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How About Some Lore? What Would You Like To See?


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I've gotten totally addicted to Warframe but the down side is there's nothing outside of the gameplay to be interested in. Now don't get me wrong the reason I've falling in love with the game is because the mission are fun ( yet get repetitive quickly), the customization is great you never see two people look the same besides someone who just started and the characters have a lot of potential for development.  I just want some background on the Tenno, The Corpus, The Infested and Grineer who are my personal favorite enemy. Warframe as potential of being something amazing and with enough lore this could become a game thats universe expands into book series and sequels but not without so lore. So my fellow Tenno what lore would you include? Where do you see the different factions going and whats their history? 

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I see you are kinda new,


Lore is to be added in update 9.


Hang in there till then, should be worth it.  if you get a chance look up the last livestream, they talk about a lot of the changes to come, and how they plan to incorporate lore into the storyline.  Looks cool

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Some of the lore I want to see is already being added; the Grineer's goals and methodology, the history behind the Tenno, and what exactly is up with the Lotus.


I'd like to see more lore about the history of the Warframe universe, though. Who were the Orokin? What led to their eventual collapse? The Tenno are related to the Orokin- how? Were they the soldiers of one particular group of Orokin, waging war against another, or were they the police force, or what?


I'd also like to learn more about the Infested and the Technocyte plague. Who was the plague unleashed on, and why? Heavy Infested are known as 'Ancient Infested'. Does this imply that the Ancient Infested were the people originally infested by the Technocyte plague, recently released from cryostorage or whatever? Or are they simply Infested who have been around for longer than the newer Runners, Leapers, etc? Some of the Infested show more signs of intelligence than others- Ancient Infested move around smarter than the other Infested do and do more than simply leap and claw at you. Super-advanced Infested (bosses) seem to even be sapient. Does the Technocyte cause that, or can the Technocyte simply be overridden by beings with a particularly strong will?


Something about the Corpus might be interesting, too. It's hinted that the Lotus is related to the Corpus. What caused the division that turned Lotus into a traitor? Do the Corpus have any goals beyond expanding their corporate empire? Are the Corpus at conflict with the Tenno and the Grineer, or are they perfectly willing to trade with them both? (For that matter, the Lotus seems to have vast amounts of money at her disposal. Is she unable to simply buy the Cryopods when the Corpus are selling them? If she is able, then why does she send the Tenno in to capture them when she could simply buy them?)


I'd also like to hear just some more general details about the Warframe universe. Something called the "Solar Rails" have been mentioned; what are they, what is their purpose? Why are only specific solar systems in play- are more settled, or are only certain ones settlable, or is the Lotus only interested in certain ones for reasons currently unknown?


And lastly, I'd just like to learn more about the Tenno. Like, the most commonly asked question- are the Tenno human-like and wear the Warframes, or are the Tenno simply uploads who control the Warframes? The Prime suits seem to be the first Warframes- who developed them further, and why? Why do the Tenno work together? Why were they in cryostorage?


That's the sort of thing I'd like to learn about Warframe's lore.

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Some of the lore I want to see is already being added; the Grineer's goals and methodology, the history behind the Tenno, and what exactly is up with the Lotus.


I'd like to see more lore about the history of the Warframe universe, though. Who were the Orokin? What led to their eventual collapse? The Tenno are related to the Orokin- how? Were they the soldiers of one particular group of Orokin, waging war against another, or were they the police force, or what?


To my knowledge, the Orokin are the ones who created the Warframes. From what I can piece together from context clues, the Tenno are a group of humans  (most likely amung the Orokin, though they could have been recruited amung other factions at the time) who learned to use and master the Warframe technology. In time they developed their own culture (such as new Tenno always mastering the Skana first), though how far they deviated from the Orokin in this way is unclear. I believe the Tenno entered the cryo-pods because they were un-needed at the time, and they didn't want their lives (and skills) wasting away at such a time. Perhaps the Orokin were supposed to wake them up if they were ever needed, but it would seem they instead disappeared. Or, they could of had some internal societal collapse, I suppose...

As for exactly what the Tenno did for the Orokin... I assume an elite military force, but it's not really mentioned or even hinted at, I don't think.


I'd also like to learn more about the Infested and the Technocyte plague. Who was the plague unleashed on, and why? Heavy Infested are known as 'Ancient Infested'. Does this imply that the Ancient Infested were the people originally infested by the Technocyte plague, recently released from cryostorage or whatever? Or are they simply Infested who have been around for longer than the newer Runners, Leapers, etc? Some of the Infested show more signs of intelligence than others- Ancient Infested move around smarter than the other Infested do and do more than simply leap and claw at you. Super-advanced Infested (bosses) seem to even be sapient. Does the Technocyte cause that, or can the Technocyte simply be overridden by beings with a particularly strong will?


The Technocyte plague was designed and built by the Orokin to (according to the wiki) 'combat the Sentients'. As this would have occured long before the fall/disappearence of the Orokin, the term 'Ancient' could easily apply to any infested who have been infected for that long. As for who the Sentients were, they were likely another human faction who threatened the Orokin in some way. In fact, it could even be reasoned that the Ancients are infested Sentients, since Corpus tech is relatively recent and the Grineer genetic degredation has been steadily getting worse every generation. Disruption could even be a Sentient technology, since Grineer and Corpus have nothing like that- or like Toxic and Pulse Heal either, now that I mention it...

As for their intelligence...Grineer typically don't seem that intelligent anyway (in-game or in lore), though that again can be contributed to genetic degradation. Ignoring that, the Ancients could be more intelligent because they are infested Sentients (as speculated above), or because the plague has had the time to gather more...'resources' (whether those resources be more nanotech cells, more infested tissue, or whatever the Technocyte is trying to collect), which has enabled it to build some form of intelligence in certain physical constructs. It's unclear if the infested share any type of 'hive mind', though I'm inclined to say they don't.

That last bit really didn't answer your last question, did it? Though I suppose I'm speculating to begin with, so it's not like I'm very likely to be correct anyway, in the long run.


Something about the Corpus might be interesting, too. It's hinted that the Lotus is related to the Corpus. What caused the division that turned Lotus into a traitor? Do the Corpus have any goals beyond expanding their corporate empire? Are the Corpus at conflict with the Tenno and the Grineer, or are they perfectly willing to trade with them both? (For that matter, the Lotus seems to have vast amounts of money at her disposal. Is she unable to simply buy the Cryopods when the Corpus are selling them? If she is able, then why does she send the Tenno in to capture them when she could simply buy them?)


I've never where it's hinted that Lotus is related to Corpus, though now that you mention it, that seems rather interesting. The Corpus, we know, are greedy, and want as much Orokin technology as they can get their hands on- not to use it for any kind of common good- but to make as much profit as they can. Being able to replicate any tech they come across helps with that goal, though if that means selling to the Grineer, or even  the Tenno (or perhaps, some other factions not yet revealed?) then they'll do it for the right price. As for why Lotus doesn't simply buy all the cryopods- her resources arn't any more unlimited then the Corpus is. And the Corpus would likely charge her for every penny they could get out of her. So why buy a Cryopod for a few billion credits when you can just pay 4 Tenno 5k each to steal it?

Meanwhile; the Corpus and Grineer relationship is strained at best. The Grineer xenophobia dictates that they'd like nothing more then to make Corpus go extinct. However, I imagine that there are plenty of deals happening on the side, like two drug cartells who would kill each other at the slightest hint of dishonesty, but the benefits of working together temporarily outweight their hatred of each other. On the other side, as I suggested earlier, Corpus are happy so long as they're paid.


I'd also like to hear just some more general details about the Warframe universe. Something called the "Solar Rails" have been mentioned; what are they, what is their purpose? Why are only specific solar systems in play- are more settled, or are only certain ones settlable, or is the Lotus only interested in certain ones for reasons currently unknown?


The Solar Rails appears to be a highly efficient transportation system. Like Railroads in the Wild West, or Airways in the modern day, the Solar Rails allow quick transportation of goods and troops across the system- where they are in working order, that is. As for exactly what it is and how it works, your guess is as good as mine- though I would assume they are solar powered :P

And I assume you mean planetary systems- there's only one Solar System in the game at the moment (unless the void is in another one...), but moving on; each system has a short description basically outlining what is happening their. While for a few these descriptions leave much to be desired ("The Grineer have recently expanded their empire into this region."), others tell you exactly what they factions are doing there, such as in Pluto the Grineer(?) are trying to repair the Solar Rails.


And lastly, I'd just like to learn more about the Tenno. Like, the most commonly asked question- are the Tenno human-like and wear the Warframes, or are the Tenno simply uploads who control the Warframes? The Prime suits seem to be the first Warframes- who developed them further, and why? Why do the Tenno work together? Why were they in cryostorage?


The Tenno, like every other faction, are Human. I believe, anyway. While the game treats the different Warframes like items, I think, lore-wise, you are actually playing as different Tenno, who have trained and are used to a particular set of skills. This is pure speculation on my part, and likely to be disproved in a future update at some point. As for the Prime's...while certainly more powerful (and rarer) then other Warframes, I think they were more a designation of rank amung the ancient Tenno. Like, an Excaliber trained Tenno who ascended by his strength and talent to a Grandmaster was awarded the excaliber Prime Warframe. Again, pure speculation, and likely to be debunked in the future.

As for the Tenno working together- I assume it's because they always have. While the current lore states that the Tenno who have awoken remember very little (if anything; perhaps the reason why they need to refamilairize themselves with their tech, aka Affinity), they still possess much of their ingrained training- how to weild the Skana, shoot a pistol, fire a rifle, how to slip, slide, jump, wallwalk, spin, block, roll, etc. This likely extends to them inherently working together.

For example; in the recent E3 presentation, while it's obvious to us the other three Warframes are there to rescue the Excaliber who just woke up, soon as he stands up and weilds the Skana Frost threw him and starts working with them seemlessly.

Perhaps not the most convincing example, but the Tenno do seem, to me, to be trained to work together.


That's the sort of thing I'd like to learn about Warframe's lore.

In my opinion, the best lore isn't the kind you're told in a story, or on a web page. The best lore is the type you learn by playing the game, picking up the pieces, then comparing what you found with other players. Dark Souls did this beautifully- no one knew anything the first time they were going in, and even now, nearly two years later, people are still finding out new things in Dark Souls that no one really thought of before.


While I would love that, I seriously doubt Warframe would be going that way, espechially since the RNG requires the lore retain a decent amount of  ambiguity about just about everything. My hope for U9 is that it answers many basic questions we've had about the different factions and the universe we've been playing in, whilst also giving us several, far more interesting, questions to ask.

Edited by NacaIcon
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I wish the lore of the game didn't conflict with us repeating missions 100 times. Really Lotus? You're telling me about the Jackal as if I've never fought it before? Also, don't tell me that the Jackal has been trouble for Tenno in the field. I've talked to a lot of Tenno. None of them have ever run into one in the field... or maybe they didn't live to tell about it. Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN

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In my opinion, the best lore isn't the kind you're told in a story, or on a web page. The best lore is the type you learn by playing the game, picking up the pieces, then comparing what you found with other players. Dark Souls did this beautifully- no one knew anything the first time they were going in, and even now, nearly two years later, people are still finding out new things in Dark Souls that no one really thought of before.

Oh, I absolutely agree. There's already many tiny pieces of lore I've been picking up just from things like item descriptions; things like the Dual Ether's description implies that either the Tenno can be infested with the Technocyte Plague, or that the Tenno have allies the players are currently unaware of but the Tenno in general are not, for example.


There's many small pieces of lore that I can draw suppositions from. The thing is, I'm looking for just a few things that are actually solid pieces of information; the Grineer's motivations, for example, will help me to understand where each of the bosses fit in (as each boss may or may not be working in the Grineer's best interest). Just some general information about the Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Tenno/Orokin, the Grineer's motivation, more about the Lotus in general, the Warframes, and just how some of the various things in the 'verse work, would be a wonder in terms of allowing me to piece together more about the world.

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besides adding new lore into the game at update 9 the devs are also working on future content for the game that has to do with lore and new factions to fight against so plenty to look forward to and update 9 should be coming in a few weeks i am not confirming anything that is just my guess

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