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Warframe Idea: Mimic Theme


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Lore & Introduction:

A slightly more refined version of an idea I had before! It's still rather bare bones for my taste, but bare with me. Also, credit to Roxorium for help and input.

The Mimic. This frame is a complete and utter Wild-Card to the other frames. It causes chaos, controls the chaos, to achieve victory. Shifty, crafty, ever mysterious and enigmatic--- It seems to struggle with it's loss of identify more than most. Friend or foe, no one knows what to expect from this Tenno on the battlefield.


This concept would work as either male or female. Imagine a Warframe with a Harlequin-esque mask. Faceless and featureless with the exception of two sharp eye slots that emit and erie afterglow onto the rest of the mask. The color of those glowing eyes could be modified with the energy slot.

The rest of the frame is rather blank. Think of the texture of Sayrn's thigh-high boot. Smooth and segmented like a shell. Where the armor is segmented there is some sort of body-tight bio-organic suit that lies underneath, indicative of Tenno design. A torn tattered clothe is hung over the armor, stretching from shoulder to shoulder, like a the remnants of a cowl. This piece could be strikingly decorative unlike the rest of the frame, however it's torn tattered nature is indicative of a lost identity. There might be some sort of sash along the waist that matches the tattered cowl.

Potential Names:

Inferus [Latin for Faceless]

Statistics and functionality:


Health: 100 (125 at 30)
Power: 100 (150 at 30)
Armor: 50 (75 at 30)
Shields: 100 (125 at 30)
Speed: 1.0


x0 Power Polarities [None]
x1 Attack
x1 Tactics
x1 Defense

Starting stats are identical to Excalibur's for the purposes of being absolutely generic and baseline. As the frame progresses it games less shields and health than the other frames. This is because the mimic frame has no power cards. It can't equip power cards, those slots are open for cards such as Flow, Redirection, Vitality, and the like to compensate. Infact, the low baseline stats encourage the player to utilize all of the defensive cards. 

This is a balancing measure so that the frame doesn't end up with four "free" slots. Why does the frame have no powerslots you ask?

Every mission this starts with a set of four randomized powers from other frames, to truly function as a Warframe that always surprises the player each and every time. Stretch and Continuity cards you put in going to be useful to you? Well you just don't know!

Not only would this Warframe teach you the value of power synergy and by proxy team synergy--and could even be a gateway frame to see what other frames you might like--- every mission would be a unique and fresh experience.

Edited by Rudest
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Unoriginal in regard to that side of it's nature, I'll give you.

But this is more about the random nature of entering a mission without knowing what power's you've rolled.

The implications of that, and how fun and exciting that would be. At least to me!

Edited by Rudest
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But this is more about the random nature of entering a mission without knowing what power's you've rolled. And how fun and exciting that would be. Well, at least to me.

At least to you, well said. It's not going to happen though, I won't bother explaining why, others will do it in my place.

Edited by Kohira
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I suppose I can be a little over enthusiastic about any potential opportunity to roll some dice! Which incidentally is why I love a good crit based weapon. This whole concept is basically a derivative of that. More random and rolls for the sake of random and rolls. Maybe that thought process in itself is a bit silly, but it's fun.

>.> A throw back from my table top addiction years ago. 

 But perhaps you are right, maybe my enthusiasm would be better channeled into something more original.

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I suppose I can be a little over enthusiastic about any potential opportunity to roll some dice! Which incidentally is why I love a good crit based weapon. This whole concept is basically a derivative of that. More random and rolls for the sake of random and rolls. Maybe that thought process in itself is a bit silly, but it's fun.

>.> A throw back from my table top addiction years ago. 

 But perhaps you are right, maybe my enthusiasm would be better channeled into something more original.

Hmmm, maybe work on that crit/roll the dice idea but in a different manner:-S

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