)

4.) Solar Wave - a small aoe that knocks back enemies while dealing low damge but purges electrical, poisins, ice and fire.

Thank you for your ideas. Awsome job on critisism and giving some well thought out ideas. If you wish to expand on the skills, armor and stats and even some weapons that would match its playstyle feel free. =)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank YOU!!!! We should be thanking you for putting our idea on the list. Rengakun and I really wanted (I guess) to help you find some ideas and I think if I recall on my earlier comment I talk about a weapon with extra bonuses on it you better read it because I put a lot of effort in that idea so please if you have the time please take a look at it :-D Edited by Laurent
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1.) Plasma beam - Cone shaped spamable skill that incinerates targets


2) Solar Wave - a small aoe that knocks back enemies while dealing low damge but purges electrical, poisons, ice and fire.


3.) Supernova -  NOVA burns up all of its energy, creating an explosion with radius and damage depending on the amount of energy spent. By Rengakun.


3.) Sun Particle - a ball of energy similar to the sun powerful enough to wipe out loads of enemies. Also Attracts bullets, missles, grenades and draws enemies in toward the sun. By Laurent (Edited by myself)

I think the above might be a better arrangement.


Supernova would be a little difficult to program into the game, after I thought for a while. It would be difficult to choose how much energy you want to use, unless they make it so that it uses all of your stored energy.


Plasma Beam seems quite OK, but may need more feedback to be improved.


Solar Wave may need to be changed a lot. I'm thinking more like an ability like Ice Wave except it deals Flame, Electric and DOT in a wider area. This would describe a Solar Wave quite accurately (Radioactive ECM or something. Flame is just bullS#&$ I thought of.).


Don't forget to make Sun Particle explode!



So, in conclusion, this can be improved a lot by the community.



Also, one of the Moderators have said that stats suggestions do not help the devs at all, so... might wanna hold off on doing that.



P.S. Don't forget to edit your main post!




My 400th Post!!!! (Or 401st...)

Edited by Rengakun
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Pretty cool idea for an ability, I also fond an idea for a weapon of choice, remember the anime series Darker than Black where the main character used some sort of knife attach to a wired and he use it almost like a wipe but with knifes and that he had some sort of electric energy power? Now imagined Nova was holding two electric energy (wired) knives (energy coming from himself of course) and sometimes if he swing them the attacks combos are aalmost like sephiroth from final fantasy and his abilities as well.

Here you go sellfonixia just so you can not forgot what I was talking about earlier and I would have donne a link to where I fond this idea but I really don't know how to do that since i'm not like you guys who knows how to use it. But still thank you for using our ideas we really appreciate it :-)

And by the way Rengakun its 402th poost you had donne right now jus saying.

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Here you go sellfonixia just so you can not forgot what I was talking about earlier and I would have donne a link to where I fond this idea but I really don't know how to do that since i'm not like you guys who knows how to use it. But still thank you for using our ideas we really appreciate it :-)

And by the way Rengakun its 402th poost you had donne right now jus saying.

your welcome and i do like that weapon idea.

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